Zhao Xiaomin typed again: "Let's celebrate tonight."

Su Nan couldn't help feeling a little hot in his heart. Celebrating, he meant that, but he had an appointment with his senior sister at night, and he probably won't be free until at least nine o'clock in the evening.

"I'll see you at nine o'clock in the evening." Zhao Xiaomin sent another message, as if she knew that he was going on a date with her senior tonight.

Chapter Three Hundred and Nine

On the way back to class, Su Nan was walking with a few boys. He inadvertently mentioned the beauties in the first year of high school, and they chatted happily. Su Nan secretly wrote down the names everyone mentioned, not to mention , This group of students is very well informed, even the name of the beautiful woman, which class she is in, and whether she has a boyfriend.

As he was walking, Su Nan suddenly felt a chill behind him. Looking back, he found that the squad leader was following behind him without anyone noticing, staring at him angrily.

The squad leader seemed startled when he turned around and stopped to stare at him defensively.

Su Nan rolled her eyes, trying to pretend.

Ignoring her, she continued to go forward to inquire about the news with everyone. Behind her, Lu Ying took a deep breath and said, "Student Su Nan, come with me and help me get the things."

Without waiting for Su Nan to agree to Lu Ying, she changed direction and walked, and the boys gloated at Su Nan's misfortune, and quickly slipped away.

Su Nan followed behind the squad leader, looking at her pretty back, her gaze fell on the upturned part, and she couldn't help but think of the touch that day.

Although he was too impulsive at the time, Su Nan didn't regret it afterwards. He felt that dealing with perverts should be done in the same way as others, and tearing off the camouflage on the monitor's surface also gave him a sense of satisfaction.

After enduring it for a week, did the monitor finally take it no longer?

With this in mind, Su Nan followed Lu Ying to the table tennis table and stopped. At this time, class was approaching, and there were not many people nearby, but it was impossible to do anything in such a large crowd.

Su Nan was a little surprised.

After a moment of silence, Lu Ying turned around to look at Su Nan, and said, "I always thought you were an honest person."

"This is not a compliment." Su Nan rolled his eyes.

Lu Ying glanced at him suspiciously, then blushed suddenly, and asked, "Why did you do that to me that day?!"

Su Nan asked her back: "The monitor is the monitor, why didn't you tell the teacher, or even call the police?"

Lu Ying was stunned, the colors in her eyes became more and more complicated, and she was speechless for a while.

After holding back for a long time, she said, "I just... want to give you a chance to reform yourself."

She blushed, and turned her face away in embarrassment, as if she also felt that this excuse was too convincing.

She took a deep breath, and said softly: "You were not like this before, it's because of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, they indulged you like this. It's like cheating only zero times or countless times, and at the same time maintaining an unjust relationship with them You, of course, will have undue thoughts about other girls."

Su Nan was taken aback by her slow speech with determination, but quickly realized that Lu Ying thought so, but in Su Nan's view, she seemed to be making excuses to get close to him, or Give him a chance to do that again.

Su Nan didn't quite understand why she was worthy of her, but only this reason could explain why Lu Ying didn't call the teacher or call the police.

"What's the use of telling me this?" Su Nan decided to continue playing with her. Anyway, as a boy, he would not suffer any disadvantages, but suddenly Lu Ying's words flashed in his mind again. Because of the connivance of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, It becomes more and more casual when facing girls.

"I want to correct your mistake." Lu Ying said seriously.

Su Nan suppressed the sudden and chaotic thoughts in her heart, recalling Lu Ying's words, she was probably planning to use such an excuse to approach him.

Su Nan didn't hesitate, and said, "The monitor will come and try."

Lu Ying looked at him unexpectedly, "You don't object?"

"No objection." Su Nan nodded, and he decided to play with Lu Ying: "I also feel that I can't continue to harm girls like this, but I can't control myself. If there is a big beauty like the monitor to help me, maybe I will Falling in love with you, after falling in love with you, I will treat you with all my heart and give up other girls for you."

This was a little blunt, but Su Nan said it expressionlessly.

Lu Ying was very surprised when she heard this, her delicate cheeks turned a faint blush, she quickly shook her head, as if this was a terrible thing: "You can't fall in love with me!"

"Unless the squad leader can find a girl who is more attractive than you to chase me." Su Nan accompanied the squad leader in this scene.

"Chuxi...or Zhao Xiaomin?"

"I'm a little tired of playing with them. Although I still like them very much, I can't give up a large forest for one of them." Su Nan said, while secretly apologizing.

Lu Ying glared at him, probably wanting to call him a scumbag, but Su Nan became a little impatient, and said, "Will you help me? If you don't help me, let's go. Recently I've fallen in love with beautiful women again, so I'm going to flirt with them..."

Lu Ying stared at him with wide eyes, and after a few breaths, the hesitation in her eyes was replaced by determination: "Okay, I promise you!"

"The monitor should think about how to help me. It's almost time for class, so I'll go back first." Could something happen to the monitor in this place? Su Nan lacked interest and left after speaking.

Lu Ying stared at his back with complicated eyes. After a while, she took out her mobile phone and made a call. After a while, the call was connected. Lu Ying vomited bitterly on the mobile phone: "Auntie, why did you fall in love with this guy? He is really terrible Really, really, really..."

"What?" Auntie asked with interest.

Lu Ying didn't answer, but Chacha said unevenly: "What is so good about him, it's worth it for you..."

"He is handsome and has a magical charm, don't you think?" Auntie seemed to be crazy: "Ever since I saw him in your class photo, I have been missing him every day. I am out of my mind and ask you about him every day I swear that I will get him, Xiaoying, you have to help my aunt."

Auntie's bold and hot pleading made Lu Ying blushed, and said in a bad mood, "He's my classmate!"

"So what about my classmate, he is unmarried and I am unmarried, so do you like him?" Auntie snorted, "Even if Xiaoying likes someone, I won't let it to you!"

"That's not true!" Lu Ying stomped her feet and said bitterly, "I don't really want to help you do this kind of thing."

"You can think about it, if you don't help me, your mother's side..." Auntie's voice became cold.

Lu Ying was silent for a while, and said in a resentful voice: "I'm just joking, anyway, I can help my aunt to pursue him, right? Or I'll just ask him out to meet you."

The girl was a little bit like breaking the jar and throwing it around.

"No, it's too fast, I'll be embarrassed." The aunt became shy and paused, she said: "You should continue to help me find out everything about him, and occasionally take a few photos of him secretly, even more if there are nude photos All right."

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