While there was still some time, Su Nan looked at the squad leader, who was also peeking at him. When he saw him looking over, he blushed, turned his head back immediately, and sat up straight.

Su Nan became more and more sure that the class monitor was a bugger. It seemed that after school in the afternoon, she had to work harder to bully her.

But because he was satisfied by his two girlfriends just now, he is a bit of a sage at the moment, and he is not looking forward to bullying the squad leader as much as before.

Forget it, think about it after school.

Then Zhao Xiaomin also came back, winked at him secretly, pretended to be Chu Xi's usual appearance, and sat in a seat where strangers should not approach.

Classes begin.

Su Nan listened to the class for a while and then started to lose his mind. His current memory and comprehension ability are also inhuman. The content in the textbook is not difficult for him. He only listens to it in English class for the college entrance examination.

The phone in her pocket vibrated, and Su Nan noticed that the teacher hadn't noticed her, so she secretly took it out and sent a message to her schoolgirl Shu Baoer. She got the rest of the group photos of the first and second classes and sent him a message come over.

"Thank you." Su Nan replied two words.

Having nothing to do, Su Nan clicked on the photo, but he couldn't find a girl similar to the ghost girl, so he frowned slightly.

The ghost girl said she was his school girl, but there was no such person among the girls in the first year of high school, so it must be from junior high school.

Su Nan secretly thought something was wrong, although high school and junior high school were not a few years younger, but it gave people a very different feeling. High school students were approaching adults, while junior high school students seemed to have just left the stage of children.

But even so, he still wants to find the other party.

"Senior, when do you owe me a meal?"

After thinking about it, Su Nan replied: "It's the weekend, you decide the time and place."

"Then we have made an agreement." The school girl sent a smiling face.

Su Nan asked her curiously: "Don't you have to go to class?"

"Physical education class, the senior should not be playing with mobile phones in class."

Su Nan blushed a little, as a senior, she had to be a good example.

"The teacher has something to go out, I just saw it, so I replied to you, let's stop talking, the teacher is back."

After school, Su Nan and the others walked about the same, got up and left the class, the monitor had already taken a step ahead, and she would go directly to the rooftop to find him later.

Zhao Xiaomin came out after using the toilet and saw Su Nan walking towards the roof of the building. She rolled her eyes and wanted to follow, but saw Lu Ying's figure.

Lu Ying walked to the stairs, looked around a few times, and then stepped up the steps, looking a little sneaky.

Zhao Xiaomin was startled, and then secretly angry, this guy has gone to bother Su Nan again, damn it!

She angrily followed, planning to quarrel with Lu Ying if she saw Lu Ying making things difficult for Su Nan.

But when she got to the top of the building, an iron gate blocked her.

Zhao Xiaomin pushed the door lightly and found that it was locked. She felt a little strange. Lu Ying went up last. It should be Lu Ying who locked it. But if a girl goes up to this kind of place and gets alone with a boy, isn't she afraid of being bullied?

But because of Lu Ying's series of behaviors before, Zhao Xiaomin didn't think too much about it, she just thought that Lu Ying wanted to talk to Su Nan and didn't want to be disturbed.

She was about to knock on the door, when a faint exclamation came from the other side of the door, her hand stopped in mid-air, with a strange expression on her face.

Su Nan waited for a while, and saw the squad leader coming up, she even closed the door and locked it, she was very sensible.Although the desire is not very strong at the moment, Su Nan also decided to satisfy the squad leader's strange hobby, but how to do it?

After closing the door, seeing Su Nan staring at her, Lu Ying became more nervous, but she wanted to send something to Su Nan, wouldn't it be embarrassing to be seen if she didn't close the door?

Swallowing her saliva, she forced herself to walk over calmly, put her hand in the bag and grabbed the gift, hesitating in her heart, do you really want to give it?But she lost the things Su Nan gave her, and she didn't go back. If she didn't give it away, she felt that Su Nan would not let it go.

Walking in front of Su Nan and meeting his expectant eyes, Lu Ying turned her face away in embarrassment.

Su Nan said: "Since you invited me here, then do whatever you want."

This time he didn't choose to do it himself, he planned to see how far this pervert could go.

Su Nan is urging herself to deliver something.

Lu Ying thought to herself, but her body was stiff, and she couldn't take out the things in her schoolbag, it was really shameful.

"What's wrong?" Su Nan asked strangely.

Lu Ying looked at him with complicated eyes, and this guy even asked him what's wrong, it's really perverted.

As soon as Su Nan asked, she realized that her tone must have been too polite, which caused the monitor's dissatisfaction. She should like him to be rough.

It's really bad.

Thinking of this, Su Nan rudely said to the monitor: "Hurry up, don't worry about mother-in-law."

Lu Ying was very wronged, this guy is too much, knowing that what she is going to send out is Fatty, why can't she just wait patiently.

She stood still in anger, and her face turned cold.

Su Nan was thoughtful, did this show that he wanted him to be more rude?

By the way, he asked the monitor to do it himself. The monitor might not like it, but she hoped that he would take the initiative.

Thinking of this, Su Nan took a step forward and snatched the monitor's schoolbag, and threw it aside, then threatened the stunned monitor: "Do what I say next, or I will blackmail you Tell the whole school what happened next time!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Su Nan say that she wanted to tell the whole school about her blackmailing him, Lu Ying was very angry. He was the one who sent it on his own initiative, but he actually framed her and asked her to listen to him. What the hell is this guy trying to do? ?

Thinking of how many times he bullied her in the past, Lu Ying felt ashamed. Su Nan probably wanted to bully her again, didn't he learn a lesson when he was seen last time?

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