After arriving home, Su Nan came downstairs on a bicycle. Chu Xi got out of the car with her skirt in her hand, and a pair of fat legs slipped from the skirt until it fell to her heels.

Chu Xi was so embarrassed that he even felt Su Nan's playful gaze, so he didn't dare to look at him. Fortunately, there was no one around at this time, otherwise he would die of embarrassment.

Since all the clothes didn't fit well, so did Pangci, but when she lifted the skirt with Pangci, she relaxed her vigilance a little at this time.

Looking at the fat one that fell on the ground, Chu Xi was in a dilemma. To pick it up, or not to pick it up, that is the question.Pick it up, do you have to pick it up in front of Su Nan, or even put it on in broad daylight?

Throw it on the ground if you don't pick it up, and go home with Su Nan in a vacuum?

She felt so ashamed.

When she was thinking about this, Su Nan squatted down and held her fat legs.

Little Chuxi subconsciously clamped her legs, and realized that Su Nan was helping her, so she carefully lifted her two feet, and then Su Nan picked up her fat legs, squeezed them into a ball and stuffed them into her trouser pockets.

Chu Xi looked at such a scene with her head down, her pretty face dizzy.

"Let's go." Su Nan smiled and said to the girl, walking in the front, in fact, he wanted to go behind, because there might be a view, but think about it or forget it, don't bully Xiao Chuxi too much.

In the end, I still have to go home with Su Nan in a vacuum.

Xiao Chuxi sighed, and followed with a flushed face. She held the skirt with one hand, and put the other hand behind her buttocks to hold the skirt down, so as not to accidentally disappear. Although no one was there, she still had to be on guard. She could only show it to one person at most. .


There was an exclamation from behind, and Su Nan looked back, and saw Xiao Chuxi lying on the ground, as if she stumbled and fell down accidentally.

Su Nan quickly walked over to help her up, Chu Xi was a little stunned, forgot to lift her skirt, the skirt slipped down, and Su Nan saw the scenery in a vacuum state, which was very beautiful.

Su Nan's first reaction was to much so that he couldn't move his eyes away.

Xiao Chuxi reacted, her little face turned red, she quickly bent over and pulled up her skirt, and stared at Su Nan with wide eyes, looking very angry.

If it was changed to Chuxi's normal state, Su Nan might be frightened by her, but at this moment he only has the idea that little Chuxi is cute.

Immediately, Su Nan realized whether little Chuxi might be injured, and squatted down to observe her slender thighs to see if there was any injury. She saw that little Chuxi's legs were long and white, one size smaller than before. But the charm is undiminished.

Little Chuxi backed away in a panic, but was pulled back by Su Nan with one hand. He said seriously: "Don't move, I'll see where the injury is."

As he spoke, he touched her thigh and wiped off the dust on it.

Little Chuxi froze and was sized up and stroked by him. He felt that he couldn't even use his venomous tongue skills, as if he had become a little Chuxi, and even his IQ was affected a little.

After observing it again, Xiao Chuxi was indeed not hurt, so Su Nan was relieved.He stood up and found that little Chuxi was blushing and avoiding his eyes, and he didn't dare to look at him at all.

Obviously, the little Chuxi at this moment is almost the same as the invisible little Chuxi, and there are some differences from the normal Chuxi, because the body is smaller and the personality is a little childish, but this change in personality is very obvious. Subtle, if you don't pay close attention, you may not be able to distinguish it.

Su Nan looked around and listened attentively. There was no one or sound. He took a deep breath, squatted down and held Xiao Chuxi in his arms, hugged her and walked upstairs.

"Munan, you..." Xiao Chuxi was both surprised and angry, her eyes widened.

Su Nan said, "Who told you to be clumsy?"

The unquestionable tone made Xiao Chuxi speechless, and she felt ashamed to be hugged by Su Nan like a child, but her strength was too weak, and it was impossible to succeed in resisting.

Xiao Chuxi sighed melancholy, then simply closed her eyes, as if accepting her fate, but the blush on her face quietly spread to her neck and even her whole body.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After entering Su Nan's house, little Chuxi was relieved, but Su Nan didn't put her down immediately after closing the door, but directly carried her into the room, put her on the bed and sat down.

After getting off the bed, Xiao Chuxi glanced at the familiar room, then raised her head to look at Su Nan, and felt relieved when she saw that he was not as impulsive as before.

Except for the smaller body, there are no unnecessary disadvantages. It will neither be invisible nor make Su Nan lose his mind, which is great.

What Chuxi hates most about the punishment is that Su Nan tends to lose her mind, making her feel that she has become something for him to vent.

"You can just hide with me these few days until the impact is over. By the way, what about your family?"

Su Nan's tone was unquestionable, probably with some ulterior purpose in mind.

Xiao Chuxi thought to herself, it's just that she was mentally prepared, so she was still calm. Hearing this, she replied: "I sent messages to my family and school, saying that I will travel for a while soon."

"Is there going to be no problem?" Su Nan was surprised. A high school student going on a trip so suddenly would normally arouse suspicion.

Xiao Chuxi said affirmatively, "It will be fine."

Chu Xi is so sure, there should be a way to hide it, Su Nan didn't ask any more, went to look through her closet, and found a pair of sweatpants.

He gave the sweatpants to Chu Xi: "Put on these first."

Although the sweatpants are not suitable, at least they will not fall off when they are worn.

Chu Xi took the pants, but seeing that he had no intention of leaving at all, a trace of helplessness flashed in his heart, but his eyes were much softer.

Su Nan completely regards her as her own woman, and thinks that there is no need to avoid this situation. After all, the two of them have done more embarrassing things, and it seems too strange to avoid changing clothes.

It's just that Xiao Chuxi couldn't take off her skirt in front of him, because there was nothing in her skirt, but would it discourage him too much by asking Su Nan to go out?

The purpose of Chu Xi's agreement to come to Su Nan's house is so that the two of them can be alone and their relationship can heat up again.

Thinking of this, she got up slowly, pulled the quilt to cover herself, glanced at Su Nan, then looked back slightly embarrassed, lowered her head and took off the skirt under the quilt.

Su Nan kept staring at her, but didn't do anything else.

Putting on the sweatpants, Xiao Chuxi put the skirt aside, then sat down on the bed with her head down and did not move.

"The things inside are not suitable." Su Nan pointed to her chest. When she went up the stairs, she saw the scenery in Xiao Chuxi's neckline.

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