The corner of the girl's lips curled up, a little smug, she must wear this when she wears a skirt, Su Nan was expecting to see her fat times, but she could only look at this, she must be very angry.

She felt contented.

But Su Nan's next words made her blush.

"Keep it like that, then turn around and face me."

Su Nan's tone was beyond doubt.

The girl is in trouble.

Holding up the skirt, she couldn't use her hands to block her body. Although she was wearing safe clothes, she always felt weird and ashamed if she didn't block her words.

Not having time to think too much, Lu Ying gritted her teeth, followed Su Nan's instructions with a blushing face, her hands trembling a little.

She turned around slowly, facing Su Nan, and saw Su Nan staring at her intently, and could even see longing in his eyes.

Lu Ying's delicate body trembled, and she quickly avoided his sight. She felt extremely shy in her heart, but she also had a strange feeling. Thinking that her body was very attractive to Su Nan, she actually felt a sense of satisfaction.

This discovery made her bow her head in embarrassment.

The girl is blushing and lowering her head, holding her skirt with both hands. This scene is still as beautiful as a painting.

Su Nan picked up the mobile phone and took pictures of the monitor, saying, "Put it down."

Lu Ying didn't look at him, her head was blank, and she did as he said.

Su Nan said again: "Bring it up."

Lu Ying then mentioned that after doing this several times, Lu Ying gradually felt that something was wrong. When she looked up, Su Nan was actually filming her!

Lu Ying was immediately ashamed and annoyed. A photo of Su Nan's lingerie devoured her to death, and it would be fine if she got a video.

"Don't take pictures!" Impatiently, she rushed over to grab the phone.

Su Nan reacted quickly and took the phone away, but she jumped on her body and continued to grab the phone, without knowing that her body was in contact with him.

Su Nan swallowed, thinking that the squad leader must have done it on purpose to seduce him.

He is in good physical condition, being so seduced at this time, he suddenly felt impulsive, and he simply hugged the monitor in his arms.

The squad leader froze and seemed to have just reacted, but in Su Nan's view, her reaction was still to maintain her personality.

He thought of something fun, put his arm around the squad leader's wasp waist, and with the other hand raised the mobile phone that was still shooting, and pointed the camera at the two of them to shoot.

Lu Ying looked at the camera, and began to twist her delicate body and struggle.

Su Nan threatened: "If you move again, your photo will be leaked."

Lu Ying's body stiffened again, she stopped moving, and felt very frustrated. At the same time, the temperature from Su Nan's body made her body hot.

Su Nan was very satisfied. Although she knew that Lu Ying did it on purpose, it still gave him the thrill of threatening the girl.

Su Nan took a deep breath, put the mobile phone into the monitor's hand, and ordered her: "You come and take pictures, and I will upload photos if you don't obey."

Another photo threat made Lu Ying feel very annoyed, but there was nothing she could do.

With a blushing face, she pointed the phone at herself and Su Nan, but she didn't dare to look at the camera.

Su Nan didn't force her to look at the camera, which made it more interesting.

After taking selfies like this for about ten seconds, Su Nan let go of the extremely stiff squad leader, went around behind her and hugged her waist with both hands, facing the camera like this.

The more intimate contact made Lu Ying tremble all over, her fair skin was dyed a light pink, the feeling of embarrassment went straight to her brain, making her breathing messy.

Su Nan leaned her chin on her shoulder, took a deep breath of the monitor's smell, and taught, "Don't shake your hands."

His hands trembled even more.

Su Nan supported the monitor's waist, and pinched her waist as a lesson.

Lu Ying's phone dropped with an "ah" in pain.

Su Nan looked down at her mobile phone, squatted down to pick it up, and when she stood up, Lu Ying had already hidden far away, hiding in a corner and getting dressed in a panic.

But Su Nan found that she was wearing it backwards.

Lu Ying also found out that she was wearing it backwards. Seeing Su Nan looking at her, her delicate face flushed red, she felt extremely ashamed, so she quickly turned her back and took it off again, put it on again, and let Su Nan see the scenery again.

Su Nan glanced greedily at the monitor, and then looked away after a while. It could be seen that the current monitor was really shy, not acting. He didn't continue to bully the monitor, which is probably the same level for her.

After getting dressed, seeing that Su Nan didn't make a sound, Lu Ying hesitated for a while, blushing and walked towards the door. After opening the door, she looked back at Su Nan.

Su Nan thought for a while, and felt that she might want to finish the scene, so she cooperated and said, "You took the initiative to rush over just now, and it's none of my business."

Looking at him with complicated eyes, Lu Ying opened the door and walked out without saying a word.

After the squad leader left, Su Nan found a stool and sat down to calm himself down.

Recalling everything just now, Su Nan is very satisfied with her performance, presumably the squad leader is also very satisfied.

As a shy squad leader, she obviously didn't go crazy to the end, but it's not interesting to be purely abnormal, so it's not bad.

Yes, Su Nan felt that the squad leader was very interesting, allowing him to experience something different, something that he couldn't experience with his girlfriends.

It is impossible for him to bully his girlfriend, but the monitor wants to be bullied by him, and cooperates with being bullied by him. The monitor is so interesting.

While thinking this way, the squad leader went back and forth, standing outside the door with a gift box in his hand, staring at him vigilantly, as if he wanted to step forward but dared not.

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