-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After class at noon, Su Nan and Chu Xi walked out of the class together. After meeting Zhao Xiaomin who was waiting outside, the three of them went to the dining hall to eat together.

Because the three of them were not in the same team, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin finished their meal relatively quickly, and they came to their old seats to sit down first.

Taking advantage of Chuxi's absence, Su Nan asked about that day: "Is your sister okay?"

"Well, she started to come to school today." Zhao Xiaomin nodded, looking at him sorry: "It's just that I may not be able to accompany you recently."

The follow-up influence on the younger sister is the same as her last time, and it will last for about seven days. As long as Su Nan bullies her within these seven days, the younger sister will feel it, but it is too soon, and the follow-up influence will end in a few days.

Su Nan didn't ask any more. He had heard of twins having telepathy, but it was almost unheard of like Zhao Xiaomin and his sister.

He vaguely felt that it might have something to do with the abnormal events around him, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't want him to know, so he pretended to be stupid.

Then Chu Xi also came, and the two ended their topic about Zhao Junmin and started talking about other things.

After lunch, the three of them were going to the activity room when Su Nan received a call from Qin Xiaowan.

He slowed down to let the two girls go ahead, and he was a little behind to answer the call, but the voice of a middle-aged woman came out on the phone. The other party claimed to be Qin Xiaowan's class teacher. Qin Xiaowan was ill and asked him to take her home to rest.

Su Nan was stunned, hung up the phone, and looked up. The two girls in front of him looked at him with slightly worried eyes, and Su Nan realized that he had stopped unconsciously.

"Xiao Wan is sick, I'm going to take her home." Su Nan explained.

Chu Xi nodded: "Go back, taking care of patients is important."

"If there is a need, Ah Nan remembers to call us." Zhao Xiaomin also said.

Su Nan shook her head: "Probably not. From the tone of the teacher, it doesn't seem to be a serious problem."

After Su Nan left, the two girls continued to walk towards the activity room, but Zhao Xiaomin turned to look at Chu Xi curiously, and said with great interest, "You came to school so soon, aren't you afraid of the sequelae?"

"Why..." Chu Xi was startled at first, but quickly realized that since Zhao Xiaomin was also punished, he naturally knew about the sequelae.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin asked this question, clearly intending to laugh at her, but Chu Xi ignored it.

"Let me guess what your sequelae are." Zhao Xiaomin began to guess on her own: "Could it be that the sequelae of becoming Xiao Chuxi also became smaller? You took a few days off before, so you should have gone to hide. It's impossible for little Chuxi to go home, so where did you go..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xiaomin seemed to react suddenly, and looked at Chu Xi in surprise: "Could it be..."

"I lived in the house near the sea last time." Chu Xi explained lightly, but she was a little shy in her heart. If Zhao Xiaomin knew about this, she would definitely be laughed to death.

"That's right, how could you run to Ah Nan's house, you have to be thick-skinned to do such a thing."

Zhao Xiaomin also nodded in approval, but Chu Xi gritted her teeth at what she said inadvertently, but she also breathed a sigh of relief.

Worried that Zhao Xiaomin would continue to entangle on this issue, Chu Xi quickly changed the subject: "Speaking of which, we have all been punished three times, and the time of onset in the future is uncertain, so it is easy to be punished again."

"Indeed, we can't be with Ah Nan 24 hours a day, we spend most of the time apart." Zhao Xiaomin hesitated, and said, "Unless we live together, we can't solve this problem, but with our current relationship, we are punished." It's no big deal."

She has already had such a close relationship with Su Nan, and she played all kinds of tricks during the punishment, and even she still misses that time a little bit.

If she could become like that again and go to accompany Su Nan at night, she would rather "be uncomfortable before the punishment, the kind of uncomfortable feeling, and the influence we have on Mu Nan during the punishment period, I don't like it very much."

Chu Xi frowned.It's not a bad thing to attract Su Nan all the time, but it's a convenient attraction, and most of the time it will cause Su Nan to lose his mind and just want to vent, even the punished himself.

This was a bit unacceptable to Chuxi, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't take it seriously. Anyway, Su Nan would calm down after venting out. It's just that Chuxi said that she felt uncomfortable when she got sick, and she didn't feel that way. Want to go through it again.

"What do you think?" Zhao Xiaomin frowned slightly. If he wanted to avoid this situation, he had to stay with Su Nan all the time. How could this be done.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Xi said, "You said you were living together just now."

"Uh..." Zhao Xiaomin looked at Chu Xi in surprise, and then looked weird: "Although cohabitation can indeed be avoided, how can we achieve cohabitation? Could it be that we live together in Ah Nan's house? That would be too embarrassing."

"Let's think about it again." Chu Xi also blushed.

Arriving at Qin Xiaowan's class in junior high school, Su Nan saw Qin Xiaowan who was lying on the desk and sleeping soundly, and Qin Xiaowan's class teacher who was waiting beside her with a worried expression on her face.

Seeing him coming, the class teacher pointed to Qin Xiaowan and said, "She has been sleepy since the morning, and she can't keep her spirits up. The school doctor can't find anything. You can take her home to the doctor. You can give me your class teacher's number." Tell me, I'll help you ask for leave..."

Su Nan was also a little worried when he heard the words, and nodded to the teacher: "Teacher, please."

She gave Qin Xiaowan her homeroom teacher's number, and Su Nan carried Qin Xiaowan on her back and left. When she went down the stairs, the girl seemed to wake up. She dawdled her small face against his back, took a few breaths of his scent, and murmured: " Brother Nan, is it you, I smell it."

Su Nan couldn't help laughing, puppy, you smelled it.

However, Qin Xiaowan's address to him was quite new, with a sense of relying on him. It seemed that Qin Xiaowan only called him that on the night when the fox girl Chu Xi appeared.

Thinking of the situation at that time, Su Nan's face became a little hot, and she quickly diverted her attention, "What's wrong with you all of a sudden?"

"It's just a sudden drowsiness, it's nothing." The girl said softly, her breath sprayed on his back, and there was a warmth that went straight to the bottom of my heart.

"The teacher said that you have been sleeping all morning. Did you not sleep last night?" Su Nan thought of what she did when she lost her mind last night. She felt a little guilty because of this reason.

"Yeah, I've been suffering from insomnia for the past few days, just go back and sleep." Qin Xiaowan nodded slightly, her chin resting on Su Nan's back, she didn't have much strength so it didn't hurt.

Hearing what she said, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't because of what happened last night, and then frowned again: "Why do you have insomnia at such a young age? I'd better take you to see a doctor."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"No need, I just watched a movie in the middle of the night these few days, and I just couldn't fall asleep because of my high energy."

Qin Xiaowan shook her body and acted like a baby, and then found that Su Nan's body froze, and she also froze, her cheeks became slightly hot, Su Nan probably thought she was watching his bathing video.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaowan felt ashamed.

"Do you know that you are not allowed to stay up late in the future?" Su Nan relaxed slowly and taught a serious lesson.

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