Su Nan couldn't help turning her head to look at the squad leader with a somewhat tangled expression. The squad leader had a face that was not inferior to Chu Xi, with fair skin, a good figure, and a tall person, especially those long legs that were more attractive. Time seems to be sending silent invitations to people.

But such a squad leader is a pervert, and a pervert who only targets him. Su Nan can't express her inner feelings, it's a little subtle, as if she doesn't hate it.

"Su Nan!" Lu Ying didn't realize that Su Nan was looking at her. After some struggles, she said, "As a condition of my promise to help you in the morning, you can no longer associate with that schoolgirl just now, nor can you Go and hurt other girls."

In order to prevent Su Nan from harming girls again, Lu Ying decided to stabilize him first, and then go back and ask her aunt what to do. It would be best for her to come forward in person. Her aunt is that kind of person, even if Su Nan is a scumbag, It must not be an opponent.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that the squad leader was acting again, as if it was fun, he didn't choose to tell the truth, but instead had an idea of ​​cooperating with her in his heart.

After thinking about it, Su Nan smiled like a villain in a movie: "That depends on how determined you are, monitor."

"It's settled, I'll help you, and fall in love with me, and don't harm other girls anymore." Lu Ying said seriously, with a faint blush creeping up her cheeks, she frowned and asked, "What else do you want?" determination?"

The two unknowingly went up to the rooftop. Su Nan looked back at the monitor and said, "It's just how much sacrifice the monitor can make to let me give up a forest for you."

Lu Ying was stunned, and suddenly had a bad feeling, it was here that she was bullied by Su Nan last time.

Lu Ying swallowed her saliva, forced herself to calm down and asked, "What do you want?"

"Let's talk after entering the house. By the way, you close the door." Su Nan walked directly to the wooden room.

Lu Ying was a little dazed, and then she gritted her teeth, feeling resentful in her heart. Is Su Nan so sure that she will give in?She wants to run away!

Just thinking of the task assigned by my aunt, Lu Ying couldn't run. In order to help her, she had to get in touch with Su Nan. At the same time, if Su Nan's bad nature was left alone, something would happen. For the sake of Chu Xi and the cheap sister, she should also do something.

Thinking of this, Lu Ying resolutely closed the door behind her.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan waited for a while, and heard footsteps behind her. Looking back, Lu Ying stood at the door with a complicated expression.

"Are you serious about what you said this morning?" she asked.

"Of course." Su Nan nodded, but wondered in her heart, are you still pretending at this time?

Lu Ying blushed a little, and then asked: "You said... you will leave them if you like me, are you serious?"

Su Nan hesitated for a moment, but quickly realized that she didn't need to consider Lu Ying's feelings, and continued to nod.

Lu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and said to him: "In that case, I will help you, I just hope you mean what you say."

Su Nan cheered up, and finally came to the main show. With Lu Ying performing these boring plots, he almost lost his patience, and said seriously, "How can you help me?"

"It's just..." Lu Ying's face was slightly hot, and it took a while before she said embarrassedly: "Get along with you more, and then show a good side, so that you like me."

The girl showed a shy look, as if it was embarrassing for her to say such a thing.

Su Nan knew that she was just acting, so she glanced at the monitor's long legs, feeling impulsive in his heart, and he frowned on the surface: "This is too slow, I may not be able to wait, the monitor should make good use of his Strengths come to attract me."

too slow……

Lu Ying clenched her pink fist, Su Nan is too much, she agreed to go on a date with him to develop a relationship, but it's too late, what on earth is he thinking?

Then the girl thought about her strengths again, Su Nan wanted her to use her strengths to attract him, so what are her strengths, grades?character?

For a moment, she didn't react, and she didn't think about the bad side.

Ban Jiu didn't make a sound for a long time, Su Nan was a little impatient, why did he insist on acting with her, she was just a pervert who was attracted by her.

He said impatiently: "It's okay, if not, I'll go find my junior."

"I don't know what my strengths are in your eyes?" Lu Ying said slightly embarrassed.

Is this asking where he likes her?

Su Nan looked at Lu Ying, starting from her face and going down, over her curvy breasts, to those pink and slender thighs.

"Look, what are you looking at?" Lu Ying became a little nervous, frowning and said.

Su Nan pointed to her legs: "I think the squad leader's strength is these backs, so use them to attract me."

"Ah?" Lu Ying was taken aback and lost her mind.

After reacting, she looked at Su Nan in horror. It turned out that Su Nan meant this. She was staring at her body from the beginning. She should have thought of it. Last time, Su Nan belittled her here. The strengths mentioned really refer to her strengths.

Seeing her being frightened by herself, even though she knew she was acting, Su Nan still found it quite interesting, and smiled like a bad guy: "Why? Hesitating? Then I'll go back and find the school girl , By the way, and your sister, oh, I don't mean Xiao Min, but Xiao Min's sister."

He said ghostly lines with deep meaning, thinking that he might have the talent to play a bad guy.

"You even thought of them!" Lu Ying was shocked, and looked at Su Nan angrily.

"Your sisters are very cute, don't try to tell Xiao Min, she won't believe you." Su Nan continued to speak obscene lines.

Lu Ying's heart was burning with anger, and she had the urge to turn around and go to the teacher to complain, but Su Nan was just talking at the moment, it was completely useless, and the last experience also made her understand that Zhao Xiaomin was completely determined to follow Su Nan, really wouldn't believe what she said.

In an instant, Lu Ying made a decision, calmed down, looked down at her legs, then raised her head to look at Su Nan, and said coldly, "What do you want?"

"Go and sit down." Su Nan pointed to the stool.

Lu Ying seemed to have guessed something, her face was flushed, and she looked at him with complicated eyes.After hesitating for a while, she still walked over.At this time, she had long forgotten the task assigned by her aunt, and she was thinking of preventing Su Nan from attacking Zhao Xiaomin's younger sisters.

After Lu Ying sat down, Su Nan walked up to her and looked down at her. Lu Ying also raised her head and looked at him not to be outdone, but her legs coveted by Su Nan were tightly together, trembling slightly.

Seeing the disobedient expression on the squad leader's face, Su Nan praised in her heart, she really deserves to be a pervert. At this time, she put on such an appearance to seduce him, it really makes people want to bully her severely.

He crouched down.

Seeing the disobedient expression on the squad leader's face, Su Nan praised in her heart, she really deserves to be a pervert, and she put on such an appearance to seduce him at this time, it really makes people want to bully her severely.

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