After going down two floors, Su Nan stood on the balcony and looked out. Sure enough, she saw Zhao Junmin's figure. She was walking slowly towards the building where the activity room was located, probably looking for Zhao Xiaomin.

Seemingly aware that he was looking at her, Zhao Junmin looked back at him. She was too far away to see her face clearly, but it was certain that she was a little nervous, so she quickened her pace and entered the building.

Su Nan sighed slightly, probably couldn't catch up, but he still went downstairs and walked to the activity room building. Since the matter with Lu Ying would definitely be exposed, he didn't plan to run away, and planned to go to the activity room to have a good time. right.

Arriving at the building where the activity room is located, and climbing several floors, Su Nan accidentally saw Zhao Junmin who was still climbing the stairs. She seemed to be very tired, holding on to the handrail step by step, climbing up with difficulty, lifting her feet as if they were weightless.

Su Nan is a little puzzled, why are you so tired?

Even if I was running in a hurry because I was afraid that he would catch up with me, and it was only a few hundred meters away and I went up and down the stairs, I wouldn't be so tired.And according to her level of fatigue, she should have gone through a very strenuous exercise, but why hasn't she run to the activity room after so long?

When Su Nan was thinking about these questions, Zhao Junmin turned her head and saw him coming, her face instantly turned red like blood, she quickly took a deep breath and ran upstairs, working very hard, as if avoiding him.

Su Nan watched Zhao Junmin's back silently until he disappeared, and didn't chase after him, because he was hated.

Zhao Junmin felt that her legs were filled with lead, and they were extremely heavy. Every step up was a challenge to the limit of physical fitness. What made her feel even more broken was the uncomfortable feeling in her body, which made her want to stop all the time. Wait for that person to come up.

This thought made her a little panicked. She had already decided that she would never see Su Nan again. She could only rely on her sister's help to relieve her illness. That person was someone her sister liked, and she didn't want to have anything to do with him again.

So she couldn't stop, even if she could relieve the pain by turning her head, she had to climb up.There are still backups of those recordings in her sister's mobile phone, as long as she finds her sister, as for asking Su Nan to get her phone back, she is afraid that she will not be able to bear it when she stands in front of Su Nan.

Zhao Junmin didn't know how long she had been climbing all the way up. When she remembered to check the number of floors, she realized that she had climbed half a floor too far.

She gritted her teeth, turned around and walked down with difficulty. When there were still a few steps left, she glanced down casually and saw Su Nan walking up slowly. He didn't notice her, and he frowned. She walked by.

Zhao Junmin's head was pounding, smelling the intoxicating smell on his body, her pale face was quickly stained with a slight blush, and her weak limbs became strong, as if the blood had been injected with chicken blood, the blood was boiling, and she was extremely energetic excited.

Longing, she could feel her body longing for this person, extremely longing!

It would be a happy thing to get closer to him and smell his scent more.

Zhao Junmin stared at Su Nan's back as he walked away slowly, gradually forgetting his identity, and walked down the last few steps with red eyes. At this moment, she seemed to be radiant, full of energy, and rushed behind Su Nan in a few steps.

Su Nan turned around when she heard footsteps, and saw Zhao Junmin standing behind her. She was a little surprised. Didn't she arrive at the activity room?Or deliberately stay and wait for yourself?

Su Nan couldn't help but look forward to it. He still wanted to keep Lu Ying's matter a secret. Apart from his selfishness, there was also Lu Ying's perverted sexual fetish which prevented him from seeing others.

He gradually remembered something, remembered that day, and remembered what the little girl in front of him had done to him.

She remembered that weekend, when she lay next to her sister and herself and pretended to be asleep.The relationship between him and her is no longer a simple sister's boyfriend or girlfriend's sister, so there may be some discussions.

Looking at the girl in front of her, Su Nan planned to try to communicate with her, but found that her face was a little abnormal, she kept her head down, and she couldn't see any expression on her face, only her chest was constantly rising and falling, and the slight curve of her chest gave a big impression. Personally, there is a green feeling, and a faint girly fragrance spreads from her body.

