Chu Xi was a little caught off guard. Seeing Zhao Xiaomin closing the door, he had a bad premonition.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin grabbed her hand again, took her to the wooden house, and said as she walked, "It's just in time for you to come, help me take care of Ah Nan."

Chu Xi blushed and struggled desperately. Of course she knew what Zhao Xiaomin meant by helping. If it was just her and Su Nan, she might have agreed, but Zhao Xiaomin made her feel uncomfortable.

"I won't let you escape." Zhao Xiaomin jokingly said while holding Chuxi's hand tightly, and forced her into the house.

In the room, Su Nan was sitting on a chair, Chu Xi quickly dodged his gaze, the blush on his face was like a flower that suddenly bloomed, charming and charming.

Su Nan looked at the two women who walked in in surprise. Didn't Xiao Min say to send Chu Xi away? Why did she bring her in.

Zhao Xiaomin blinked at him, pushed Chu Xi towards him, then walked out and closed the door.

Su Nan immediately understood what Zhao Xiaomin meant, and at the same time he was attracted by them, so he hugged Chu Xi who had flung himself into his arms very honestly.

Chu Xi twisted her body and struggled a little, feeling his strength, and Zhao Xiaomin went out again, sighed, and lay still in his arms as if resigned to her fate.

Su Nan hugged her, this body was Zhao Xiaomin's body, he was very familiar with it.The hand moved uncontrollably immediately, making Chu Xifang's heart beat wildly in her arms.

Quickly pressing down his troubled hand, Chu Xi took a few breaths, controlled his urge to throw himself into his arms, and said in a low voice, "Munan, it's inconvenient now."

It was almost one o'clock at this time, and once the two developed a deep friendship between Guan and Bao, they would not be able to stop talking for an hour or two, and then there would be no need for afternoon classes.

Su Nan is still sober, although he really wants to have a shot, but time really doesn't allow it.He leaned close to Chu Xi's ear and said to her, "Be like Xiao Min just now, otherwise you will be depressed all afternoon."

Chu Xi glanced down, her cheeks were bright red, and she frowned: "That guy Xiao Min is always messing around!"

She hesitated for a moment, then slid down and knelt down, she would have been reserved if it was normal, but during the punishment, being so close to Su Nan, the impulsive feeling was like a flooding river.

"Clean it up!" Because it was something that Zhao Xiaomin had used in his mouth just now, and it was covered with Zhao Xiaomin's saliva, so Chu Xi was a little disgusted. Su Nan handed her a tissue, but she didn't reject it. It was the first time she did this kind of thing, luckily It is an irrational state, otherwise it would definitely not be done.

After starting, in an irrational state, many bold ideas can be made without obstacles in normal times.In Su Nan's eyes, there must be differences between them. As Zhao Xiaomin's successor, Chu Xi really wanted to compare with Zhao Xiaomin.

As a referee, Su Nan stared at the girl intently, not letting go of any of her small movements, trying to be fair, but he was a kind referee, especially soft-hearted towards cute girls, and the contestants had a tired expression. He couldn't help patting the contestants on the head to comfort them.

Encouraged, Chu Xi worked harder, unwilling to disappoint the referee's kindness, and the referee immediately showed a satisfied smile.

Suddenly, the player Zhao Xiaomin who played in the previous game broke into the arena, which caused great disturbance to player Chu Xi. However, encouraged by Su Nan, player Chu Xi still worked hard to compete with player Zhao Xiaomin. They made the game a After entering the competitive game, they played very hard.

Zhao Xiaomin went straight, and Chu Xi was speechless for a while, but as expected of Chu Xi, she quickly cheered up and launched a counterattack.

The referee couldn't bear their friendship to be affected, so he tried to persuade them, but the two women refused to listen.

Afterwards, Su Nan leaned back on a chair, one on the left and one on the right, and gave them contentment.

