He squatted down and looked at the monitor's trembling legs, thinking it must be because the monitor was too excited.

The graceful and round slender jade legs, the delicate and smooth icy muscles and bones are all fascinating.

So he stretched out his hand and grabbed the squad leader's calf. The touch was so smooth and tender that he couldn't help but touch it lightly.

Lu Ying didn't expect him to be so direct. Although she was mentally prepared, her face was flushed with shame. She wished she could lift her foot and kick Su Nan down. She didn't know if she was too nervous to be caressed like this. The legs trembled constantly, and the place where it was touched felt a little numb, and it was so soft that I couldn't lift my feet.

Su Nan held the monitor's calf tightly with his palm and moved up a little bit. Feeling more and more delicate and moist flesh, he couldn't hold it with one hand. His fingers sank deeply into the white calf flesh of the calf, and then went over his knee to the Thighs, feeling more beautiful skin and elastic and delicate thighs.

Lu Ying's tender body trembled, her scalp felt numb, her legs became weaker, her throat was itchy, as if she had the urge to hum.

She started to panic, and hurriedly held down Su Nan's hand, but Su Nan couldn't move, so she raised her head and looked at her.

The two looked at each other, Lu Ying subconsciously recognized the face, blushed, but said in a cold voice: "I promised to help you, but it doesn't mean you can treat me like this wantonly."

The voice and demeanor were very firm, which made Su Nan feel weird. The squad leader seemed shy, but isn't she a pervert?Or do you mean that you intend to continue acting, and then hope that he will come to force it.

At this time, the pocket phone vibrated, someone sent him a message, and again, at this critical moment, probably Zhao Xiaomin or Chu Xi couldn't help asking him when they saw that he didn't go to the activity room.

Su Nan pulled out the hand that was being held down by Lu Ying, took out the phone and looked at it, and then said to Lu Ying who was blushing and still in a daze, "Your sister is looking for me, remember this time first."

Lu Ying panicked, Su Nan meant to touch her leg next time?

Recalling the feeling just now, she felt extremely ashamed in her heart, and she didn't want to do it again.

Su Nan was about to leave, Lu Ying hurriedly said with a blushing face: "Su Nan, you can't do this next time, didn't you say you lost interest in Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin? If this continues, you will lose interest in me too. Directly, let's go on a date like an ordinary couple."

Su Nan froze for a moment, then frowned in dissatisfaction, this pervert actually wanted to date him, and she really had thoughts about him.

However, Su Nan's eyes fell on the squad leader's long legs, he only hesitated for a moment, and nodded in agreement.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan ran down from the roof, but ran into Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin in the corridor. Cold sweat dripped from their foreheads. They were not in the activity room.

Seeing that he ran down from the roof, Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin were startled, and their eyes became a little strange.

"Who is Ah Nan dating on it?" Zhao Xiaomin asked in a very ordinary way, as if she was just curious.

After thinking about it, Chu Xi said, "It's probably the beautiful and moving neighbor senior sister."

It sounds like this is deliberately mocking people.

Zhao Xiaomin said seriously: "But Ah Nan is going on a date with senior sister tonight, so it should be someone else."

"Don't be like that, make him look like a scumbag." Chu Xi persuaded gently, and looked at Su Nan with a smile: "He already is."

Sure enough, it was ridicule.

Su Nan was very embarrassed. Just at this moment, the squad leader came down from the roof, and his feeling of something bad in his heart became stronger.

But after seeing Lu Ying, Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin showed relieved expressions instead, and then looked at him apologetically, probably feeling that they misunderstood him.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment before realizing it, because of some of the squad leader's actions before, they all thought that the squad leader was looking for him to lecture again.

As soon as he walked down the stairs, he met Su Nan and his two girlfriends. Lu Ying looked very embarrassed, feeling guilty for some reason, and walked towards the women's toilet without saying a word.

Zhao Xiaomin looked at Lu Ying's back: "Ah Nan, she is annoying you again, do you want me to talk about her?"

"No need, the class monitor is not what it used to be. She just asked me about my impressions after reading those articles." Su Nan explained, but sighed in his heart. He should have told them that Lu Ying was indifferent in the first place. But at this time, I can't say it.

"She's still sending you some articles, it's so boring." Zhao Xiaomin pouted.

Su Nan smiled, but seeing that Chu Xi seemed to be thinking about something, she was a little worried that she would see her flaws, so Su Nan changed the subject: "Aren't you in the activity room, why are you here?"

"It's almost time for class, and Ah Nan won't come, it's boring." Zhao Xiaomin said resentfully.

Su Nan is very sorry: "I was delayed by something before, today..."

He wanted to say that he would accompany her tonight, but Chuxi was here, and if she knew that he was dating Zhao Xiaomin tonight, he might not be happy.

But Zhao Xiaomin didn't seem to care and said, "Then accompany me to make up for it tonight."

Su Nan glanced at Chu Xi, and there was nothing strange on her face, so she knew that they had discussed it in private, and it was probably a routine of staying with him all night?

The three of them chatted for a while. As class approached, there were more and more people in the corridor. They were a bit conspicuous, and then they returned to class one after another.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan received a WeChat message from Chu Xi, telling him that he didn't need to go to the activity room to get together later, and that he had a day off today.

Su Nan didn't care either. He packed up his things and went home. He had to spend two hours with his senior sister at night, and he had to spend time with Zhao Xiaomin. Going back early was just in time to make dinner in advance, and then go out early.

Back at the door of the house, Su Nan found that the family next door was moving. This house was originally rented out, and sometimes changed tenants several times a year. Su Nan didn't care, and went straight in.

Going out again, it was around [-]:[-], Su Nan was going to find his senior sister, and was about to close the door, when someone called him, "A Nan."

Su Nan was taken aback, turned her head to look, and saw Zhao Xiaomin standing at the door of the new neighbor with a smile on her face. The door of the new neighbor's house was open, and Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be a guest.

"Your relatives live here?" Su Nan asked subconsciously.

"No, Ah Nan will know when she comes in." With a mysterious smile on her lips, Zhao Xiaomin walked over and hugged his arm, not caring that his arm got stuck in the middle of her soft part, and led him into the house.

After entering, the surprised expression on Su Nan's face was even worse. Chu Xi was standing in the middle of the living room, directing several employees of the moving company to arrange home appliances and furniture.

Seeing him, Chu Xi blushed slightly, as if he was very embarrassed, and nodded to him with a calm expression on his face: "Yo, Mu Nan, you are here."

"Don't say hello in such an ordinary tone at this time, what's going on? Why are you here?" Su Nan was a little confused.

"Hey..." Zhao Xiaomin said with a triumphant smile, "Ah Nan still doesn't understand, Chuxi is going to move here, and I will often come to accompany her."

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