"No, you can't do this!"

The other six ghosts quickly flew down to stop them. They were all Qin Xiaowan, and Qin Xiaowan's body was still clear outside, so that their consciousness would not be lost.

It's just that they, as ghosts, seem to have little interference with reality, and their strength is negligible to Su Nan and cannot be stopped.

Su Nan stopped, because he found the six ghosts were quite interesting, and asked them, "Want to save her?"

"Yeah~" The six Qin Xiaowan nodded like chickens pecking at rice. It was too shameful for Su Nan to have their souls fucked up like this.

"I feel bad, if you want to save her, then let me not feel bad." Su Nan said clearly.

The six high school girl versions of Qin Xiaowan all blushed, and the six identical pretty faces showed the same shameful expression.

Su Nan stared at them greedily, while hugging the female ghost in her arms, and slowly entered into a state of integration with her.

The six Qin Xiaowan panicked, the will on the outside was very strong, and the feeling of shyness overwhelmed Su Nan's influence on her.

"We... just do it." One of them, Qin Xiaowan, looked at him shyly and said, "But can you stop first?"

Su Nan nodded: "Yes."

"What, what should I do?" The other Qin Xiaowan asked with shame.

"You have no experience?" Su Nan asked.

"Uh, yes, yes."

"Then I will teach you."

Su Nan stood up, causing the six Qin Xiaowans to look sideways at the same time.

Then Su Nan said something, and Qin Xiaowan's face turned as if bleeding, they looked at Su Nan confused, shy and fascinated.

Su Nan looked at the group of girls with the same appearance in front of him. The six identical faces were like gorgeous flowers competing for beauty.Feeling satisfied, their delicate and charming faces had cute expressions, as if he had become the man who controlled their destiny.

Then Su Nan said another word, and Qin Xiaowan did it half-willingly.

"You join too." Su Nan pressed the one he had caught earlier and knelt in front of her.

In the bathroom, Qin Xiaowan looked at herself blushing in the mirror, and murmured: "Liar.".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan woke up, looking at the seven identical girls on the bed, a little confused.

The previous memories came to mind clearly, but Su Nan was still surprised, the matter was serious, he gave the girl in ghost state.

Su Nan immediately remembered something, and turned her gaze to the person lying beside her.This ghost was breathing the most rapidly, as if it had experienced strenuous exercise.

He only had sex with this ghost just now, and when this ghost was outside on the sofa earlier in the morning, he had already done the same thing, but the time was much shorter.

So, now that he is bullying someone for the second time, he seems to feel less guilty, but these ghosts are exactly the same person.

In a daze, the girl who had been tortured by him clung to him, clung to him, hugged his neck with both hands, and lay intimately in his arms.

Su Nan's body froze, intending to wake the girl up to bear the consequences, but the girl opened her eyes, stared at him for a while, then suddenly pressed her face to his and kissed him, then continued to close her eyes and lie in his arms, delicate and lovely A seductive blush spread across his face.

Su Nan couldn't react, why didn't the girl get angry?Was it conquered by his bravery?

However, it is guessed that Su Nan herself also felt that it was nonsense. Recalling that the girl kept saying that she was responsible for it before, maybe she had a crush on her.

Su Nan recalled the girls who had a relatively close relationship with him at school. Except for the three who had a stable harem, there was only the class monitor and the school girl who hadn't seen him for a while, but the girl in front of him was similar to them. No.

In other words, none of the girls I knew at school could match up with this girl, could it be a girl I don't know?

Seeing him silent for a long time, the girl opened her eyes and asked shyly, "What are you thinking?"

Su Nan came back to her senses, looked at the shy girl in front of her complicatedly, and said, "I was thinking...how should I ask you to forgive me."

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, wanted to laugh, but held back, with a serious face: "Do you still need to think about it, of course you have to be responsible, be responsible!"

She said emphatically, the smile in her eyes could not be hidden.

Su Nan was even more puzzled as to who she was.

"Why aren't you angry? I did this to you." Su Nan couldn't help asking.

Qin Xiaowan thought for a while, puffed her cheeks and said, "Who said I'm not angry, I'm very angry, you forced me to do that kind of thing, what a pervert!"

"Sorry." Su Nan was very embarrassed and didn't know how to comfort her, but there was no sign of anger on the girl's face.

"What's the use of just apologizing? Be responsible, you have to be responsible if you do something wrong." Qin Xiaowan muttered softly, her cheeks blushing.

Su Nan was not surprised by her request, the girl had already mentioned it once before.

He hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully, "I already have a girlfriend, and there are more than one."


"I can't do it." Su Nan shook her head resolutely.

Qin Xiaowan frowned, "Aren't you ready to take responsibility?"

"I can be responsible to you, but at the same time I also need to be responsible to my women." Su Nan replied seriously, and gave up Chu Xi's senior sister Zhao Xiaomin and the others for the sake of a girl who didn't even know her identity. Nan couldn't do it.

Even if this girl is an acquaintance with him in reality, he can't give up other girls for her.

Qin Xiaowan only felt bored in her heart. She suddenly realized that she was in an extremely disadvantaged situation. If she guessed correctly, both Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin suffered from that strange disease. They knew each other, but they still stayed by Su Nan's side. Compromise to a certain extent.

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