She took it for granted, Su Nan had no choice but to nod.

Zhan Weiling was overjoyed, leaned over to hold his arm, and said with a sigh: "Xiao Nan promised me something, but recently she hasn't taken the initiative at all."

"This..." Su Nan was a little speechless. At that time, his head got hot and he promised to give the senior sister the feeling of being in love, but he calmed down later but did not actively take action. The only time he was looking for the senior sister was when he lost his mind.

"Sorry." Su Nan said.

"Xiao Nan is busy. I have to deal with several girls every day. I understand, but I can't forget about my promise to my senior sister." Zhan Weiling said seriously, looking a little angry.

Su Nan nodded: "I was negligent."

"So what is Xiao Nan going to do?" Zhan Weiling asked suddenly.

"Uh..." Su Nan couldn't react in his head for a while, how should he act to help the senior sister experience the feeling of being in love?It's not good to keep kissing and molesting senior sister.

Zhan Weiling sighed: "Xiao Nan really doesn't take the initiative at all, let me arrange it."

Su Nan nodded quickly.

"In short, you have to be with senior sister at school and after school, eat together at noon, care about senior sister more, not just drink hot water, spend two hours with senior sister every night..." Zhan Weiling counted her fingers and said, The preoccupied look is a little cute.

Su Nan thought dazedly, two hours a day, one day he will have the sun.

After arriving at school, I said goodbye to my senior sister. Today is Monday, so I have to gather at the playground.

He came a bit late, but he always liked standing in the back, and then Zhao Xiaomin also came, standing next to him and turning around to smile at him.

Then there was Chu Xi, standing on Su Nan's right. She stood upright and looked at the rostrum at the front with a blank expression, as if she didn't notice Su Nan was by her side, but her ears were slightly red.

The absurd deeds last night were probably a bit ruinous to Chu Xi, unlike Zhao Xiaomin who quickly got used to it, Su Nan was also a little embarrassed, he was too impulsive at the time.

Then he thought it was a pity that he would never be able to see Xiao Chuxi in the future.

After the show ended, the squad leader called Su Nan to stop, Su Nan stayed for a while, and when she came up to walk side by side with her, she thought in her heart, has the squad leader not given up on breaking up the three of them?

"I apologize to you for my previous rude behavior." The squad leader said, although his voice was a little small, he was sincere.

Su Nan was a little surprised.

Lu Ying looked a little embarrassed: "I don't support you, let alone think you are right, but I don't think I have the right to preach to you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The two stopped in a place with few people. Su Nan looked in surprise at the monitor who was sincerely apologizing to her. She looked slightly embarrassed, as if she was not used to it.

It's just that the squad leader calmed down quickly, and said to him confidently: "Of course, this doesn't mean that I will turn a blind eye to you in the future. I will try to persuade you in a more gentle way."

Su Nan was not surprised by the squad leader's decision, but asked strangely, "Why did you convince me?"

"Because everything started because of you." Squad leader Lu frowned and said, "I don't know what method you used to make Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin willingly do this kind of behavior. They seem to have made up their minds to do this. It won't change because of me."

"So you're going to target me?" Su Nan was speechless, as in today's situation, but in fact he was the passive one.

Lu Ying nodded seriously, probably treating him like a big devil.

"What are you going to do?" Su Nan asked. He was curious about how Squad Leader Lu planned to persuade him. Squad Leader Lu blushed slightly, took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll send you a news first."

She operated it for a while, and Su Nan received a WeChat message from her on her mobile phone. Su Nan opened it and took a look. The title made him feel a little horrified.

"Two girls committed suicide in a love triangle: Girl A likes him, but he likes girl B. Girl A and girl B are best friends..."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched. He probably knew what Squad Leader Lu wanted to do. People would be affected after seeing too much negative news, especially a boy like him who was in a love triangle.

Lu Ying said solemnly: "I have collected a lot of deeds of these love triangles, both ancient and modern. I may not be able to find convincing reasons to convince you, but these are deeds that happened in reality. It must be related to Your situation is similar."

"You take care of yourself." Seeing his dazed look, Lu Ying sighed, and then walked away.

Su Nan came to her senses, looked down at the report, thought about it, and sent it to the group belonging to him, Zhao Xiaomin, and Chu Xi.

Soon Chu Xi replied, "It's nonsense."

"What Chu Xi means is that few people will not be convinced when they speak." Zhao Xiaomin replied accordingly.

Then Chu Xi sent a series of ellipsis to express his speechlessness.

Then Su Nan was chatted privately by Chu Xi: "Are you not confident in yourself, or in us?"

Su Nan: "No, but the squad leader said that she has collected a lot of this kind of news, and may send me a few articles every day."

"Don't look!"

Zhao Xiaomin also chatted with him privately: "Ah Nan, you like me and Chuxi, we just need this, if we don't want to, what happened last night won't happen."

In fact, Su Nan was not too worried, and felt sorry to see them so nervous about herself.

"I know what to do," he replied.

At noon, the senior sister contacted herself on WeChat, saying that she had taken up a seat, prepared a meal for him, and asked when he would come.

It was arranged so well that Su Nan couldn't refuse. Fortunately, the canteen chosen by the senior was not in the same room as Zhao Xiaomin and the others. Was it intentional?

In the group, she reported to the two harem members that she had gone to a reunion with her classmates, and then Su Nan rushed to meet her senior with a guilty conscience.

Going up to the second floor where there were few people, the senior sister took a seat in a remote corner, and when she saw him appear, she stood up and waved to him, welcoming him with a smile.

Su Nan was about to go over when the monitor's voice came from beside her. Looking back, she saw the monitor's surprised eyes lingering on herself and her senior.

Lest she cause trouble, Su Nan quickly explained: "Senior sister is my neighbor next door."

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