Feeling Su Nan squatting down behind her, Lu Ying's legs suddenly trembled violently, as if in the next second, Su Nan's hand would touch her legs.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Feeling that Su Nan squatted down behind her, Lu Ying's body trembled in fear, but when she thought that Su Nan's hand would soon touch her leg from behind, and even be obsessed with playing with it like last time, she couldn't help but wonder. Why is there a strange feeling.

Su Nan squatted on the ground and looked at Lu Ying's fair calves from a close distance. The curve of the calf was slightly undulating, full of elasticity, and a little higher was the popliteal fossa. A small section of round thigh was exposed above the popliteal follicle. Unfortunately, more Her thighs were partially covered by the skirt, making one feel the urge to lift her skirt.

Su Nan didn't really lift the squad leader's skirt, knowing that the squad leader liked him, he didn't want to do anything too perverted to her, but the squad leader promised to let her touch her legs, she was still a pervert, and she might be in her heart if she agreed to such a thing. Even if she wanted it, threatening her with Zhao Xiaomin's sister would only make her excited.

If you don't do it, maybe squad leader Lu will still be dissatisfied, and then do irrational things to himself.

Thinking of this, Su Nan no longer hesitated, and put her hand up with excitement, touching her white and tender calf.

Lu Ying's body trembled, and she had the urge to lift her foot to kick back, but when she thought of Su Nan's threat, she became frightened, worried that he would really do that kind of thing, and so far she hasn't found a way to check and balance Su Nan. She could only endure it, and only hoped that Su Nan's words would count.Touching the squad leader's calf, it felt smooth and warm, and it trembled violently in his big hands, as if his legs were soft.

Su Nan despises in her heart, she definitely doesn't feel it when someone touches her hands and feet, otherwise wouldn't shaking hands become a very shameful thing?

And when he touched the monitor's calf, the monitor was so excited that his whole body trembled. It was so perverted that he had the urge to bully her.

Su Nan gently rubbed the calf full of elasticity with the palm of her hand, and then grasped it tightly with five fingers. The five fingers sank into it, and when she let go, she immediately returned to its original shape. Su Nan had a great time playing.

Lu Ying blushed, cursing the pervert in her heart, even touching her calf for so long, what is it if it's not a pervert?

Lu Ying suspected that if she took off her shoes and stretched out her feet in front of Su Nan for him to lick, he might not refuse.

Thinking of such a shameful thought and the picture of Su Nan licking her feet, Lu Ying felt a violent emotion in her heart, it seemed that treating Su Nan like that would make her excited, and her body trembled even more.Scumbag Nan, dare to bully others, lick your feet, you are disgusting to death.

At this moment, Lu Ying noticed that Su Nan's hand had moved to her popliteal position, and he scratched her finger lightly, making her unable to control it all of a sudden. She burst out laughing, and then closed her mouth in embarrassment. This place is not Armpit, usually I don’t feel anything when I scratch it by myself, why is it itchy when Su Nan scratches it, his devil, it’s not good, I want to laugh again.

Lu Ying couldn't hold back her blushing, she could only secretly raise one hand to tightly cover her mouth, and press the other on the parapet wall, her snow-white neck was raised, her eyes were moist, the sun shone on her flushed face , looks unusually delicate and charming.

Zhao Junmin looked at this scene with her head out, her eyes were dull, Su Nan was really entangled with this girl, he betrayed her sister!

This girl is also a slut and a vixen, Su Nan is obviously a leg control, this girl actually gave Su Nan her legs to play with in broad daylight, how shameless!

Zhao Junmin looked coldly at the couple not far away, and an inexplicable anger filled her heart. She had the urge to turn around and leave, to complain to her sister, but when she thought of both her sister and herself suffering from a strange disease, she could never leave her. Su Nan became very depressed.

But we can't just let it go, at least we have to teach Su Nan a lesson.

Zhao Junmin thought for a while, took out her mobile phone and turned on the shooting function, and took pictures of the two people not far away. Suddenly, a familiar uncomfortable feeling rushed out from the depths of her body and spread all over her body.

Actually got sick at this time!

