"Yang Nai" smiled: "Sister, let me teach you." As he said, "Yang Nai" turned Su Nan's head and kissed him, and at the same time put Su Nan's hand on his chest, letting him play with him, and then let him play with him. "Xue Nai" did the same.

Just when "Xue Nai" was doing these things in shame and indignation, their mother came over and used her body to set an example for the two daughters.

Su Nan couldn't bear it anymore, and dragged them to play Arhats, having a good time.

After the family bucket was settled, it was the turn of the Sabers of various colors. Under Su Nan's command, the four of them lay on the bed in a row, shaking...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the cosplay game was over, Su Nan woke up from the entanglement of the girls, and looked at the time only to find that it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, so she hurriedly dressed and walked out of the room to see Qin Xiaowan.

He knocked on the door to remind him that he was coming in. After waiting for a while, there was no response, so Su Nan pushed the door open and went in.

Walking to the bed, I saw Qin Xiaowan lying on the bed in a sleeping position, but for some reason her face was flushed and her breath seemed heavy.

Why do you seem to be very tired?

Su Nan was a little worried, and put her hand on the girl's sweaty forehead. The girl seemed to be startled and suddenly opened her eyes. She was relieved when she saw him, but then she seemed to remember something, her face flushed, as if It's embarrassing.

"You don't have a fever, Xiaowan, what's wrong with you?" Touching her forehead that wasn't hot, seeing Qin Xiaowan woke up, Su Nan withdrew her hand and asked her directly.

"That... just... a bit hot." Qin Xiaowan said nastily, feeling guilty in her heart, avoiding Su Nan's sight, for fear of being seen by him.

Su Nan didn't think too much about it. Seeing that she wasn't sick, she said, "If it's hot, turn on the air conditioner. You can sleep for a while. I'll call you when you eat."

"Okay, okay." Qin Xiaowan quickly responded in a low voice, and directly left Su Nan, before pulling up the quilt to cover her flushed face.

At noon, she thought that her soul would come back in the afternoon, and how to say goodbye to Su Nan, so she came up with the trick of cosplay.

Doing all she can to please Su Nan makes her, who is only able to get in touch with men and women, feel that she is so slutty.

However, this is all necessary to attack Su Nan.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaowan felt relieved.

When Su Nan returned to the room, the seven girls were still lazily lying on the bed.

After several times of this kind of behavior, Su Nan found that the girls' bodies became more and more real, with white and transparent skin, no different from real human bodies.

Could it be that doing those things is good for the girls' health?

Su Nan remembered that last night, they couldn't even change a single piece of clothing, and their bodies were illusory. Now they not only become like real people, but they can also adjust their body shape and change into various clothes and shapes.

Such a girlfriend who can be used as seven and has endless changes is great, but it's a pity that they will disappear tonight.

Su Nan felt reluctance and pity in her heart.

The girl who previously cosplayed Yukino's mother opened her eyes, stared at him softly, and said coquettishly, "Master, come here."

According to the previous plot designed by the girl, she owed a large debt as Snow Mother, and had to be the creditor's slave girl, and was bullied all day long. At the same time, the eldest daughter voluntarily married the creditor in order to save her mother, and accompanied her younger sister on the wedding night. The frenzied creditor took their mother and daughter together that night...

Su Nan thought about these Li Fan plots designed by the girl, and seeing the cute face of the girl at the moment, she felt amused in her heart, and walked to the girl who was beckoning to her.

The girl took his hand to make him lie down, then snuggled into his arms, and sighed comfortably. What the body couldn't do, she did with her soul. It felt so good, but she was about to leave.

The girl was heartbroken.

Su Nan could feel the reluctance of the girl in her arms, hesitated for a while, and asked, "What's your name?"

Since last night, both Su Nan and the girl have been avoiding this question together, Qin Xiaowan dared not speak and could not speak, while Su Nan simply did not know how to deal with this matter.

Since last night, he has realized that the girl is not what she said, and he is responsible.

The girl is unwilling to tell him her real name, which means that after today, the two of them will not be in contact. Even if they meet in school, the girl will pretend that she doesn't know him, so he doesn't have to worry about how to tell his girlfriends. He confessed, but when it came time to part, a sense of reluctance still quietly occupied his heart.

Asking her name means that Su Nan doesn't want to completely cut off contact with her.

Qin Xiaowan was surprised at first, and then she rolled her eyes with a smile. Just as she thought, Su Nan felt sorry for her, but she couldn't tell him her name.

Qin Xiaowan felt very sorry, seeing Su Nan bowed her head sadly because she hadn't answered for a long time, she couldn't help feeling panicked.

"I... my name, my name..." Scratching her cheeks and ears anxiously, Qin Xiaowan had an idea, and whispered, "I won't tell you my real name, but I hope you can find me out at school, then I will listen You said it."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, feeling better, and feeling speechless about the girl's proposal, but although the condition seemed unreasonable, girls had no resistance to such romantic things.

Are you looking for her in the vast sea of ​​people...

Su Nan asked: "There are thousands of people in the school, don't you have any reminders?"

"Well, let me think about it..." Frowning and thinking for a while, the girls each said, "Pretty girls."

"Meet you."

"At least one year younger than you."

Su Nan is a sophomore in high school, at least one class, probably in the first year of high school. The range of beautiful girls in the first year of high school is much smaller. The only thing that is not sure is that the girl boasts that she is beautiful. I don’t know how beautiful she is. Inferior to the current face, the range will be much smaller, and there may not be many in the whole freshman year.

"There's more." Su Nan asked with a smile when she saw that the girl was hesitating to say something and still wanted to say something.

"And..." The girl hesitated for a while, then blushed, brought her face closer to Su Nan, closed her eyes, and whispered, "Remember my face, this is also a clue."

Su Nan nodded, looked at the girl's beautiful face, and kept her in her heart.

In the very early days, not long after meeting Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan remembered that once, he saw a girl who looked like Chu Xi in the room and bathroom. At that time, he thought it was a hallucination. From then on, these strange things appeared around him, and Chu Xi was the first to be implicated.

Since the girl that Chu Xi turned into at that time looked similar to herself, the girl in front of her might be the same, so her face was the clue.

"I remember." Su Nan told the girl with a serious expression.

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