"No!" said the female ghost in the air.

"Don't try to lie to me!" The female ghost on the ground added.

The two female ghosts looked at Su Nan like idiots, but Su Nan didn't care. At this moment, he was in a good mood and asked them, "You will split. Is this your ability? How does it feel to be split?"

To be precise, there is only one ghost, but it is in a split state.

Qin Xiaowan thought about it subconsciously. It was too sudden just now, and then she was caught by Su Nan immediately, so she didn't have time to experience the feeling of the two bodies.

Well, it seems that there is only one thinking, but it seems to be able to think independently, as if she has a mental breakdown. Of course, she should not tell Su Nan about this kind of thing, and turn her head away from him.

Seeing this, Su Nan found a rope to tie the caught female ghost to prevent her from flying, and then went to prepare to catch the female ghost on the ceiling.

Qin Xiaowan on the ground panicked and said, "Don't catch me, I'll just tell you."

She wanted to reveal her identity, but she couldn't make a sound when she opened her mouth, as if it was something forbidden.

Su Nan waited for a while but didn't see her reply, so she lost her patience and climbed onto the bed to grab her other body.

"You can't reach it!" The female ghost in the air said proudly, the corner where she hid was far away from the bed, and Su Nan couldn't jump no matter how she jumped.

This female ghost doesn't seem very nervous, but she still has time to laugh at herself.

Su Nan was very weird. Standing on the bed, he jumped vigorously, and his body flew out like a parabola. He opened his palms to grab the feet of the female ghost in the air, and brought the female ghost down at the same time as his body fell.

"Scum Nan!" Qin Xiaowan was so angry that she opened her mouth to bite Su Nan when she was caught without clothes.

Su Nan was startled, and quickly pinched her chin. Animals still carry rabies virus. He didn't want to be bitten by a ghost.

Then Su Nan repeated the same trick, wrapping the hands and feet of the female ghost's body with tape, and tied a rope around her waist.

Walking over to pull another rope, Su Nan sat on the bed holding a female ghost with each hand, and wanted to laugh seeing them flying up desperately trying to escape.

The female ghost also seemed to realize that this was ridiculous, so she lowered both bodies unwillingly, stood in front of Su Nan and stared at him, saying in unison: "What do you want?"

Su Nan looked at the two female ghosts with exactly the same appearance, was amazed in her heart, and asked, "Who are you? Why are you in my house?"

Qin Xiaowan tried again, and found that she really couldn't take the initiative to reveal her identity, so she said helplessly, "I don't know, I'm here when I wake up."

With a thought, both of her bodies were put on pajamas, but she still felt very embarrassed in front of Su Nan, shyly shrunk her body into a ball.

Su Nan looked curiously at the clothes that suddenly appeared on the female ghost, and asked, "Is this your ability? Do you have any other abilities besides this?"

Qin Xiaowan blinked her eyes, and wanted to say that she was awesome, but she was caught by Su Nan so easily, it was really not that cheeky to brag.

She said: "It can still fly, and it can... split."

"No more?" Su Nan frowned, is this a ghost?Too weak, worse than a human.

"Maybe some abilities haven't been discovered yet, I just became like this."

Qin Xiaowan was a little embarrassed to say that after all, she was facing Su Nan, even if she was angry at his rudeness, Qin Xiaowan was very happy to be able to talk to Su Nan like this, especially when she thought that she was dead, and she would be a ghost with Su Nan in the future. When she was with Nan, she didn't dare to behave too badly.

After careful interrogation, she couldn't find anything, but Su Nan found that the female ghost got close to her unexpectedly, as if she was trying to please her, probably because she was caught by him.

So how to deal with female ghosts?

Judging from the female ghost's current performance, there is no threat, and there is no way to eliminate it. Probably it can only be locked up. Just looking at the beautiful face and slim figure of the female ghost, I remembered that she was in front of me before. Su Nan felt a strong impulse in her heart for what she had done before.

As a man who had sex with a fox and a paper man, after he lost his fear of ghosts, certain thoughts grew wildly, making Su Nan feel as if he was attracted to Zhao Xiaomin and the others' temporary bodies.

"Come here." Su Nan hooked her fingers like a female ghost.

Qin Xiaowan vaguely sensed that Su Nan looked at her with ill intentions, and didn't want to go there, but when she thought that she was just a ghost, and she would be with Su Nan in the future, Su Nan might despise her in her heart, so she blushed and floated over .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Both of Qin Xiaowan's consciousnesses had the same thought and acted the same way. They floated in front of Su Nan and stood there. The two identical pretty faces looked down embarrassedly and dizzy at the same time, like a pair of beautiful twins. Standing shyly and timidly in front of myself, I let myself ask for it.

Su Nan stretched out her hand and touched the chest of the female ghost on the left, mainly to experience the difference between ghosts and humans, and concluded that there is no difference.

The female ghost who was treated like this by him let out an "ah", her pretty face turned even redder, she raised her head, and stared at him charmingly with watery dark eyes.

Su Nan touched her here, is it so bad?

But Su Nan is a scumbag to begin with, it's just that this kind of behavior of attacking ghosts is too ghostly.

Qin Xiaowan only felt her head was dizzy, and her flushed and delicate cheeks gave people an unusually charming feeling.

Su Nan watched her heart beat faster, and subconsciously exerted more force on her palm, making the female ghost body he touched make a lovely sound.

The other spirit body of the female ghost also blushed and stared at Su Nan, then closed her eyes shyly, and said in a trembling voice, "How can you do this?" in a coquettish tone.

"Did you get left out?" Su Nan smiled and moved his hand to the speaking female ghost's spirit body. He needed one hand to hold the rope, so he could only bully the female ghost with one hand.

The spirit body of the female ghost touched by him just now complained: "We are one person."

Su Nan also knew that they were the same person, no, they were the same ghost, but for some reason, there was always a strong urge to bully them at the same time, just like when facing Ling, Bai Xiaojie, and Xiao Chuxi.

This kind of impulse actually existed from the beginning, but Su Nan ignored it because of the fear of ghosts, or was suppressed by fear. Now that this stupid female ghost does not threaten him at all, the impulse feels straight from the bottom of his heart. Punch the brain.

Su Nan took a deep breath to suppress the impulsiveness in her heart, and asked, "What's your name?"

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, she hadn't thought about this question, because she couldn't say her name, so she couldn't answer for a while.

Seeing her dumbfounded look, Su Nan had a faint guess in his heart. What he had thought earlier might be wrong. It seemed that the appearance of this female ghost was also one of the abnormal events that happened around him, but the female ghost was not Chu Xi, Zhao Zhao, or Chu Xi. Xiaomin and Senior Sister, who could it be?

Besides the three of them, could there be other girls involved beside him?Why has it never appeared before?

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