Su Nan felt more and more embarrassed. At that time, she lost her mind and did go in. Although it was only a little bit, and it didn't even break anything, but this kind of thing happened and it happened. If you come out, won't you be innocent?

"I'm sorry." Su Nan sincerely apologized again: "You can scold me if you want, but I hope you leave quickly, I'm afraid I'll make another mistake if I wait any longer."

"I suspect that you keep saying this to scare me away, so that I won't blame you. In short, you treated me like that, don't think that nothing happened, you, you, you... you have to be responsible!" The girl rose The red face said that the seven ghosts spoke together, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

"Uh, responsible?" Su Nan suspected that she had heard wrong, where did she come from as a traditional girl, or that she knew her in reality and she had a good impression of her, otherwise how could she raise such an excuse.

But apart from Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi, senior sister and the others, Su Nan can't think of any other female friends who have an ambiguous relationship with her. Squad leader Lu's words are just an enemy, and she is just a pervert. How can she be like the girl in front of her while holding him accountable? , while being ashamed and indignant by his own words.

"That's right, you have to be responsible!" Qin Xiaowan blinked her eyes, endured strong shame and said solemnly: "You have treated me like that, shouldn't you be responsible? You have bullied other girls like this before, right? Did that girl become your girlfriend? If I say it, do you just pretend that nothing happened? "

She looked as if she had been underestimated and was extremely injustice.

Su Nan was fascinated by her, and her head was not sober at first, but now she was even more stunned after hearing her words, which seemed quite reasonable, but she always felt that something was wrong, who is this girl's identity?

"What do you want me to do?" As a last resort, Su Nan could only ask her, hoping to solve the matter quickly, he felt that he could not bear it anymore.

Qin Xiaowan thought for a while, and realized that she was careless. She couldn't tell her identity in reality, otherwise she would be ashamed to face others.

"I haven't thought of it yet, I'll tell you when I think of it." She replied.

"Then are you still leaving?" Su Nan asked her.

"I'm not leaving tonight, you go to another room..." Before he could finish speaking, he saw Su Nan close the window and walk towards him.

Qin Xiaowan's heart was pounding like a deer, and she retreated in a panic: "What do you want?"

"Maybe I can't help it anymore, which one was the one I bullied before?" After speaking, Su Nan's eyes fell on one of the overly flustered ghosts, and rushed towards her.

Like wolves entering a flock of sheep, a group of ghost girls are flying around.

Then Su Nan grabbed the one that she had bullied, and hugged and kissed it fiercely, regardless of other things.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door.

"You guys hide!" Su Nan said in a low voice, climbed onto the bed with the girl in her arms and sat down, pressed her on her lap to gag her mouth, and pulled the quilt to cover her.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm coming in!"

Qin Xiaowan shouted loudly while knocking on the door, put her hand on the doorknob and twisted it slowly, Su Nan didn't lock the door.

She wanted to scare Su Nan inside to make Su Nan stop, but she was dumbfounded in the next second. Su Nan's flashy behavior made her mouth open.

Well, she also has a strange feeling about being bullied by her own ghost.

"I, I, I... I really want to come in!" Qin Xiaowan blushed instantly, and said loudly in anxiety and embarrassment, she knew what was going on inside, Su Nan was half lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, and she One of the ghosts seems to be in the bed.

Because it feels the same as a ghost, Qin Xiaowan feels very clearly, as if she was treated by Su Nan in this way.

The girl's sense of shame made her at a loss. She just felt that she had to go in immediately to stop Su Nan's atrocities. Since Su Nan lost her mind and refused to stop, she could only open the door to scare him. Isn't there a saying that boys are frightened? Time will lose that impulse.

So she flung open the door and strode into the room.

In the room, her other six ghosts have flown to the top of the door according to Su Nan's order, and those who enter the door will not see it unless they look up.

The main reason is that Qin Xiaowan didn't want to get involved with ghosts, and tried not to let Su Nan think of himself from ghosts.

After entering the door, Qin Xiaowan looked at the bed with a blushing face, and saw that Su Nan on the bed still maintained the posture she had before entering the door, even the ghost in the bed. .

Qin Xiaowan only took one look, then turned her face away in a panic. Although she couldn't see anything, she had to know that all the feelings she had with the ghost were shared. What Su Nan did to that ghost was equivalent to what she did to her. .

Qin Xiaowan gritted her teeth, she came in, but Su Nan still refused to stop like a normal person, do you think she is a fool?Or is it that he has been attracted by her ghost to the point where his IQ has dropped to a negative number.

"Hiss~" At this time, Su Nan on the bed took a deep breath, Qin Xiaowan was taken aback, and then her heart couldn't help beating wildly, did the ghost hurt him because of her gritted teeth?

After learning that Qin Xiaowan had the intention to come in, Su Nan subconsciously did this kind of behavior. Facing Qin Xiaowan standing in front of the bed, for some reason, she didn't feel a little nervous, but felt so happy that she died.

Although he faintly felt something was wrong, Qin Xiaowan didn't seem to notice anything, but his rationality was replaced by impulse, thinking that he had covered it up well, and instinctively continued to act: "What's the matter?"

He reached in and gently stroked the female ghost's hair in the bed.

Qin Xiaowan suddenly had the urge to cough, but it seemed to be just a psychological reaction.

"What are you doing?" Qin Xiaowan stared at Su Nan, her eyes fell on the high arched bed, her eyes were full of hints.

Under normal circumstances, Su Nan would have been so frightened that he would have stopped all his actions, but at this moment, his IQ was negative, or his small head replaced his big head. .

He stretched his body in front of Qin Xiaowan like this, and said calmly: "It's nothing, I'm doing exercise."

"You..." Qin Xiaowan stared blankly at Su Nan who acted recklessly, his eyes were blurred, and then his face was crimson when he realized that Su Nan's hands were making trouble in the bed!

Not only that, she seemed to be affected by that ghost, and she had the urge to climb up and pounce on Su Nan, as did the other six ghosts.

Su Nan said that now she and he are attracted to each other.

Qin Xiaowan swallowed her saliva, restrained herself from looking at Su Nan, who seemed to be full of charm at the moment, and said in a normal tone: "Are you a fool, doing exercises under the covers? I want to do it with you! Uh, no, you have to For exercise, I will go for a run with you."

The girl who said the wrong thing felt very ashamed.

"No, you should go take a shower first. It's so late and go to bed early after taking a bath." Su Nan seemed to instinctively feel something wrong, but he didn't restrain himself.

Qin Xiaowan's legs trembled, stared at him for a while, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, ran out of Su Nan's room in a panic, and closed the door, if she didn't leave, she was afraid that she would fall too.

Su Nan lifted the quilt.

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