That senior sister probably wouldn't do too much, and it doesn't seem unacceptable like today.

In fact, Su Nan's harem has reached three. Although the senior sister is not in the same group as Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, she does not reject Su Nan's relationship with her, and does not even force him to give up on them. As long as the current situation is maintained, his harem is very large. It would be too greedy to pray for the senior sister to live in peace with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin.

The senior sister didn't come back after leaving, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin didn't stay in the room all the time, they went out to the living room to eat snacks and watch movies to pass the time.

At around five o'clock in the evening, Su Nan went into the kitchen to cook, while Zhao Xiaomin called her sister and told them that she would go back later tonight.

Zhao Junmin cared about her, but Zhao Ruomin told her not to come back tonight, Zhao Xiaomin's teeth itch with anger.

Zhao Ruomin said with great anticipation, "My sister lives in my brother-in-law's house. If I marry my brother-in-law early, I can be my sister-in-law sooner!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaomin realized that she had misunderstood, but she still felt overwhelmed by her second sister. It might be difficult to be Su Nan's sister-in-law. Although she decided not to leave Su Nan, she was not sure who Su Nan would marry. She didn't have the confidence to compete. Chu Xi is Bai Fumei.

After hanging up the phone in a hurry, she found Qin Xiaowan sitting next to her. Qin Xiaowan asked her gossipingly, "Sister Zhan Weiling went back? What happened between you?"

She probably felt that love rivals must fight each other, Zhao Xiaomin thought to herself, and replied: "Nothing happened, we were just ordinary in Ah Nan's room, the ordinary three of us lying on the bed chatting."

Qin Xiaowan was a little confused, what the hell is lying on the bed?And there are still three people.

Zhao Xiaomin said a little embarrassedly: "Later, Ah Nan touched my senior's breasts in front of me, and my senior felt shy and went back."

Qin Xiaowan is no longer in a daze, but completely dumbfounded. Is Su Nan's operation so flamboyant?She actually touched her senior's chest in front of her girlfriend!

The most important thing is that Zhao Xiaomin is not angry!

"Aren't you... not angry?" Qin Xiaowan didn't understand.

"No, Ah Nan is too strong, I can't satisfy him by myself, and I want to find more partners." Zhao Xiaomin looked serious, as if this was the truth.

too strong!


Ha ha……

The corner of Qin Xiaowan's mouth twitched, and she got up and went back to the room expressionlessly. She felt that she needed to calm down. Su Nan, a girlfriend, ruined her three views over and over again today.

Are you sure it's not the heroine from some stallion novel?

Zhao Xiaomin curled up her mouth triumphantly, it's really interesting to tease little girls, Qin Xiaowan must think she's crazy.

But Zhao Xiaomin is not always lying, for example, it is true that Su Nan is very strong.

Her main body is a little weak at the end every time, and she feels that Su Nan is still getting stronger, maybe it is also because of the shame disease.

In the future, Su Nan will definitely be stronger. I feel that in order to satisfy Su Nan, there seems to be no other way except to fight hard, use various parts, and find someone to cooperate with.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the evening, Zhao Xiaomin stayed for dinner, Qin Xiaowan seemed very upset, silently lowered her head to pick up the food, without saying a word, she was completely disappointed in Zhao Xiaomin's three views on this girl.

In order to prove to Qin Xiaowan that what she said was true, Zhao Xiaomin deliberately asked Su Nan to invite her senior to eat with her, but Su Nan refused.

After that happened, Su Nan didn't think the senior would be willing to come over.

After dinner, Qin Xiaowan didn't go back to the room immediately, but sat on the sofa and watched TV, mainly to act as a light bulb so that Su Nan and his girlfriend would not dare to mess around.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't know if there was something wrong with her head, but she didn't mind that Su Nan was flirting with other girls. Qin Xiaowan felt that she was a formidable opponent, and she must be defeated!

Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other. It was a bit difficult. Chu Xi would most likely appear in the living room. If Qin Xiaowan didn't go back to the room, she would be in trouble if she saw her.

The two made eye contact for a while, Zhao Xiaomin decided to leave first, and Qin Xiaowan, who was watching TV, smiled when he saw Su Nan sending his girlfriend out.

"She's gone? Why don't you take her home?" Qin Xiaowan asked hypocritically.

Su Nan said: "I'm a scumbag, how can I be so gentle, I will definitely flirt with other girls when I have time."

Qin Xiaowan glared at him bitterly, and cursed, "Scumbag."

"Qin Xiaowan, let me tell you, be careful not to mess with me, or don't blame me for bullying you." Su Nan said arrogantly, and deliberately looked at Qin Xiaowan's small body with presumptuous eyes.

Qin Xiaowan only felt that she had goosebumps all over her body, but somehow it was beneficial, which was really strange, could it be because of the shame disease?

She was a little shy about her own reaction, but she was unwilling to admit defeat: "How dare you! I'll tell your mother to go!"

"Didn't you say that, my mother has no objection to us, maybe she will be happy when the raw rice is cooked."

She didn't expect Su Nan to be so shameless, Qin Xiaowan had nothing to say, she was really afraid that Su Nan would mess with her, besides feeling ashamed, her body hadn't grown to the most perfect stage, and she couldn't compete with Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling, etc. People, there is a high probability that they will not be able to bear Su Nan's ravages.

Thinking of the embarrassing scene, she blushed pretty, got up and ran back to the room, leaving behind a threatening sentence: "If you bully me, I'll tell my mom!"

Su Nan's purpose was naturally to scare Qin Xiaowan, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't leave and was still outside.

Just about to open the door for Zhao Xiaomin to come in, Qin Xiaowan came out of the room again, and walked to the bathroom while staring at him defensively, probably to take a bath, which is better, Qin Xiaowan takes at least half an hour to take a bath.

Putting Zhao Xiaomin in, she asked excitedly, "Where's Xiaowan, have you tricked her?"

"We're taking a shower, let's hurry up and look for Chu Xi." Su Nan said, Zhao Xiaomin had no objection, and then the two groped in the guest room.

It's just that there is no one in the living room, so the two went into the room to look for it, even Qin Xiaowan's room, but there was still no one.

Not so unlucky.

Both of them were in disbelief, and they didn't confirm that Chu Xi was really in the bathroom until they searched the balcony, kitchen and other places, but still couldn't find anyone.

Standing in front of the bathroom door, there is the sound of splashing water, probably a certain girl is cleaning her delicate body, while another invisible girl is watching.

Zhao Xiaomin asked in a low voice, "Do you want to ask Xiaowan to open the door?"

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