She subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Su Nan said with a bad face: "I have sent you a small personal clip of yourself, and you have also sent me a sexual photo. I don't know what the consequences will be if it goes out."

Su Nan didn't understand the class monitor's sexual interest, but if it was this kind of role-playing, he would be able to do it after watching a lot of small island movies. Besides, he had practiced with Zhao Xiaomin, and played the villain very well.

The squad leader on the opposite side was not inferior to him in acting skills. He gritted his teeth and glared, his face full of humiliation, completely showing the essence of a girl who was being coerced, which made Su Nan, who was in a sage state, even moved.

Lu Ying was very unwilling and blamed her for being stupid. She fell into Su Nan's trick and sent him the photo.

Now Su Nan has caught her. Even if she wants to explain it to others, no one will believe that Su Nan is threatening her.

The chat that time was very simple, Su Nan first posted a selfie, and then asked her to reciprocate, Lu Ying foolishly did so, if outsiders saw it, they might think they were flirting.

"What exactly do you want?" Lu Ying asked, gritted her teeth, and added: "Also, I haven't sent you a sexual photo! Don't talk nonsense."

She looks serious.

Su Nan nodded, she was indeed not naked, she was still wearing underwear after all.

"It's a pornographic photo."

He said.

"How could it be a pornographic photo? Could it be that wearing a swimsuit is also a pornographic photo?" Lu Ying insisted, clenching her fists, she would not admit to a pornographic photo or something.

Su Nan suddenly realized that the squad leader Ganqing was hinting at herself.

He presumptuously stared at the class monitor's curvy chest, which made her goosebumps rise, and then smiled maliciously: "In that case, take off your coat, it's you who said it wasn't a pornographic photo." , then show me it’s okay.”

Lu Ying was dumbfounded, if only wearing underwear is not a pornographic photo, there is nothing wrong with Su Nan's request.

"Hurry up, I want to go home early tonight." Su Nan urged.

Lu Ying felt very regretful in her heart, and she shot herself in the foot with a stone. The key point is that she still can't refuse, if Su Nan is angered, if she really releases those photos, how can she have the face to be a human being.

Glaring at Su Nan bitterly, Lu Ying blushed quickly, turned around in a panic and walked towards the small room, undressing can't be done outside.

Su Nan was tickled by her flustered appearance, and hurriedly followed, but was blocked from the door.

Lu Ying closed the door, pressed it firmly, and warned through the door with a flushed face, "Don't touch me later, or I'll fight you!"

It was obviously a warning that should have been very imposing, but when it came out of her mouth, it was extremely lacking in confidence.

Su Nan was holding her back. If Lu Ying didn't want the photos to be exposed, she could only try to meet Su Nan's request.

But she also knows that she is a girl who is very attractive to boys. Many boys like her and have a crush on her. Her figure is even more attractive. Su Nan may not be able to hold it when she sees it. She can only warn in advance, but she is not confident.

Su Nan has already learned to understand the hidden meaning in the monitor's words. She told herself not to touch her because the persona she set up for herself was the kind of monitor who was coerced by bad guys but was full of unwillingness. Naturally, she wanted to say such lines.

So what is he going to do?

The squad leader wants to show him how she looks in only underwear, so continue threatening her as she wishes.

Su Nan nodded: "I just look at it, and promise not to do anything."

Lu Ying blushed, what Su Nan said was a well-known stalk, which made her subconsciously flustered, but she could only choose to believe Su Nan.

Inexplicably recalling the last incident in her mind, Su Nan was peeked at by someone, and Su Nan went to the other party to solve this kind of matter decisively, and comforted her, she felt that Su Nan was not completely bad, it was just the connivance of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, It just makes him extra scumbag when he treats girls.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Ying opened the door and backed away.

She watched Su Nan walk in, and then closed the door, blocking all the sunlight outside, and the light in the room was a little dark.

The dimly closed small house, the bad boy, the beautiful female class leader who was coerced, the atmosphere became very ambiguous...

Lu Ying inexplicably felt a strange feeling, her heart was beating faster.

After Su Nan came in, she stared at the monitor and saw that she had not moved for a long time, so she took the initiative to pretend to be a bad person: "Take off your clothes and let me be healthy."

Dead pervert!

Lu Ying cursed secretly, and after struggling for a while, she turned her back to Su Nan and took a deep breath to cheer herself up.Finally, she raised her trembling hands, crossed her hands and grabbed the hem of the clothes, and slowly pulled them up.

Su Nan swallowed her saliva and stared intently.

First, a small part of the pink waist was exposed, and then more and more, the white back appeared in sight, the back shoulders of the underwear, the buckle, and the slender shoulders...

At this point, Lu Ying couldn't go on, feeling the hot eyes behind her staring at her closely, full of longing, goose bumps popped up all over Lu Ying's body, and her face turned red to the base of her neck.

In fact, it's almost time to take it off to this extent, but the monitor's hesitation made Su Nan feel particularly interesting, so she said in an impatient tone: "Mother-in-law, I will post your beautiful pictures to Moments now."

Lu Ying panicked, and hurried on. The jacket covered her head, and she pulled it hard, causing her hair to fly.

After taking off the clothes, Lu Ying quickly grabbed the clothes to cover her chest, crossed her arms, and her pretty breasts were crushed by her arms, but now her back was facing Su Nan, so this move was meaningless.

Su Nan looked at the monitor from behind. His almost naked upper body was trembling nervously. The lines of his back were well-proportioned. His skin was white and delicate, tender and clear. His overall body was tall and slender. He was wearing black sexy underwear. There are some traces of lace.

Su Nan couldn't take his eyes off it, but he felt that this level might not be enough for the squad leader, so he ordered: "Get the group leader up and let me have a look."

"You..." Lu Ying was ashamed and annoyed, Su Nan actually wanted to humiliate her even though she had already achieved this level, but she quickly shut up, it was pointless to reason with Su Nan.

Since she couldn't refuse, she could only continue. If... If Su Nan liked it, it meant that she was attractive to him, and it was very effective for her plan.

Thinking of this, Lu Ying no longer hesitated, gritted her teeth and put her hands on her body, grabbed the qunzi and lifted it slowly at night, revealing the scenery inside.

"Pants?" Su Nan was stunned for a moment, then disappointed.

Seeing his expression, the girl secretly raised the corners of her lips, a little smug.

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