What happened just now, Chu Xi also seemed to accept her fate, she closed her eyes and leaned against his shoulder weakly, bearing the frivolity he treated her. Zhao Xiaomin on the other side was similar, she was very tired before Chu Xili, now she wants to In addition to comforting Su Nan, they also had to comfort themselves just now, so it was a great waste of energy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After resting enough, Chu Xi dragged Zhao Xiaomin away, otherwise the horn for the next battle would sound.

They went down from the top floor and didn't go back to work. Instead, they went to the women's bathroom to wash their faces and rinse their mouths. After all, both places have been described beyond description.

Zhao Xiaomin returned to her class and met Lu Ying when she entered the door. She felt that Lu Ying looked at her strangely. She must have been on the roof with Su Nan for so long, so she must have been suspected.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't pay attention, and was going to go back to her seat and sit down.

"Chu Xi." Lu Ying couldn't help but speak.

Zhao Xiaomin paused and looked at her puzzled.

"Do you think Su Nan really likes you?" Lu Ying asked.

"Of course!" Zhao Xiaomin thought she wanted to ask something, but it turned out to be this, so she nodded.

There were not many people in the class at this time, Zhao Xiaomin said directly: "I know you want to lecture me again, saying that the three of you are not true love and have no future, but I'm sorry, our situation is different, so please meddle in your own business in the future. "

Zhao Xiaomin was already very dissatisfied with Lu Ying's repeated harassment of Su Nan, and she was somewhat impolite when she spoke, and she returned to her seat and sat down without looking at Lu Ying's expression.

Seeing this, Lu Ying completely gave up the idea of ​​persuading Chu Xi, even Chu Xi was in such deep trouble, let alone Zhao Xiaomin.

She also strengthened her heart, to deal with the hopeless Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, and the extremely bad nature of Su Nan, it is better for her to be the bad guy than to wait for those two silly girls to be hurt all over.

Just as Su Nan took the mobile phone delivered by courier to Zhao Ruomin and came back, when he entered the classroom, he saw the class monitor with a bitter face blocking the door, and he was very puzzled.

Seeing him, Lu Ying blushed immediately, walked past him solemnly, and left the classroom.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan didn't go to the activity room to gather. Su Nan went home directly. Recently, because he couldn't resist the attraction of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin to him, he hadn't gone to the activity room for a long time. It will be troublesome if you mess around at school and make trouble.

Tonight, Lu Ying stayed for evening self-study. The things my aunt bought from Su Nan were placed on his desk by Su Nan. Lu Ying needed to find a way to get them without alarming others, but the method was very simple, although I don't understand why, but as long as I do what my aunt said, it's still early and there's no rush.

Suddenly, Lu Ying thought of the "gift" that Su Nan gave her at noon, and she felt a little itchy.

Seeing that everyone was studying and no one was paying attention to her, Lu Ying picked up the bag Su Nan gave her and left the classroom, ran into the single room of the women's toilet, sat on the toilet and opened it up.

With her bright eyes open, she was inexplicably nervous. What was the gift that Su Nan gave her for no reason?

The outer packaging is so ugly, it must be a cheap thing, but she is not rare for expensive things, and Su Nan, as a straight man, must have no discernment in picking gifts, so she reluctantly accepts it.

Opening the bag, she saw something like cloth inside. Lu Ying took it out with some doubts and held it in her hand. When she saw the whole picture of the "gift", she was startled, how fat is the man?

Lu Ying's face turned red in an instant, and she put the fat times back into the red plastic bag like a hot hand, stared blankly, her head was dizzy and unable to react, Su Nan gave her a pair of men's fat times?Is he a fool?

Just at this time, there was a message from WeChat, she took it out to have a look, it was from Su Nan, Su Nan asked her: "Do you like the gift?"

In Lu Ying's eyes, it was a very frivolous tone. She blushed and angrily typed and sent it.

"Fool" "Fool" "Fool" "Fool" "Fool"...

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