Zhao Junmin froze in place and couldn't move, her calm face was gradually replaced by panic, recalling the punishment that time, and Su Nan was outside at the moment, which made her feel even more scared, her legs trembled and she couldn't walk.

But this is not the first time she has encountered this situation, so she is not completely unable to move like before. After recovering, she turned off the camera function with trembling hands, and opened the audio file to prepare for playback.

Wait, the voice will be heard!

Thinking of this, Zhao Junmin struggled to find the earphones she carried in her pocket, and shivered to insert them into the earphone jack, but her hands trembled so much that she couldn't get in several times. She wanted to escape first, but when she thought of Su Nan, she was not far away. At the same time, she was so nervous that she felt her legs go weak.

A girl's coquettish low cry came from outside, Zhao Junmin's hands trembled, and the phone fell, making a "pop" sound, which was especially loud in the quiet environment.

Zhao Junmin's face changed, and when she looked up, Su Nan and the girl turned around as if they were frightened.Thinking that she would be seen by Su Nan, Zhao Junmin panicked, she turned around and fled without knowing where the strength came from, and she didn't even bother to pick up her mobile phone.

Playing with legs was a bit interesting, Su Nan accidentally lifted the squad leader's skirt a little bit, she made a cute cry as if she was frightened, really, she is obviously a pervert, but she always likes to play this kind of innocent trick in front of him .

But listening to her voice, Su Nan also had the illusion that she was threatening her, and her mood became a little excited, and she was about to continue to break through some bottom lines with her, but unexpectedly, there was the sound of something falling from the entrance behind her.

At first he didn't think about doing anything when he went up to the top of the building, so the door was left open. Later, he was addicted to playing with his legs and forgot about it. At this time, he knew someone was peeping when he heard the sound, and felt that something was wrong.

Lu Ying is a famous person at school, it's okay to get closer to her, but if people see her like this, Su Nan is worried that she will be beaten with a sap when she walks on the road.

Lu Ying obviously also realized that someone was peeping, so she hurriedly pressed her hands on the skirt behind her buttocks, turned around with a pale face, and looked at him in a state of confusion.

As a girl, she was still the head of the first class, and she was considered a celebrity in school, and the spread of such things would hurt her reputation even more.

Su Nan can tell at this moment that she is not acting. After all, she is just a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. Even if her sexuality is a bit strange, she is similar to ordinary girls in other respects.

Seeing her looking at him with helpless eyes, Su Nan actually had the urge to hold her tightly in his arms to comfort her, but this is not the time to think about these things.

He grabbed her arm and squeezed it gently, comforting: "It's okay, let me handle it."

While Lu Ying was stunned, Su Nan had already rushed to the entrance, about to catch up with the peepers, but found a mobile phone on the ground.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, picked it up and looked it over carefully, if the memory is correct, this is Zhao Junmin's mobile phone, he has seen it several times.

So it was Zhao Junmin who peeked just now?

Su Nan felt a little embarrassed, put away her phone, and said to Lu Ying who walked beside her with a worried face, "I know who it is, you go back first, and I will take care of it."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Ying went back to class and sat down in a daze, but was coerced by Su Nan, her calf was touched, and finally she was seen!

She should have been nervous and worried, but after hearing Su Nan's comforting words "I will take care of it", the tension in her heart disappeared, and she even felt a faint sense of peace of mind.

I must have gotten used to Su Nan's strength recently, that's why I have this kind of mentality, Lu Ying comforted herself like this.

She was lying on the desk, with a frowning expression on her elegant and elegant face.

After Su Nan and Lu Ying separated, they hurriedly chased after them. It's lunch break now, and there aren't many people in the school, so it should be easy to find.

Su Nan only hoped that Zhao Junmin would not publicize this matter, and she didn't even want her to tell Zhao Xiaomin that she would feel embarrassed about being caught by an acquaintance for raising a mistress.

He wasn't sure if Zhao Junmin had recognized Lu Ying just now, after all Lu Ying had been standing with his back to him, if he had recognized him, he might have become a beast in the little girl's heart, after all, in terms of blood, Lu Ying was Zhao Xiaomin, Zhao Junmin and their sister.

Just now Zhao Junmin ran away in such a hurry that she even dropped her cell phone. At this time, it is very likely that she ran to her sister to complain.

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