Su Nan was still thinking about how to hide it from them and go on a date with her senior sister, but she didn't expect to be lucky. It's just that Su Nan thinks that he needs to change it because he wants to be together after school every day. After all, he basically has to participate in club activities after school, and he is absent too much. Certainly not.

Su Nan went home with her senior sister, but Zhao Xiaomin rushed home to visit her sister. Not long ago, she found out that Junmin had taken a day off!

You know Junmin never asks for leave, what happened today?

Zhao Xiaomin suspected that what happened that day had cast a psychological shadow on her sister, and felt a little distressed.

Pushing open the door of Junmin's room, she found her lying on the bed covered with a quilt. Zhao Xiaomin walked over and sat beside her, and asked concerned: "Little sister, are you feeling unwell?"

Zhao Junmin pulled down the quilt, looked at her sister with complicated eyes, shook her head, her delicate little face was slightly pink, and pulled up the quilt to cover her eyes in embarrassment.

Unable to speak out.

She couldn't talk about the fact that she didn't sleep almost all night last night, and she couldn't talk about it after changing a lot of fat times. She even woke up in the morning with a lazy body and couldn't lift a bit of strength, so she had to ask for leave.

In addition to being shy and frustrated, the girl was also surprised. My sister had several times yesterday, and she even went to bed very late. It lasted a bit long. Once or twice was fine, but my sister and Su Nan have been together for a while. How could she suffer? Got it.

According to the sayings on the Internet, this kind of thing requires too much physical fitness, especially if Su Nan might beat others several times at a time. She has a deep understanding of this, but Su Nan not only did it, but also did it very well. She worried about her sister's physical problems.

Seeing her sister in a daze, Zhao Xiaomin couldn't help but look sad, and felt very sorry in her heart, she was all to blame for causing her sister to be in such a state.

She faintly felt that she had forgotten something, but she still couldn't remember it, and she was anxious to comfort her sister at this time, so she didn't think about it.

In the morning, Su Nan and her senior sister came to the school together. They looked around furtively, seeing no one, their bodies leaned together and their lips touched.

Because they were at school, they didn't dare to mess around, so they separated quickly after a superficial touch, and each left as if nothing happened.

Su Nan has become used to this kind of kissing behavior under the initiative of her senior, and even began to kiss her senior actively.

He stayed with his senior sister for two hours last night, nothing special happened, because they went shopping, but the two hugged each other like a couple from time to time, kissed each other, it felt like they were in love, and the relationship heated up rapidly.

When he came to class, it was still early, Su Nan took out his mobile phone to watch the news for a while, someone sent him a message on the way, opened it to take a look, but it was a love triangle and vendetta news from the monitor, it looked rather scary.

But Su Nan ignored it, now that she knew the real face of the squad leader, everything she did seemed fake, what a bitch!

During the class break, the monitor didn't have the nerve to look for him in public, so he secretly sent him a message on his mobile phone, but nothing came of it, which made her very puzzled, why did Su Nan ignore her, is it too tight?

She didn't know that Su Nan wanted her to act quickly, so she deliberately took cold measures against her, so that she couldn't help but end in person.

At noon, Chu Xi still went home. It seemed that it would take a few days to recover. Su Nan came to the activity room and wanted to spend time with Zhao Xiaomin for a while, but she also came home. It seemed that the little girl at home was not feeling well. Then go back to see my sister.

At this time, a call came in, it was Chuxi's number.

Su Nan wondered why she called him suddenly, Chu Xi's shy period would last at least a few days.

After answering, Chu Xi didn't speak immediately, but the sound of slightly rapid breathing came to Su Nan's ears through the speaker, which made him subconsciously nervous.

Feeling that Chu Xi seemed to have something on his mind, Su Nan quickly asked, "What happened?"

"Come to the women's room and find me."

After a while, Chuxi finally spoke, but it was Xiao Chuxi's voice that came out, and Su Nan was stunned.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Coming outside the women's room, Su Nan sent a message to Chu Xi. After a while, a petite figure appeared in the women's room, looking around nervously, as if afraid of being discovered.

Sure enough, it was little Chuxi. Compared with Chuxi's real body, Su Nan was even more familiar with little Chuxi's body. After all, he had done all kinds of intimate behaviors.

But the little Chuxi in front of him is the smaller Chuxi, isn't it the same as the previous one?

Later, Su Nan discovered the reason for Chuxi's panic. Because her body became smaller, the clothes on her body suddenly became loose, and the skirt had to be lifted, or it would fall off.

Being stared at by Su Nan, Chu Xi shrank his body, hid himself, poked his head out and looked at him melancholy, his eyes blinked, showing a sense of helplessness.

so cute.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and she recalled that night when she tried her best to bully little Chuxi, but at this time Chuxi was obviously asking for help, so Su Nan quickly calmed down.

"Can you come out?" Su Nan asked.

Little Chuxi hesitated for a while, and walked out. Little Chuxi was only about [-] meters tall, which was quite different from Chuxi, and everything in her body became inappropriate.

She could only walk with her hands holding the skirt, the skirt covered her knees, which looked weird, and the top was too baggy, but that was fine, but the shoes became inappropriate and it was inconvenient to walk.

He didn't ask what happened to Chuxi. After those strange events in the past, there will be a follow-up effect for a period of time. There is no doubt that Chuxi was affected again and became a little Chuxi.

It was noon, and there was no one on campus. Su Nan walked out of the school gate with Xiao Chuxi, who was struggling to walk, and picked up a shared bicycle for transportation.

After getting on the bicycle, Xiao Chuxi avoided the trouble of walking, and hugged Su Nan's waist with flushed cheeks.

"Where are you going?" Su Nan asked, it became like this, the family could not go back, and now they should find a place to hide and wait for the influence to pass.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Chuxi said, "Go shopping for clothes first."

Walking like this is too inconvenient, as if the skirt is about to fall off at any time, it feels very insecure.

Su Nan shook her head and said, "Go to my house first, and then I will buy clothes for you online."

As soon as the words fell, a little hand pinched his waist lightly, but there was no pain.

Chu Xi was in a depressed mood and wanted to laugh. Su Nan obviously wanted to take her home, but she actually asked her pretendingly, but she really had nowhere to go at the moment, unless she went to Zhao Xiaomin's house.

Just remembering that Zhao Xiaomin had already had sex with Su Nan on his own body, Chu Xi felt a sense of urgency in his heart, thinking that changing the novel this time might be an opportunity to cultivate a relationship with Su Nan.

Because of the body, Su Nan will not lose her mind and force her, and will respect her wishes. At most, he will take advantage of her, but with the current relationship between the two, it is not normal not to be taken advantage of.

Although Chu Xi decided to share Su Nan with Zhao Xiaomin, it doesn't mean that she can really not be jealous at all. Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin are closer, so she feels bad and wants to chase her back.

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