In the past, when he found out that his senior sister liked to smell his pussy, he got used to washing his clothes on the same day, but later, his senior sister never did that kind of thing again, and he began to relax his vigilance. Have the same problem.

This kid secretly filmed him taking a shower, but he still has a soft spot for the fat times he wears. What will happen in the future?

Su Nan left Pangci behind, poured in the laundry detergent, pressed the start button, and sighed.

After dinner was ready, Su Nan went to ask Qin Xiaowan to eat, and she came out as usual, without any embarrassment or guilt.

Su Nan sighed again in her heart, Xiao Wan was very ill.

For Qin Xiaowan, it was embarrassing to be found out, but he knew about the secret filming of Su Nan. At most, it would be more embarrassing if it was found out, rather than being afraid to face people.

She was also helpless, she couldn't enter Su Nan's room in the morning, and didn't have enough time to watch the video, so she had to take Su Nan's fat times out, but she didn't know if she had done too many perverted things, so she took Su Nan's fat times with her It didn't make her feel too ashamed, the uncomfortable feeling was there all the time, which made her unable to meditate.

Later, she had no choice but to go to the women's toilet and wear Su Nan's panties as leggings. At first, the effect was pretty good, but later she got used to it and felt nothing at all.

Her discomfort was not completely relieved at the end of the day, and she hurried home after school, and she couldn't move at all when she climbed the stairs, and it was Su Nan who discovered the secret under her skirt that allowed her to be treated thoroughly.

Now, in Su Nan's mind, I'm afraid I'm already a super slut.

Qin Xiaowan thought tearfully, she didn't want Su Nan to have these impressions of herself, but the perverted side had already been seen, and it was completely irreparable.

After eating, Qin Xiaowan slipped back to the room, a little ashamed to see Su Nan.

Su Nan also returned to the room with the food later, but saw that Chuxi had changed back to little Chuxi, sitting in front of the computer and playing games, wearing the home clothes that just arrived today, with a ponytail, and bulging slightly after the game failed The appearance of her cheeks has the tenderness of a girl.

Seeing him coming in, she turned off the game and asked, "What happened to you just now, and you didn't talk about it during dinner."

The conversation outside could be heard through the door, but just now Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan were dumb the whole time, the atmosphere was too weird, it wasn't like this usually.

"It's nothing if the child is sulking." Su Nan said perfunctorily.

Chu Xi took a deep look at him, and said, "A perverted brother who can even take sneak shots is not a child. She wanted to enter your room after you left this morning."

"It seems that you have to lock the door and hide the spare key when you go out in the future." Su Nan said with a sigh.

Chu Xi hesitated to speak, then shook his head in his heart, but didn't say anything.

She felt that Qin Xiaowan might be of the same kind, but it was useless to tell Su Nan about such things. She decided to find a chance to contact Qin Xiaowan after her body returned to normal.

As for whether to be open and honest at that time, and then let Qin Xiaowan join him and Zhao Xiaomin, or something else, Chu Xi has not made a decision yet.

After getting in touch with Zhan Weiling, she didn't feel that everyone thought the same as herself, besides, the relationship between Qin Xiaowan and Su Nan was a bit special.

After Xiao Chuxi had dinner, Su Nan picked up her light body and sat down on the bed. Although Xiao Chuxi tensed her body and blushed, she did not resist his behavior.

But Su Nan didn't do anything, just cultivated this habit in Xiao Chuxi's arms, and at the same time, Xiao Chuxi would disappear in a few days, Su Nan wanted to hug her more.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the senior sister sent a message asking him to watch a movie together. At this time, the phone happened to be in Chu Xi's hands, and she saw it.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed, but Chu Xi didn't say anything. After hesitating for a while, he returned the phone to him, "Go, just don't go to the hotel."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the morning, Su Nan asked Qin Xiaowan to come out to have breakfast, but Qin Xiaowan ignored her after saying yes.

She sat in front of the computer and stared at the computer screen. The mobile phone was connected to the computer through a data cable, and she was transferring the video to the mobile phone.

After what happened yesterday, she felt that it was necessary for her to carry one or two videos with her for emergencies. She didn't dare to bring too many because she was afraid that she would accidentally lose her phone and be picked up by someone.

The computer used to be very smooth, but today it seemed a bit stuck for some reason. She remembered that in the past few days, she went to the Discord website every day. Could it be that she was infected by a virus?

This thought made her complexion change slightly, and at this moment, the computer directly blue screened.

Qin Xiaowan hurriedly picked up her mobile phone, opened the folder and looked, her face was darkened, and she didn't even pull in one. It's really unlucky. The most important thing is that the computer has a virus, and it can't be used recently. How can she be satisfied? Own?

After leaving the room, Su Nan had already gone to school, Qin Xiaowan went to the door of his room and tried it, but it was still locked.

She frowned, then gave up her plan to enter the room and went to the bathroom.

After turning on the washing machine, there was no dirty clothes in it, Qin Xiaowan sighed, it's not good, let alone the future, I don't know what to do today.


Her eyes fell on the three towels that Su Nan usually used, and Su Nan's toothbrush. It should be fine, but it may not be possible to go to school today, otherwise it will be troublesome to have an attack at school.

When the illness is over today, I will immediately take the computer to be repaired, but the desktop one is a little troublesome, and I don't know if it can be repaired in one day, it seems that I will start to work on sneak photography again.

Deciding to resume his old job, Qin Xiaowan then left the bathroom.

After breakfast, she called the teacher to ask for leave. During the call, she pretended to be weak and managed to hide it.

After finishing all this, Qin Xiaowan ran to the sofa to lie down and play games, waiting for the uncomfortable feeling to come.

At this time, she heard the sound of the door opening, and when she turned her head to look, she was stunned.

A pretty girl with the appearance of a junior high school at most came out of Su Nan's room. The girl didn't notice Qin Xiaowan's existence, and walked to the bathroom with clothes in her hand, as if she was going to take a bath.

Qin Xiaowan frowned in an instant, standing up like a food-protecting cat and loudly questioning the girl, "Who are you!"

Xiao Chuxi froze, turned around slowly and met Qin Xiaowan's eyes, eyes full of helplessness, Qin Xiaowan didn't go to school today, she was careless.

Qin Xiaowan clenched her fists tightly and stared angrily at this overly beautiful girl of the same age, who actually came out of Su Nan's room. I'm afraid she has been staying in Su Nan's room since the day before yesterday, alone and widowed together!

Qin Xiaowan's mind exploded.

After being stared at for a while, Chu Xi also knew the reason for Qin Xiaowan's anger. With an idea, he replied, "My sister Chu Xi is Brother Nan's girlfriend. My name is Chu Meng. I ran away from home, and it's up to Brother Nan to take me in."

She blinked to make herself look pitiful.

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