So Su Nan took the initiative.

At this time, the two turned their heads in surprise, and found that Zhao Junmin was holding her flushed cheeks in both hands, looking like she was about to cry. It was very strange, no one did anything to her, why did she have such a reaction?

Then he gradually discovered one thing, Zhao Xiaomin and her sister had a kind of synchronicity, it seemed that whatever he did to her sister, her sister would feel the same way.

Su Nan was stunned, feeling the same way?Psychic reaction?

But Zhao Xiaomin came to her senses with a complex look on her face. She had always ignored the problem of the sequelae of her sister's punishment, or she never thought about the feeling she experienced when she was with Su Nan, and her sister would also experience it.

She remembered that on Sunday, she and Chuxi didn't sleep at Su Nan's house until late at night. Junmin must have been very hard at that time.

This novel discovery made Su Nan's head explode, and he felt a sense of excitement deep in his heart, completely letting go of his body and mind.

Although he didn't understand why Zhao Xiaomin did such a thing, and even made some lame excuses, Su Nan didn't want to think about it at this time, he only knew that Zhao Xiaomin was not very angry with him and her sister.

Outside the room, Zhao Ruomin, who was playing with the mobile phone, suddenly raised his head, listened to the sound coming from the room, and then lowered his head to play with the mobile phone after a while.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Nan lay between the two sisters, looking sideways at Zhao Xiaomin, who was flushed, covered in sweat, and breathing hard. Then he turned over to face the other side, and saw that Zhao Junmin's reaction was similar to her sister's.

Seemingly realizing that he was looking at her, Zhao Junmin with a blurred face was startled suddenly, shyly pulled the quilt over her head, and did not want to show her face again.

Zhao Xiaomin hugged him tightly behind her, her sweaty body pressed against him, as if she was afraid that he would bully her sister.

Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin faced each other, and saw her expression was a bit complicated.

Reaching out to wipe off the sweat on her face, Su Nan asked in confusion, "Why did you do such a thing? Is it because your sisters have psychic reactions?"

Pulling him to do it in front of her sister, but afterwards he looked regretful, Su Nan couldn't understand, the only reason was their telepathy, but Zhao Xiaomin wanted to tell him this, and there was no need to go to this level.

Zhao Xiaomin shook her head, nodded again, hesitated for a while, and said, "I only discovered it recently, and Junmin is in a bad mood because of it. I want to tell you this, and seeing it in person is the most convincing."

What did Su Nan think of? Could it be because of this reason that Zhao Junmin treated her like that before?

Su Nan remembered that Zhao Junmin became bad. It seemed that he had a relationship with Zhao Xiaomin. Could it be that his heart was distorted because he could experience the feelings of his sister and knew that he was the one who caused it?

It's just that Zhao Xiaomin did such a thing, he still couldn't understand it.

Su Nan thought of something and asked, "Tell me, is it because you can't have sex with me in the future?"

If this is the reason, then Zhao Xiaomin's behavior makes sense. With her personality and how obedient she is to him, it is very difficult to reject Su Nan, so she chose to tell Su Nan in this persuasive way, and leave it to her. Su Nan chooses.

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Xiaomin nodded, and quickly added: "It's not forever. The connection between Junmin and I only started recently, and most of the time we don't have it. It may disappear in the future."

The follow-up impact will eventually pass, that's all Zhao Xiaomin can say, otherwise Su Nan will be confused about why she and her sister don't feel the same way.

Su Nan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, he was really reluctant to part with Zhao Xiaomin, since he didn't have it all the time, then it doesn't matter.

Understanding Zhao Xiaomin's painstaking efforts, Su Nan seriously assured her: "Don't worry, I won't touch you in the near future until you and your sister don't do this anymore."

He didn't avoid Zhao Junmin when he said this, and he said it to her on purpose.

Zhao Xiaomin blinked, nodded, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in her heart, she finally tricked Su Nan, she must be more careful in the future, this kind of thing must never happen again.

She glanced at her younger sister who was hiding under the blanket, feeling bored.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Coming out of Zhao Xiaomin's house, Su Nan frowned, unable to completely let go of what happened just now.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't have the idea of ​​serving him with her sister, it was too far-fetched to do that kind of behavior, but she seemed to have some difficulties, so Su Nan didn't ask the bottom line.

After thinking about it, Su Nan sighed and gave up thinking about it.

Back outside the community, she was about to meet Qin Xiaowan, but she didn't see him, and entered the community in a hurry.

Normally, Qin Xiaowan would go home as soon as school was over, it was almost six o'clock now, I don't know why it was so late today.

Su Nan didn't think too much, Qin Xiaowan left too hastily, he didn't call her, and followed behind into the building.

At first Qin Xiaowan climbed the stairs in a hurry, and Su Nan couldn't catch up, but then she got slower and slower for some reason. When she reached the third floor, Su Nan had seen her back and was struggling to climb up the handrail. Simply stop moving.

Su Nan couldn't see clearly, so it's just climbing the stairs, does it take much effort?Or is it sick?

Thinking of this, he was a little worried and planned to go up to help her.

Su Nan's position happened to be on the landing. Qin Xiaowan stood above him, bent over, with her hands on her knees, as if she was very tired.

She was wearing a short skirt today, Su Nan looked up inadvertently after approaching, and was stunned, only to see that Qin Xiaowan was actually wearing a pair of boxer leggings under her skirt, which was similar to ordinary leggings, but he recognized it as a man's leggings, Or he replaced it yesterday!

Su Nan was confused by this scene, Qin Xiaowan actually secretly wore the underwear he changed, is he so perverted?Wearing his underwear as leggings, but why do you have to wear his used ones?

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Qin Xiaowan turned around and found Su Nan standing below and staring at him with his head up. He seemed stunned.

Qin Xiaowan didn't react at first, until she realized that Su Nan was looking at the bottom of her skirt, and inside her skirt...

Her face suddenly turned pale, and then turned red again, a burst of strength suddenly surged up from her immobile body, and she ran away, disappearing after a while.

Su Nan stood blankly for a long time, and murmured to herself, "You must have misread it."

He comforted himself in this way, how could Qin Xiaowan wear his fat clothes? The dirty little girl must feel disgusted to death. It should be because the light is too dark so it makes her eyes dazzled. It's just that he remembered Qin Xiaowan's perverted things and even pretended to be The camera candidly filmed himself, and he couldn't explain his doubts in his heart.

When she got home, the door of Qin Xiaowan's room was closed. Su Nan didn't cook or go to see Chu Xi immediately, but went into the bathroom.

Turning on the washing machine, the clothes changed yesterday were still inside, and Fatci was lying on top of all the dirty clothes.

Su Nan picked up her diaper, her complexion was complicated, there was still warmth on it, and there was a faint fragrance of a girl.

He began to imagine the situation just now. After Qin Xiaowan was discovered by him, he hurried home and ran into the bathroom to take off his underwear, threw it back into the washing machine, and then went back to the room to hide.

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