Shu Bao'er turned her eyes, and she didn't sit down opposite him, but sat beside him, and while Su Nan was in a state of astonishment, she hugged his arms tightly with both hands, and whispered in his ear: "Senior is a liar, is it again?" The senior's spare tire, I didn't expect the senior to be such a bad person."

While speaking, Su Nan's breath made Su Nan's ears itchy, and he smelled a strange fragrance in his nose, which seemed to come from the school girl. He subconsciously sniffed his nose, it was really fragrant.

Seemingly aware of his small movements, Shu Bao'er blushed, let go of his arms, got up, walked to sit opposite him, and then whispered: "Senior H."

Su Nan was a little embarrassed, and said nonchalantly: "What spare tire, be careful when my monitor hears it and gets angry."

As soon as the words were finished, someone sat down beside him. Su Nan saw that it was Lu Ying.

After Lu Ying sat down, she said to Shu Bao'er opposite with a kind smile on her face, "Is this junior girl right? I have something to talk to Su Nan, can I trouble you to leave first?"

Shu Baoer glanced at Su Nan, who was confused, and said with a smile: "Senior invited me to dinner, it's very rude to leave now, you can talk about it later if you have something to do."

Lu Ying said, "I want to talk now."

Shu Bao'er still smiled, "Then we'll talk about it, just add a pair of chopsticks, the senior should have no objection."

"But I don't want to be heard by others." Lu Ying forced a smile.

The two girls said what seemed to be tit for tat, Su Nan was a little confused, what's going on, this sense of sight in the Shura field.What is the squad leader doing? Did he treat Shu Baoer as her prey?

Su Nan quietly stretched out her hand and pinched the monitor's pink thigh. The monitor let out a small exclamation, which aroused the puzzlement of the school girl opposite, and looked at her strangely.

Lu Ying felt that hand was still playing tricks on her thigh, and her leg was numb from being pinched by him. At the same time, Lu Ying felt very ashamed, but she didn't dare to show it when the school girl opposite her was staring at her. Smile: "Sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry. In that case, you guys eat first."

She was about to get up and leave, but Su Nan pressed her thigh and said, "If you don't mind, the squad leader will eat too."

Lu Ying's face changed, and the strength of that hand quietly increased. Obviously, Su Nan was threatening her. If he disagreed, would he do something crazy to her?

Lu Ying was very worried, and...

She looked at the junior girl with a pure face, sighed, and made a decision in her heart, she must not let Su Nan harm this junior girl.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan quickly withdrew her hand, and he didn't dare to mess around in front of Shu Bao'er.

Lu Ying also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ate food in silence, but she was always paying attention to Su Nan's behavior, and planned to stop Su Nan if she went to flirt with her junior.

Su Nan ordered several signature dishes in the restaurant. Shu Baoer probably ate too much food in the cafeteria, and she was very happy, so she didn't have time to talk.

And with Lu Ying here, Su Nan no longer mentioned to Shu Baoer about asking her for help.

After she was full, Shu Bao'er sighed contentedly, and said with a smile, "That's great, it would be great if I could have a big meal every day."

Su Nan froze for a moment, with a strange expression, could the school girl be implying something?Then should he express it, but he is not going to pick up a school girl, so he is a little entangled.

Lu Ying and Su Nan had the same thought, she frowned, thinking that the school girl was dating Su Nan, maybe she just wanted to find a long-term meal ticket.

In the morning, Su Nan said that he was going to attack other girls. At this time, Lu Ying saw him and Shu Baoer together again, so she mistakenly thought that he was dating a school girl, had thoughts about the school girl, and even depending on the situation, the two of them They're already pretty close.

But looking at it now, this school girl seems to be a bit green tea.

Lu Ying felt that it was not worth making such a sacrifice for Shu Baoer, and was taken advantage of by Su Nan.

But Lu Ying quickly realized that Shu Baoer just said it casually, it doesn't mean she meant it that way.

Of course, just in case, Lu Ying still reminded: "This restaurant wants to eat better, and the per capita is hundreds of dollars. If you come every day, it will be at least [-] yuan a month. That's fine, otherwise I can't afford it."

She meant that Su Nan couldn't afford to invite her. Even though it was true, Su Nan was still a little upset.

"Six thousand, it's so expensive." Shu Bao'er said in surprise, and then sighed a little disappointed: "I still want to let the seniors treat me every day, it feels pretty good."

Even the school girl thinks this way, thinking that she can't afford it, Su Nan can't help but feel a little underestimated. In fact, it's six thousand a month. The food expenses can still be afforded, but he is not going to pick up a school girl, so there is no need to say it to pretend to be compared, and it is only a few thousand, it seems that this kind of comparison is not very popular.

What's more, Shu Bao'er's performance was too much, which made Su Nan feel black.

After Lu Ying heard the words, her impression of this school girl became worse. It was really green tea. She couldn't help but feel that Su Nan touched her thigh.

"But I can invite the seniors. Although I am disappointed that I can't let the seniors treat me, but it seems pretty good if I can invite the seniors to dinner. Do you want to agree to me, the seniors?"

While the school girl said with a smile on her face, she also winked at Su Nan.

Both Su Nan and Lu Ying were stunned. Shu Bao'er was probably joking, but her tone of voice was quite serious. Could it be that she is actually a local tyrant?

Lu Ying immediately became vigilant, turned to look at Su Nan, and jokingly said, "Su Nan, you might as well agree to come down and try the feeling of eating soft food."

"Cough, the school girl is just joking." Su Nan coughed dryly, then changed the subject: "Let's go, I'm a little sleepy after eating, I want to go back to the classroom for a while."

He ran over to check out, leaving the two girls staring at each other.

Lu Ying looked at Shu Bao'er on the opposite side strangely, and couldn't help but ask, "You were joking just now, right?"

"Who knows." Shu Bao'er said with a smile.

Lu Ying frowned, not sure what Shu Baoer meant, and was about to tell Su Nan's bad things, but Shu Baoer stood up at this moment: "Senior finished paying the bill, senior sister, let's go too."

Without waiting for Lu Ying, she went straight to Su Nan.

Lu Ying had no choice but to follow. It seemed that the junior girl was not green tea, so she couldn't just watch the junior girl being harmed by Su Nan.

Back at school, Shu Baoer soon separated from them because she was in the first year of high school and the teaching building was not in the same building.

Su Nan and Lu Ying were walking on campus. After Shu Bao'er left, he could feel the monitor seemed relieved, which made him feel very strange. Could it be that the monitor really had a strange possessive desire for him?Will she do the same to Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin?

Some time ago, in order to separate him, Chu Xi, and Zhao Xiaomin, the squad leader approached Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin respectively, and persuaded them to leave him.

Before Su Nan thought that the squad leader was acting, just to get close to him, but now it seems that the squad leader's idea of ​​breaking them up may be serious. As a pervert, it's just for his pervert. Makes sense.

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