Being rubbed by Su Nan in front of me, isn't that enough?

There are only two possibilities, one is that Zhan Weiling is not ashamed, and the other is that she is used to being taken advantage of by Su Nan, and the scale of rubbing her breasts is not enough.

Obviously Zhan Weiling is the latter, Zhao Xiaomin is a bit tasteful, but she has slept with Su Nan in person, so it is not surprising that Zhan Weiling is like this.

Zhao Xiaomin struggled for a moment, then leaned into Su Nan's ear again, "Ah Nan, have you noticed that senior sister's complexion has improved?"

Su Nan nodded. Compared with when she entered the door, the senior now looks like she is just tired, not sick.

"It must be because of you, you can do more, and senior sister has no objection." The girl hinted.

Su Nan looked at the girl in surprise, and then lowered her head to look at the senior. The senior blushed even more, but she did not show any reluctance.

Su Nan couldn't turn the corner, so she stopped moving her hands. Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to help push up the top of the senior sister, revealing the wrapped hill, and then continue to push up the thing wrapping the hill, revealing the true face of the hill .

Su Nan was stunned, Zhao Xiaomin grabbed his hand with a blushing face, and dragged it to the plump part of the senior sister's chest. She knew that Su Nan would not do anything indiscriminately if she was there, but if it continued, it would be serious, so she had to do it by herself Guide Su Nan to appease the senior sister.

Su Nan struggled subconsciously, and Zhao Xiaomin said in a low voice, "Want to join us, senior? If you want to, bully senior, in front of me."

Su Nan looked at Zhao Xiaomin, the girl looked serious and gentle, "I'm serious."

Zhao Xiaomin will not lie to herself, she cares about her own feelings, so she is really serious.

Su Nan couldn't tell how complicated his mood was at the moment, but there was no doubt that joy must be the most. He took a deep breath, put his hands on the senior sister's chest, and moved.

The right force made Zhan Weiling blush, her eyelashes trembled with her eyes closed, and the strange magical power of Su Nan's hands made her delicate body hot.

Zhao Xiaomin got down on the knees and whispered in Zhan Weiling's ear: "Senior sister, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you're flirting? You're really slutty, and you actually feel like you're being rubbed by my boyfriend, is it wet?" Well, let me have a look!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Xiaomin not only teased her senior with words, but also did it. She put her hand in her skirt.

Su Nan was startled, and wanted to stop Zhao Xiaomin's behavior, but it was a step too late.

Zhao Xiaomin took out her hand, but she didn't know where she poked it in, her fingers were actually wet.

A shiny line broke.

Seeing the dumbfounded Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin's face was burning hot, but Su Nan was dawdling, in order to end it quickly and not let herself be so jealous, Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to come off the stage to assist.

Resisting her shame, Zhao Xiaomin pointed her finger in front of her senior, teasingly said, "Senior is so coquettish."

Zhan Weiling looked shocked, she never expected Zhao Xiaomin to be such a zombie, the key point was that Su Nan was still looking at her, and he discovered her physical condition!

A strong sense of shame suddenly rushed into Zhan Weiling's heart, and she didn't even say anything to scold her junior, and closed her eyes with a flushed face, feeling ashamed.

"What's wrong with senior sister, why did my boyfriend make me feel like that, is senior sister that kind of person? It's that kind of person, like Bichi..." Zhao Xiaomin continued to tease senior sister, all of which she watched H skills from literature.

Su Nan was very embarrassed, but he also felt very comfortable. At this time, his golden finger actually worked!

Zhao Xiaomin's behavior was beyond Su Nan's expectations. Seeing that his senior was blushing like blood, if this continued, she might fight Zhao Xiaomin desperately, so he quickly pulled Zhao Xiaomin away from her.

After Su Nan pulled Zhao Xiaomin away, Zhan Weiling was ashamed enough, pulled off her clothes in a panic, sat up and glared at Zhao Xiaomin.

Zhao Xiaomin just laughed, as if that bad girl just now wasn't her at all.

"I helped you." She said with a smile.

Zhan Weiling clenched her fists and then loosened them. Seeing her junior staring at her with a strange face, she was very ashamed, got up and left the room in a panic.

Su Nan couldn't figure out what was going on, the senior sister was sick, and he and Zhao Xiaomin bullied her, and then he got better?

Zhao Xiaomin didn't want him to think too much, rubbed his face with both hands and asked, "Is senior sister's chest interesting?"

Su Nan didn't know how to answer.

"Ah Nan seemed to like it very much just now." The girl said with a smile, her tone was a little tasteful.

Su Nan thought of the rebuttal: "Didn't you force me to touch it? This is too much for senior sister."

"I asked Ah Nan if she wanted senior to join your harem, and then you became sexually aroused, right? Is that why you want senior?" the girl asked.

Su Nan had nothing to say, and felt that it was a bit unflattering to admit it.

Then he looked at the girl a little speechlessly: "Didn't you say you were serious?"

"I'm really serious, I'm just a little jealous, Nan, you have to make it up to me." The girl straddled him and put her arms around his neck acting coquettishly.

"What compensation do you want?"

"kiss Me."

Su Nan kissed her.

Zhao Xiaomin closed her eyes, waited for his lips to leave, took a breath, and then opened her eyes and said, "Senior sister knows our relationship, but she is still willing to develop with Nan. What she cares about is not to drive me and Chuxi away." , just want to win us, or senior sister hopes that she is the most important one in Ah Nan's mind, and even become your wife in the future."

In fact, Su Nan has always understood this point. The senior sister has always been a very proud person. Even if she likes herself, even to the point of being very fanatical, she cannot accept sharing him with others.

The girl sighed and said, "Neither Chu Xi nor I will leave Ah Nan, and senior sister should also understand this, but she will not leave Ah Nan either."

Su Nan just looked at her in confusion, why she was so sure.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't answer his doubts, and continued: "Actually, if you want senior sister to join us, you just need to let senior sister know that she is the most important thing in your heart."

Su Nan shook her head, there was nothing to say, since doing this was not a kind of harm to Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin.

Zhao Xiaomin smiled, "If not, then Ah Nan will continue to walk among us, hugging left and right with colorful flags fluttering outside, at most we will work harder, and we may be able to feel a little bit of it when we have time. pleasure."

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