Probably too tired.

Su Nan thought of the reason, the girls' sports were too intense just now.

He was about to speak when the girl in front of him suddenly raised her head and looked at him.The girl's complexion was extremely rosy, not the kind of post-exercise state, she looked extremely delicate and charming, her eyes stared straight at him, revealing complex colors of obsession, longing and entanglement.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask questions, when suddenly the girl stepped forward and tiptoed, and then Su Nan felt her lips were kissed by a pair of wet, pink, sweet little mouths, the girl kissed a little strangely , but very hard, just a little clumsy.

At the same time, the girl's face glowed with happiness.

Su Nan was completely stunned, he was baffled by this development.

He reacted quickly, and raised his hands to grab the girl's arm, intending to push her away, but the girl took a step forward with her arms tightly around his waist, locking him tightly like a lock.

Su Nan used a little force to break her arm away, but at this time the girl bit his lower lip with her teeth and exerted a little force.Even though Su Nan's body has been strengthened, the delicate part of the lips was bitten, and there was still a hole, and the blood oozed out. The girl still kissed him passionately, and the blood smeared the lips of the two, with a kind of coquettish look. color.

Su Nan endured the pain and scratched the girl's armpit. The girl's teeth loosened and he pushed her away.

Zhao Junmin took two steps back and looked at him in a daze. She woke up and realized what she had done.

Su Nan didn't immediately ask the girl why, but turned to look at Zhao Xiaomin who was standing not far away with a surprised face... No, after interacting with her body, she should be Chuxi.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

If Zhao Xiaomin sees her, even though Zhao Junmin is Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister, Su Nan is quite sure to deal with her. After all, Xiao Min is very obedient, and she did something absurd with him in front of Zhao Xiaomin last time.

But now Chu Xi saw it directly, and Su Nan didn't know how to explain it to her.

Tell her that Zhao Junmin took the initiative?

As for the reason, it is impossible for the little girl to shoot at her sister's boyfriend for no reason, so Su Nan will still be suspected in the end.

Zhao Junmin turned her head and saw her sister, her face turned pale all of a sudden, like snowflakes falling in winter, fragile and fragile.She pursed her bloodless lips and wanted to say something to her sister, but in the end she ran down the stairs with a face of shame and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Su Nan watched her back disappear, then turned to look at Chu Xi, Chu Xi asked him lightly, "Aren't you going to chase after her?"

Su Nan could only shake his head, and Zhao Junmin obviously needed to calm down at this time, but he couldn't understand Zhao Junmin's reason for doing this. Could it be that he held a grudge because of the telepathy, and this move was still for revenge on him?

Chu Xi came over, stood in front of him, looked at his face, and then raised his hand.

Su Nan's face darkened, do you want to slap him?So is he going to resist or not?It's too embarrassing to be beaten obediently, this matter was clearly initiated by Zhao Junmin.

Holding a tissue in his hand, Chu Xi wiped the blood on his lips carefully, extremely softly, with distressed eyes, "Does it hurt?"

Su Nan stared at Chu Xi in a daze, not understanding why she didn't lose her temper, was there still some weird reason why she couldn't tell him?

"Xiao Min's sister took the initiative just now, and I saw it all." Chu Xi said, using a very gentle tone, which was heart-warming. She was standing against Zhao Xiaomin at the moment, which gave Su Nan a very different feeling.

Su Nan grabbed her hand and licked her lips. There was still a faint smell of blood, but he had abnormal physique and good recovery ability, so the wound had stopped bleeding.

"Even if this is the case, normal girls should be suspicious, and then lose their temper." Su Nan said uncertainly, feeling that his girlfriends seemed to have a good temper, or they were very conniving towards him.

"Don't think of me as that kind of vulgar girl." Chu Xi smiled arrogantly, but sighed in his heart. Obviously, Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister's behavior just now was a sign of illness. Unbelievable idea actually come true, it is really unpleasant.

In this case, Su Nan was absolutely right. He even took the initiative to interrupt Zhao Junmin's frivolity towards him just now. Wrong is right.

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