Lu Ying was a little embarrassed, Su Nan seemed to be wary of her, she said, "Can you sit down and chat for a while? It won't take you too long."

Could it be another love triangle news? Su Nan subconsciously rejected it, but obviously the squad leader wouldn't just let it go, so he agreed to it, and then showed a lack of interest, which made the squad leader lose interest.

I apologized to the senior sister for beckoning, but the senior sister smiled and didn't care.

Su Nan and the squad leader found an empty seat and sat down. He was the first to sit down, and his eyes naturally fell on the squad leader. Today, the squad leader was wearing a school uniform, and the skirt barely covered his knees, revealing two fair and tender legs. But people, especially the sense of sight is so strong that Su Nan couldn't help but take a second look.

But soon, Su Nan's eyes were attracted by a small scar on the squad leader's leg, which happened to be on his knee, and it was scarred, which made his eyes look weird all of a sudden.

Lu Ying followed Su Nan's eyes and landed on her legs. At first, she thought he was looking at her legs, because it was not the first time Su Nan had seen them, and many boys had also seen them secretly, but soon Lu Ying found out that Su Nan The eyes were subtle, and then he noticed that he was staring at the injury on his knee, and suddenly understood something.

Her fair face turned red instantly, looking frightened, Lu Ying gritted her teeth and said, "I accidentally scratched it!" in a shy and indignant tone, it was really malicious enough for a girl to be suspected like this.

Su Nan also felt that Squad Leader Lu was not this kind of person, but he had subconsciously doubted it just now, so he could only pretend to be stupid at this moment: "Why are you so careless, you ruined the beauty."

Lu Ying stared at Su Nan unsurely, was Su Nan feeling sorry for her, destroying the beauty, only the beauty can destroy it.

With such thoughts circling in her mind, Lu Ying felt her legs were a little weak, so she quickly sat down and put her legs together, hiding under the table so that she wouldn't be seen.

At the same time, she felt very strange. In the past, she thought it was very common to wear skirts showing her legs. Although boys often peeped at them, the skirts were not short enough, and nothing was seen. Why did Su Nan stare at her today? I'm sorry.

It must be that Su Nan is too weird to make her cheap sister and Chu Xi obsessed. She is too wary of him to do this.

"Squad leader, what do you want to say to me?" Su Nan asked, so as not to make the senior wait too long.

Putting away his extra thoughts, Squad Leader Lu calmly asked him, "What do you think after reading the news this morning?"

The original impression.

"I feel..." Su Nan pretended to think, and then said affirmatively, "A love triangle is wrong."

He gave the answer Lu Ying expected, but Lu Ying was not satisfied, "No more?"

"Because it was too shocking, I lost my thinking, and I may have to wait for a while for more thoughts." Su Nan perfunctory cheekily.

Lu Ying looked at him with complicated eyes, but she had expected that Su Nan would resist tenaciously, so she was also prepared to resist Nan for a long time.

Watching the squad leader leave, Su Nan smiled and was about to get up to go to her senior when someone sent him a message on WeChat.

Could it be Chu Xi and the others?

Thinking so, Su Nan took out her phone, but saw an unexpected name.

Indifferent: It's been a long time since the handsome guy, and here's the little girl's beautiful legs.

A photo of beautiful legs was sent, the legs were slanted and close together, the curves were soft, warm and fair, slender and pretty, and the lotus feet were also enchanting, I really wanted to be licked to a comminuted fracture of the whole leg.

It's just that Su Nan was attracted all the attention by a little scar on the knee on one of the beautiful legs. Why does it feel exactly the same as the injury on the monitor's knee just now?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was stunned, and an unbelievable thought popped up. The squad leader was actually indifferent. She acted everything before, just to achieve the purpose of getting close to him with an excuse.

Chuxi once told him that the reason why he lost his first pair of underwear was also indirectly related to the squad leader.

Relying on her status as the class monitor and the excuse of persuading him to give up opening a harem, Lu Ying approached him. On the surface, it was for the benefit of the three of them, but in fact it was to satisfy her perverted addiction?

Su Nan was in a complicated mood. In order to make sure that he read it correctly, he purposely enlarged the picture and carefully compared it with the injury on the squad leader's knee. He had a deep impression on the squad leader's knee because he cared too much just now.

After repeated confirmations, Su Nan finally confirmed that the scar was exactly the same as the squad leader's. She was confused for a while, and at the same time, a trace of anger welled up in her heart.

Thinking of what Dan Ran had done to him, and the monitor's recent attempts to separate him from Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, and now approaching him with ulterior motives, Su Nan was very angry and felt cheated.

"Xiao Nan, what are you looking at?" Zhan Weiling walked over, curiously bent down to look at Su Nan's phone, but saw a photo of a pair of beautiful legs, she was a little surprised and apprehensive: "Xiao Nan turned out to be a foot control."

Does that sour tone seem to say that my legs are not good enough?Why do you want to see someone else?

Su Nan immediately put away her phone and shook her head: "I accidentally found a picture on the Internet."

For some reason, he subconsciously didn't want others to know the monitor's true face.

Zhan Weiling took a deep look at him, and said softly: "Let's eat, after dinner, senior sister will take you on a date."

With a seductive tone, she took Su Nan's hand and led him to the seat.

During the meal, Su Nan found that the senior's thighs under the table were rubbing against his own, and it gave him a soft feeling even through the trousers.

Su Nan felt that the senior sister seemed to have misunderstood something, but he did not stop the senior sister's behavior. Since neither Chu Xi nor Zhao Xiaomin explicitly expressed their opposition to the senior sister, he could be a bit of a scumbag.

After dinner, Zhan Weiling asked Su Nan to follow her to a suitable date place.

There are not many dating places in the school, but there are still some. After a while, the two came to a classroom where sundries are stored in the senior three teaching building. This classroom is located in a remote place, and no one came during lunch break. .

The senior sister has the key here, took out the key to open the door, and pulled Su Nan in.

The doors and windows inside were filled with tall debris, making the classroom look closed and dark, and it was a very suitable place for a secret tryst, especially when the senior sister closed the door and locked it, the atmosphere immediately came out.

Su Nan swallowed hard, and couldn't help thinking about it, did the senior sister want to do something bad with him?

In the last love practice, the two secretly hid in his room and kissed.

For a while, Su Nan even forgot about the indifference of the squad leader.

The senior sister stared at him with a smile in her eyes, as if she could see through some of the dirty thoughts in his heart. After she approached, she moved her head closer, her lips almost touched Su Nan's ears, and said softly: "Yes, if Xiao Nan wants to bully senior sister If not, senior sister will not resist."

The warm breath made Su Nan's heart beat faster, but she pretended to be ordinary and said, "Sister, are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding? Xiao Nan will know after trying it." While the senior sister was speaking, Su Nan felt her ears were wet, as if she had been swept by something.

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