At this moment, a series of noisy sounds came from the next door, as if a group of things were rampaging in the room, crashing into a large area of ​​things, and there were faint bursts of laughter, which made people feel very horrified.

It was the female ghost who was laughing. Generally, the laughter of a girl like this is not scary at all, but the problem is that there seem to be many female ghosts laughing at the same time, and the voices are exactly the same, which sounds a little scary.

Su Nan was startled at first, but what followed was an impulse in his heart. It seemed that laughter was very attractive to him, and he felt that he was resisting more and more. As time went by, The feeling of wanting to see a female ghost is even stronger.

Su Nan walked out of Qin Xiaowan's room, stood in front of her room, hesitating, what's going on inside, what happened just now?

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The sound of slamming the door was accompanied by the female ghost's dissatisfied voice: "Hey, Zha Nan, what are you doing next door?"

Su Nan didn't answer her question, but asked, "What did you do inside?"

"It's all your fault..." At this point, as if there was something unspeakable, the female ghost sighed: "Come in and have a look, I'm afraid if this continues, the room won't be able to accommodate me."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and then realized, did the female ghost split again?

She was able to slam the door with her hands, it seemed that she was indeed split, Su Nan gritted her teeth, a strong impulse came up in her heart, she pushed open the door and walked in.

Just as she was about to close the door, Su Nan was stunned by the scene in the room. Eight identical female ghosts in revealing clothes were floating in the air. The scene was a bit shocking.

While he was in a daze, several female ghosts flew out with a whoosh, very fast.

The female ghosts who flew out of the living room looked at him with a smile, very proud.

Then the female ghosts found Qin Xiaowan's door open, their eyes lit up, and they flew over.

"No entry!" Su Nan immediately closed the door, rushed over and caught the two female ghosts, but one still flew into Qin Xiaowan's room.

Su Nan was startled, and wanted to leave the two female ghosts into the room, but they hugged them when they realized it, and they complained in unison: "See what's the big deal."

Su Nan's body was stiff, and the female ghost's clothes were both revealing and flimsy. Being hugged by them like this, their bodies were almost naked, which brought Su Nan a strong impulse, especially the female ghost itself had a great influence on him.

At this moment, Su Nan abandoned all thoughts, and her lips were printed on the lips of one of the female ghosts, sealing her mouth.

Another female ghost exclaimed, her pretty face blushed, she covered her mouth and said, "Why did you suddenly kiss me!"

As she said, she hugged Su Nan's arm and wanted to save another self, but her body was limp and weak. It was the first time she was kissed like this, and she had a particularly strong psychological and physical feeling. That's right, all of Qin Xiaowan's spiritual body feelings are shared. of.

Su Nan let go of the female ghost who was being kissed weakly by herself, and turned to the other body in her arms. While doing these things, Su Nan did not forget to look at the door of Qin Xiaowan's room, and found that the female ghost that flew in flew in again at this moment. At the door, she looked at him with a red face.

Seeing this, Su Nan tried harder to bully the two female ghosts in his arms, but it was a bit difficult to control both of them at the same time. Just when Su Nan wanted to push one of them into the room, they suddenly reached out and hugged him tightly. While groping behind him, they kissed each other, seeming to have entered a state of disorientation.

Su Nan realized that he and the female ghost were attracted to each other, and let go of their arms. Sure enough, they didn't run away, but stuck to him to offer benefits.

"You two... stop!" The female ghost who was not involved shouted anxiously, but Su Nan felt that her voice was full of coquettishness. Looking over, she also entered a strange state. It's just that he restrained himself and refused to come to his side.

Su Nan wanted to catch this one too, but the two female ghosts around him entangled him tightly, which gave him a stronger impulse, and he completely lost his mind.

Taking a last look at the female ghost who was not under her control, Su Nan took the two beside her to the sofa, put them on it, and...

Su Nan's only reason is to wonder why the female ghost is so obsessed with Qin Xiaowan, but no matter what, she must prevent the female ghost from approaching Qin Xiaowan.

It's just that he was fascinated at this time. Although he still had some reason, it was not enough to support his actions. He could only bully the female ghost in this way, and use the shared feeling of each spirit body of the female ghost to stop it.

Su Nan did such a thing to the other two herself, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help being fascinated, she was about to float towards Su Nan, but when she saw her body in the room, she subconsciously drifted towards her body and burrowed into it.

The next moment, Qin Xiaowan woke up, her body shrank into a ball, her face was as red as blood.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qin Xiaowan's voice came from the room, waking Su Nan up. He quickly grabbed the two limp female ghosts on the sofa, ran to the door of his room, opened the door and stuffed them in.

Suppressing the urge to live in the room, Su Nan quickly closed the door, and ran to Qin Xiaowan's room instead, and saw that Qin Xiaowan had woken up, lying on the bed with a blushing face, curled up in a ball.

Su Nan was shocked when she saw this, thinking that the female ghost had done something to Qin Xiaowan, she hurried over to help her sit up, the moment her palm touched her arm, Qin Xiaowan's body trembled and his face turned redder.

Su Nan asked her nervously, "Xiao Wan, how are you doing?"

The spirit body of the female ghost should have entered Qin Xiaowan's room, but she couldn't see it in the room, Qin Xiaowan looked so strange again, Su Nan was worried, whether the female ghost would run into Qin Xiaowan's body Alright.

Qin Xiaowan gritted her teeth to resist the strange feeling, shook her head with a bit embarrassed expression: "I had a nightmare."

By the way, pretending to be natural, she broke away from Su Nan's hand, lowered her head slightly, the blush on her face spread to her neck, she looked very attractive.

Su Nan did it just now, she did that kind of thing to her ghost, but she didn't seem to go in?Just use your hands to deal with your two ghosts at the same time?

Because at that time Qin Xiaowan was so affected that his mind went blank, and he didn't know what Su Nan had done to his ghost, but that was enough to be shy.

The girl who lowered her head and showed a shy attitude seemed to be exuding a strange charm. Su Nan couldn't help but stare at her face, and her eyes moved down to her beautiful white collarbone...

After reacting, Su Nan scolded herself for being abnormal, and forcibly looked away. He hadn't recovered from the incident just now.

Thinking of the female ghost, Su Nan turned her head back and asked worriedly, "Xiao Wan, did you notice anything unusual just now?"

When he asked, he deliberately paid attention to Qin Xiaowan's facial expression.Su Nan suspects that the female ghost has the ability to possess. If the female ghost enters Qin Xiaowan's body to replace her, wouldn't Qin Xiaowan be a female ghost now?

Qin Xiaowan seemed to understand Su Nan's worries, and she didn't want him to associate the female ghost with herself, so she replied with a puzzled look: "Abnormal? What is abnormal? I was sleeping just now. By the way, I'm starving to death for dinner." .”

Speaking of which, Qin Xiaowan got up and got out of the car. Her feet softened instantly and she almost fell down. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and sat down on the bed. She spat inwardly, and found that Su Nan had been looking at her, and stood up again, sorry Said: "Sleeping on the legs, a little numb."

Su Nan nodded and said, "From now on, you should go to bed early at night, and, please explain to me what happened in the past few days!"

Su Nan pretended to be strict. The female ghost didn't know that Qin Xiaowan pretended to be sick and asked for leave. If Qin Xiaowan was possessed by the female ghost, she would definitely not be able to answer.

"I didn't feel well the day before yesterday and asked for a day off. Didn't I fail today? Why are you so fierce." Qin Xiaowan said a little impatiently, but her heart was nervous.

Su Nan felt a little relieved, but she was not completely relieved, and asked her: "What is your mother's phone number, I will tell her about your situation regularly."

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