Seeing her put away her mobile phone, Su Nan took out the fat one that was in a plastic bag in her pocket, feeling a little embarrassed, but still cheekily handed it to the class monitor: "What you want."

Lu Ying froze for a moment, blushing a little, silently held it in her hand, then turned and ran away.

Su Nan thought that the squad leader really liked it.

Lu Ying took the gift Su Nan gave her, and when she was going down the stairs blushing, she happened to meet Chu Xi who was walking up, and she stopped suddenly.

She stared blankly at Chu Xi going up, frowning slightly, Su Nan was on the top of the building, at this time Chu Xi went upstairs, probably looking for him.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Xiaomin asked her annoyedly.

Lu Ying looked at Chu Xi in surprise. Generally speaking, Chu Xi would not take the initiative to talk to her.

"Don't bother him anymore, we won't break up as you wish." Seeing that she didn't answer, Zhao Xiaomin said angrily and walked past her upstairs.

Although Chu Xi was not the same as usual, Lu Ying was attracted by what she said, and her heart was full of pity for Chu Xi. It was hard to imagine that a girl like Chu Xi would have so much affection for Su Nan, but Chu Xi The one who is destined to be hurt, because Su Nan said that he has lost interest in Chuxi.

Lu Ying took a deep breath, and continued to walk down, with firm eyes, she would definitely make Su Nan fall in love with her, let Su Nan let go of everything, and stop hurting girls.

Zhao Xiaomin went up to the top of the building and saw Su Nan standing under the sun basking in the sun. The sun shone on him, giving him a warm feeling. It was a very ordinary scene, but Zhao Xiaomin couldn't move his eyes.

She closed the door and walked towards Su Nan.

Su Nan heard the sound, and just turned around, a soft body fell into her arms. The girl hugged his waist tightly with both hands, and buried her face in his chest.

"Chuxi... No, Xiao Min, why did you come up here?" Su Nan swallowed, her breathing became short, and she endured it all night, but she didn't expect Zhao Xiaomin to tease her at this time, and her impulsive feeling suddenly became more intense stand up.

Because Zhao Xiaomin and Chuxi have exchanged bodies, Zhao Xiaomin is using Chuxi's body now, so Su Nan can't do anything to her, even if it doesn't come for real, it will make her grow physically, and if she changes back, she probably won't have the energy to go to class in the afternoon up.

"Ah Nan is very sad." The girl smiled lightly.

Su Nan shook her head: "Don't make trouble, Chu Xi will be angry."

"She was angry enough last night." Zhao Xiaomin showed a strong smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was remembering the interesting events of last night.

She raised her head and looked at Su Nan, her eyes were eager: "Ah Nan is sad, satisfying her boyfriend is a girlfriend's responsibility, leave it to me."

The girl promised.

Just as Su Nan was about to speak out, the girl covered his mouth, shook her head slightly, and smiled faintly and charmingly: "Don't worry, I won't let Ah Nan take the initiative, and it won't affect me."

Su Nan was confused about what she was going to do, so Zhao Xiaomin squatted down, unzipped his trousers, her fingers were extremely gentle, and her moist lips parted slightly, engulfing him.

Su Nan leaned against the parapet, looked down at the busy girl hiding in her shadow, and felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart. Chu Xi had never done such a thing. Although it was Zhao Xiaomin who helped him like this at the moment, it was Chu Xi Chuxi's body, so it feels very fresh and good.

"Ah Nan is really bad, India is stronger than before." The girl took the time to say, and gave him a blank look by the way.

Su Nan touched her head to show comfort.

"Ah Nan, please look at me..." The girl looked up at him, whispered emotionally, and then continued to work hard, while spreading her legs and moving her hands down. She deliberately wore a skirt today, which is very convenient.



three times……

The girl is very easy to be satisfied today, she feels like she has been on a roller coaster three times, her head is dizzy and her spirits are high, but Su Nan still looks like a normal person.

The girl can only continue to work hard, she quite likes it.

Su Nan looked at the trembling girl in surprise. This reaction must be that kind of reaction, but why did her body not change? Is it because of self-satisfaction?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi came to the activity room to pass the time, but Zhao Xiaomin never came, which made her a little uneasy. Zhao Xiaomin probably went to find Su Nan.

She picked up her mobile phone and called Zhao Xiaomin. The call got through, but was hung up. She tried to call Su Nan, but was also hung up.

Chu Xi blushed. Su Nan was definitely with Zhao Xiaomin. Originally, the three of them were related to such a degree. She could turn a blind eye to some things, but Zhao Xiaomin is using her body now. I can't help it...

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Xi came out of the activity room and rushed to the teaching building. She still hoped that she would hand over her body to Su Nan by herself, otherwise it would be a pity.

The school is big, but there are not many places suitable for trysts, and the most likely place for Su Nan to be is the rooftop where they often stayed before.

All the way to the top floor, Chu Xi found that the door was locked, and all kinds of unsuitable images suddenly came to her mind. She was a little worried about her body and knocked on the door, and the iron door made a thumping sound.

There was no movement for a while, and Chu Xi was about to ring again, but the phone rang. She took it out and saw that the caller showed Zhao Xiaomin, and she connected.

"What do you want from me?" Zhao Xiaomin said.

Listening to the faint movement over there, Chu Xi couldn't help thinking about it, his cheeks were hot, and he gritted his teeth: "Open the door!"

It is said that contact with Su Nan is forbidden recently, and this guy Zhao Xiaomin even went to steal it privately, which made her very helpless.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Xiaomin was delaying time, Chu Xi's face was a little dark, she had never seen such a shameless person, and when she thought about what her body was going through, she felt a little flustered.

A few minutes later, the door opened, Zhao Xiaomin appeared at the door, and gave her a blank look: "You are too nervous, I won't do anything."

At the critical moment, he would be very dissatisfied if he left Su Nan like this, Zhao Xiaomin complained a bit.

Who believes?

Chu Xi took a look at Zhao Xiaomin, and saw that his own face was not normal, and it looked charming and charming.

She couldn't bear to look at her with this expression on her face, and she didn't scold Zhao Xiaomin, she just said, "Enough playing, come back with me."

"It feels like Chuxi is like an old lady." Zhao Xiaomin complained, grabbed Chuxi's hand and pulled her up, then closed the door.

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