"Yeah." Qin Xiaowan quickly responded, pressing her ruddy face against Su Nan's back, and closing her eyes shyly.

Qin Xiaowan probably guessed why he was sleepy. It should be because most of his soul is outside, so he gets tired easily.

But today she was allowed to ask for leave, and she was still with Su Nan, Qin Xiaowan was very happy in her heart, not only would Su Nan take care of her considerately as a patient, but she could also use her soul to do shameful things with Su Nan.

The scenes of yesterday are still fresh in my memory, and it also makes the girl who is exposed to this kind of thing for the first time feel extraordinarily novel and excited. The feeling of comfort to the bone is still unforgettable to her. At this time, Su Nan just happened to be carrying her, her body and his Wei Wei's body was in contact with a large area, and Wei Wei became warm.

But this situation only lasted until he walked out of the campus, because Su Nan called an online car-hailing car and waited there, Qin Xiaowan puffed up her cheeks.

But soon, Qin Xiaowan smiled again, got on the car and put away the smile, lightly touched Su Nan's arm with his elbow, yawned, and said pitifully, "I want to sleep~~"

It's a pretentious tone...

Su Nan is a little uncomfortable, but she is quite cute. The reason why Qin Xiaowan is like this is probably because she is sleepy and her head is also confused.

Looking at the carriage, there is no other place to support your body to sleep unless you are leaning against the window.

Su Nan hesitated for a while, moved her body and sat next to Qin Xiaowan, Qin Xiaowan's lovely face burst into a smile again, she leaned her body gently, and carefully touched Su Nan.

Su Nan turned her head to look at her, said nothing, then Qin Xiaowan breathed out a few times, and leaned her head on his shoulder again.

It is normal for people to lean against each other to sleep in the car. Considering that Qin Xiaowan was really sleepy, Su Nan didn't move.

He didn't notice that the smile on the girl's face was even bigger.

Qin Xiaowan leaned against this person, feeling drowsy, she yawned, closed her eyes reassuringly, and unconsciously hugged Su Nan's arm again.

Although she would be shy in contact with Su Nan as the main body, after going through last night, she has changed a little bit. Qin Xiaowan can accept such intimate physical contact, or even more intimate.

But considering Su Nan's feelings, she didn't dare to go too far, lest she startle the snake.

When the car was parked outside the community, Su Nan already felt wet on her shoulders. Turning her head to look, Qin Xiaowan was sleeping soundly on her shoulders, with crystal liquid flowing out from the corner of her mouth.

"Xiaowan, Xiaowan..." Su Nan pushed her lightly. Qin Xiaowan opened her eyes and looked at him in a daze. A piece fell off, and the little face couldn't help but red.

"Get out of the car, can you go?" Su Nan asked nonchalantly.

His attitude made Qin Xiaowan heave a sigh of relief and feel a little bit disappointed. In his mind, she was indeed just a role like a younger sister.

I'm a little bit dissatisfied.

However, an opportunity to change this situation has appeared, and she is unwilling to let go of even the slightest chance, even if doing so will make her feel ashamed and ashamed.

She tried to stand up first, but immediately fell down again, and looked at him with frowned eyebrows: "I have no strength."

"I'll carry you on my back." Sure enough, Su Nan said so.

After getting out of the car, he carefully helped her to the door, then turned around and bent over, carried Qin Xiaowan on his back, and walked home.

Qin Xiaowan lay on his back and looked at his neck, feeling joyful in her heart, and saw his wet shoulders again, her face flashed with embarrassment, she struggled to take out a tissue from her pocket, and carefully wiped it on his shoulders.

Su Nan felt the girl's movement and didn't make a sound.

Thanks to his body that has been strengthened many times, he can walk easily even with someone on his back, and he doesn't take a breath when he gets home. What's more, Qin Xiaowan's body is so light that it doesn't affect him at all.

Just about to carry Qin Xiaowan back to the room, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said: "Wait."

Su Nan stopped: "What?"

"Go there." The girl whispered, pointing her finger in a direction.

Su Nan was stunned, and then carried Qin Xiaowan into the bathroom with a calm face. According to the teacher, Qin Xiaowan was sleepy all morning, probably never went to the bathroom, and he bought her soy milk in the morning, and he had endured it for a long time Alright.

He put the girl on the toilet and sat down. He didn't turn around to know that the girl was blushing to the neck and embarrassed.

"Finish and call me in." Su Nan said something and walked out.

Qin Xiaowan didn't look back at him shyly until she watched him go out, and began to solve the problem.

Su Nan stood guard at the door, because he was worried that he would not be able to hear Qin Xiaowan calling him if he walked far away. Unexpectedly, because of his excellent hearing, he hurried away when he heard a strange voice.

After a while, the girl's small voice came out: "Yes, you can come in."

Su Nan took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

I saw the girl sitting on the toilet, pressing her skirt with both hands, lowering her head, not daring to see anyone. Her rosy cheeks made her seem to have lost a little girlish immaturity, adding a touch of femininity.

Su Nan was taken aback for a moment, Xiaowan seemed to be different today.

Looking at it for too long may cause misunderstanding, Su Nan walked up to Qin Xiaowan, turned around and squatted down, slowly carried her on his back, then carried her out of the bathroom, then carried her back to the room and put her on the bed.

Covering her with a quilt, Su Nan said concernedly: "Take a good rest, I'll cook some porridge for you."

Qin Xiaowan didn't eat lunch.

Qin Xiaowan closed her eyes, clenched her pink fist, took a deep breath, as if she had made a decision, she responded softly: "Yes."

After Su Nan left, Qin Xiaowan silently felt the other seven copies of herself in Su Nan's room, and it was their turn to play next, but it was a pity that she couldn't open the door alone, otherwise she could go out to please Su Nan.

As soon as Su Nan got home, he had a very strong desire to enter the room. No, he should have had this urge at school, but it became stronger after returning home.

But Su Nan held back her mood for the time being, and went to the kitchen. First of all, she had to cook Qin Xiaowan's lunch so that she wouldn't be hungry. Then, there would be a whole afternoon in the afternoon.

Thinking of this, Su Nan's heart became hot.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There were not many ingredients left at home, so Su Nan simply cooked a piece of lean meat porridge, sprinkled it with chopped green onions, brought it to Qin Xiaowan's door and knocked on the door, but she didn't respond, probably fell asleep.

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