Qin Xiaowan opened her eyes and smiled at him with a warm smile. If she guessed correctly, this face is her in a few years. It may be because she has always wanted to grow up.

Qin Xiaowan's heart was beating vigorously, and she said softly: "You must remember, one day, I will meet you."

The expectations for the future were implied in the soft words, and the girl looked at him with watery eyes, tenderly.

Little by little, she grew into the appearance in Su Nan's memory. Thinking of Su Nan's bewildered expression when she saw her a few years later, Qin Xiaowan found it interesting and looked forward to that moment.

Su Nan couldn't understand the look in her eyes, but she nodded, and when she wanted to say something, she froze for a while.

The girl seemed to have noticed something, looked down, and her body became paler, and she looked up at Su Nan helplessly.

Su Nan stretched out his hand and touched the empty area. He quickly looked around. The other souls were similar. They disappeared little by little. Their eyes kept staring at him with the same gentle look in their eyes, as if saying, see you in the future. .

Chapter Three Hundred and Eight

The girl disappeared, and Su Nan didn't even know her name. Su Nan's heart was empty.

But soon he cheered up, knowing those clues, it is not difficult to find people with similar looks in school, what makes him even more troublesome now is how to explain to Chu Xi and the others.

Looking at the time, it was already past half past five, Su Nan walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

Qin Xiaowan woke up from the bed with a lot of energy, and she didn't feel sleepy. At this time, she felt that she couldn't wait to go out to see Su Nan, but she felt that it was too reckless, so she held back.

She didn't want Su Nan to find out that the ghost girl was her now, and it wouldn't be too late to recognize him when she was two years old.

She in the soul state is at least herself in a few years later. By then, she will have fully grown up. With this experience, she can't believe that Su Nan will still treat her as a younger sister.

Qin Xiaowan went to the mirror and sat down, looked at herself in the mirror, compared with her ghost state, the gap was quite big, now she is a little girl, and the ghost state has the charm of a mature woman, all aspects are different. Very attractive. Although the two look similar, but this face is too childish, Su Nan will not connect the two, but probably can't hide it for too long, now is the time to grow up, maybe a couple of years Years will be recognized.

"Xiao Wan, it's time to eat." Su Nan shouted outside.

"Understood." Qin Xiaowan responded, calmed down, and went out of the room.

After spending the weekend absent-mindedly, and finally on Monday, Su Nan became a little excited. He decided to try to find the real identity of the ghost girl today.

He has been thinking about this for the past few days, and he can't even have a good weekend. He promised his senior sister to accompany her on weekends. Such a mental state is definitely not good. Fortunately, senior sister has something to do on the weekend and was invited by her classmates to go on a trip. , so as not to be rude.

While having breakfast, Qin Xiaowan also noticed that Su Nan was in a good mood, guessed what he was thinking, but felt a little resentful in her heart, originally thought that even if Su Nan couldn't guess that she was a ghost girl, at least she would be suspicious for a while, after all, the appearance is there , however no.

It seems that Su Nan has never thought that the real body of the ghost girl is just a junior high school student with such a barren body. Perhaps the experience given to him in the ghost state is too feminine, which makes Qin Xiaowan's real body feel very depressed.

After eating in a hurry, Su Nan went out, but Qin Xiaowan was not in a hurry. She found that since that day, she had never felt uncomfortable, as if her condition had recovered.

But even the out-of-body thing happened. She didn't think this strange disease was a common disease, and it couldn't just disappear like this.

Now there are no more videos of Su Nan secretly taking pictures, and Qin Xiaowan has no means to shame herself, so she can only use the old method, using all the things related to Su Nan at home, or the photo album that records Su Nan's changes from childhood to adulthood.

And there is...

On the day of cosplay, she secretly put a recorder in front of Su Nan's door, a very small one, inserted through the crack of the door, and recorded the sound at that time.

Originally, she wanted to put a camera, but the camera was too big to fit through the crack of the door, and she was very sleepy that day, so she didn't have time to think of other ways, so she had to record first.

Now this recording has been collected in her mobile phone, and she also wears headphones at all times, ready for emergency use.

Su Nan, who came out of the house, met her senior sister, and they went to school together.

Several times on the way, the senior sister secretly held his hand and scratched his palm with her fingers. Su Nan couldn't help but hold his hand tightly in turn. However, there were more and more people on the road, and they didn't dare to be too presumptuous. After a while, they let go and walked side by side like normal people, chatting normally.

Speaking of going on a trip in the past two days, the senior sister smiled and told him that he had a good time, but she was a little regretful that she couldn't accompany him, after all, the two made an appointment.

"Xiao Nan..." The senior sister suddenly hesitated to speak, and her face turned red, but she still whispered: "Tonight, are you coming to my place?"

It seemed that the senior was quite disappointed that she couldn't spend the weekend with him, Su Nan nodded with a smile: "I promised my senior, of course I will go there, but let's go shopping at night, after all, we have class tomorrow."

Zhan Weiling was very embarrassed to hear Su Nan's hint, she was a little too impatient, for fear that Su Nan might be worried about something and change her mind temporarily.

"Let's go to the movies tonight. I'm too tired from shopping." The senior sister said thoughtfully.

The almost explicit words made Su Nan's heart skip a beat. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she quietly held her senior's hand tightly and said softly, "I'll ask out my senior then."

Hearing this, the senior sister blushed even more.

When they arrived at the school, they separated from the senior sister who was showing reluctance. Su Nan walked to the back of her class and lined up to prepare for the flag-raising ceremony.

While waiting, he looked at Gao Yi, but he was too far away to see it.When passing by the first year of high school just now, he deliberately paid attention to the girls, but he was embarrassed to look at them for too long, so he didn't see anything.

If you want to find the ghost girl, you have to look at it class by class, but that is too conspicuous, Su Nan frowned, at this moment, he thought of that weird school girl, she is also a freshman in high school, why not ask her .

Su Nan decided to do it, but it's not convenient now, so I will write it down for now.

After a while, Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin came together, Su Nan was stunned for a moment, their house is not in the same direction, did they meet on the road?

Su Nan hasn't seen them for the past two days. They seem to be hiding what they're doing from him. Although they mentioned it to him, they didn't mention the specifics at all. They looked mysterious and Su Nan couldn't figure it out.

After seeing him, Zhao Xiaomin smiled at him, Chu Xi nodded to him, and then the two separated, standing beside him on the left and the right.

After the national flag was hoisted, the principal spoke on the stage, and Su Nan lost interest. He inadvertently saw Zhao Xiaomin secretly pressing his mobile phone, saw him looking at him, and smiled at him again.

Immediately, Su Nan's pocket phone vibrated.

Sent to yourself?

Su Nan was very curious, and secretly took out her mobile phone to take a look. Zhao Xiaomin said on WeChat that the strange telepathy between her and her sister had disappeared.

Seeing this news, Su Nan was also overjoyed. He hadn't been close to Zhao Xiaomin for several days, and to be honest, he missed it a little.

"Congratulations," he replied.

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