He refocused on the shy female ghost who had not completely calmed down after being molested by him. The shy appearance of the female ghost was exactly the shyness of an ordinary girl.

If this female ghost is the same as Chu Xi and the others, it means that she also has a strong attraction to him - Su Nan has personally confirmed this.

So he's going to fuck tonight?

If it was one of Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin, and the senior sister, Su Nan would have gone up, but this female ghost is obviously a strange girl, and she should have an identity in reality, and something will happen this time.

Except for Chuxi, senior sister, Zhao Xiaomin and the others, Su Nan doesn't have any other close female friends in daily life.


Judging from past experience, avoiding it won't work either.

With a clear understanding of the origin of the female ghost, Su Nan felt that the impulse in her heart became stronger, especially the two identical female ghosts in front of him were tied up like this, wearing cute and sexy pajamas, watching them blink cutely , Let him be slaughtered like meat on a chopping board, Su Nan became short of breath.

Just at this time, the senior sister sent him a WeChat message, and it was time for a date.

Su Nan hesitated, tied the female ghost in the room, and then went out. Anyway, the female ghost can't go through the wall, as long as the door is closed.

Coming out of the room, Su Nan knocked on the door of Qin Xiaowan's room, but there was no response. When she opened the door, Xiaowan was fast asleep.

Su Nan didn't wake her up and closed the door.

When he came to the next door and rang the doorbell, a well-dressed senior appeared at the door and said to him with a smile, "Xiao Nan, where are we going to play today?"

In the past few days, he has been spending time with his senior sister at night. He has experienced watching movies, shopping, and eating. Zhan Weiling looks forward to it every night.

"I want to spend time at home with my senior sister today." Su Nan said.

The words full of hints made Zhan Weiling's pretty face dizzy, she gave him a charming look, bit her lips, and replied with a smile: "Yes, but Xiao Nan is not allowed to mess around, because every time I only do half of it."

Su Nan blushed, knowing that what happened last time made the senior sister angry, and she didn't take the last step towards her to that extent, maybe she still felt depressed, facing her as a girl, she could bear that kind of situation live.

At this moment, Su Nan felt like going back to see the female ghost, but he held back, gritted his teeth and said, "If Senior...is willing..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stepped forward and put his arms around the senior's slender waist to pick her up, kicked the door shut, and then carried the senior to her room.

"Really?" Zhan Weiling was surprised and delighted, and then intense shyness filled her heart. She didn't know whether it was because of excitement or timidity, her delicate body trembled slightly, her full chest pressed against Su Nan's chest, Su Nan felt soft and comfortable, but also I could feel her heart beating violently.

"Of course." Su Nan nodded with a smile, and wrapped her other hand behind her senior sister's back, "But it's not today, because I don't think today's day is good enough, I want to leave the best memory for my senior sister, How was the weekend?"

The real situation is that Su Nan was thinking about the female ghost in the room, and didn't want to have other women in her heart on the most important day of her senior, so she had to wait another day.

Zhan Weiling's body was limp and hot, and her face was also hot. She put her arms around his neck weakly and buried her head in his arms. A voice as thin as a mosquito came out of her mouth: "En."

The fiery delicate body was held in his arms, and the senior was in a daze, Su Nan finally shifted his attention away from the female ghost, he hugged the delicate and lovely senior, short of breath Said: "But tonight, I want to order some benefits for senior sister in advance, is that okay, senior sister?"

"It's ok, if it's Xiao Nan, it's fine." Although Zhan Weiling was shy, she still nodded affirmatively. It's not the first time anyway, so she won't shrink back because of shyness.

"Then I'm welcome."

Having entered the room, Su Nan put her senior on the bed.Smelling her good smell, I forgot about that female ghost even more, but the price was that my senior would be bullied by him.

Zhan Weiling became nervous, and then pretended to be calm: "Be gentle with senior sister."

Su Nan put one hand on the senior sister's chest, touched the senior sister's pink lips with the other hand, and smiled: "I will be very gentle from now on."

The senior sister pinched him shyly, and then saw Su Nan's face approaching, his eyes full of longing, Zhan Weilingfang's heart skipped a beat, and she closed her eyes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan left her and left, Qin Xiaowan, who was chattering in every possible way, sulked in the air, suddenly she was interested in another self, and the other self thought the same way.

They gathered together and looked at each other, which felt weird, but it didn't feel like they were two people.

Suddenly there was a blur in front of her eyes, Qin Xiaowan, who could only see one of herself, could now see three, and with herself, there would be four, split again?

Qin Xiaowan's face is a bit dark, it's fine to become a ghost, what's the reason for this split for no reason, will it continue to split indefinitely?

The two newly split Qin Xiaowan were stunned for a moment, and then each went to untie the rope that was tied to one of them, so the room became four Qin Xiaowan.

At some point, the four Qin Xiaowans turned into eight again.

At the senior sister's house next door, in the dark room, Su Nan lay lazily on the bed covered with a quilt, while the senior sister handled the situation for him in the bed.

After a while, the senior sister got out of bed, lay on Su Nan's body and kissed him, and said expectantly, "It's Senior Sister's turn, Xiao Nan will just lie down and get well."

Two hours later, a contented Su Nan left from her senior's house.

Standing in front of his house, he hesitated for a while. Although the urge to bully the female ghost in his heart has weakened now, once he returns home, he will still be unable to bear it after a long time.

It's just that Qin Xiaowan is still at home, and Su Nan can't stay away all night. The female ghost's origin is unknown. If she finds a way to leave the room, it's hard to guarantee that Qin Xiaowan will not be hurt.

It's better to go home and take Xiao Wan out for a night, I just hope that the female ghost won't disappear after a week.

Su Nan opened the door and entered the house, walked to Qin Xiaowan's room, opened the door, and entered her room.

Qin Xiaowan still maintained the previous sleeping position, which made Su Nan feel weird, did you not sleep last night?Sleep so dead.

Su Nan walked over and sat by the bed, and helped Qin Xiaowan pull down her skirt. Even though she was wearing his pants underneath, it was not easy to take off.

"Xiaowan, Xiaowan..." She yelled a few times but didn't wake her up. She stretched out her hand to push Qin Xiaowan, but it still didn't wake her up.

Su Nan was very confused, Qin Xiaowan's breathing was calm, her slightly puffed chest rose and fell gently, it was obvious that she was sleeping, why couldn't she wake up?

Has she always been like this?

Su Nan didn't have much time, worried that she wanted to see the female ghost after staying at home for a long time, so she hurriedly called Qin Xiaowan, but she still didn't wake up, so she had to scratch her armpit with her fingers.

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