Shu Baoer blinked her eyes, twitched the corners of her mouth, seemed to want to laugh, and quickly held back and said to him: "Senior, I have a bathroom in my room, you go in and change your clothes first, I don't have any suitable men's clothes at home, you wear mine first sportswear."

She hurried over and put the clothes in Saisu Nan's hands.

Su Nan took on the clothes and looked at the junior girl in confusion, what's so funny about this kind of thing.Aunt Lu Ying appeared here, so she should have known her school girl. When a friend encounters this kind of thing and is seen naked, no matter how you look at it, you shouldn't want to laugh.

Unable to figure it out, and what happened just now was quite embarrassing, Su Nan took the clothes and entered the room.

As soon as he entered, he smelled a faint fragrance, and he couldn't help but look at Shu Baoer's room, and found that it was quite ordinary, even a little messy, and there were things like covers on the bed, the school girl didn't pay attention too much.

He hurried into the bathroom.

After closing the door, Su Nan thought for a while, and simply took off her clothes to take a shower. What happened just now, it always feels awkward to go out now, anyway, let's take a shower first to waste some time.

Standing under the shower, letting the hot water wash over her body, Su Nan was very puzzled. The behavior of Lu Ying's aunt just now was too strange. When she saw him, she was very surprised, as if she knew him, and she was naked by him. She didn't panic like ordinary girls, but closed the door calmly.

But Su Nan didn't remember seeing him at all.

Outside, watching Su Nan enter her room, Shu Baoer knocked on the bathroom door.

After a while, the door opened, and the woman scanned the outside nervously. She was relieved when she didn't find Su Nan, and then glared at Shu Bao'er angrily, and asked full of enthusiasm: "Why did you bring him home? Knowing that I Can't meet him."

Shu Bao'er shrugged, with an innocent expression: "I went out to play with my senior, and my clothes got wet in the rain, so I asked him to come up and change before leaving, but Anya, why are you at my house?"

Lu Anya looked disappointed: "Me too, I got wet and happened to be near your house, so I came here to take a shower, I didn't expect to meet him, why am I so unlucky."

She sighed, looking distressed.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, if you go on like this, you will meet him one day." Shu Bao'er said with a smile.

Lu Anya frowned: "You probably didn't do it on purpose, did you? Before, you proposed to cooperate with me, using your home as some kind of headquarters, and even gave me the key. I can't figure out why you want to help me, should you?" He will cheat me on purpose, bring him over to meet me."

She looked very bad.

Looking back at her room, Shu Bao'er said: "I said it, it's very interesting, I really didn't expect you to be at my house today, but it's been so long since you suffered from a strange disease, and it's probably going to be soon. When you meet him, it's time to make it ahead of time."

Looking at Shu Bao'er seriously, seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, Lu Anya became frowning: "That's the only way."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Anya has never met Su Nan, and only plays a female pervert on the Internet, so that Su Nan doesn't know who she is, and she can satisfy her need for shame.

She thought it would continue like this, but recently she felt that she was becoming more and more unsatisfied. The newly obtained Su Nan's Pangci had been used several times, but the effect was not as good as before.

So she had to mix some explicit photos of herself with the photos of her niece and send them to Su Nan. All the photos were specially processed before they were sent to avoid being recognized.

Doing this kind of thing, pretending to be a young girl's body, thinking that Su Nan might use her photo to do bad things when she saw her photo, she immediately felt extremely shy, and secretly scolded herself for being a shameless woman.

But she understands that one day she will get used to it if it goes on like this, and she needs to find a new method at that time.

I happened to go shopping today, got caught in the rain, and happened to be near the house of a weird girl I just met, so she came up to take a bath, but she didn't expect that girl to bring Su Nan, and she foolishly showed her to Su Nan nude.

Recalling the situation just now, that guy's eyes were staring straight, maybe he was still drooling in the bathroom, Lu Anya felt extremely ashamed, and felt a pity in her heart, she didn't get sick today, if she got sick when she was seen naked , I am afraid that he was healed in an instant, after all, it is too shameful.

Seeing the shyness on her face, Shu Baoer rolled her eyes and said, "Since you have decided to contact the senior in the future, why don't you take the opportunity to get acquainted today, so as not to be too nervous about bad things in the future, you must know that if you can't be ashamed, the consequences will be very serious .”

"Now? Familiar?" Lu Anya swallowed her saliva, and her heart beat uncontrollably. She was inexplicably nervous, but Shu Baoer's words were quite reasonable, and...

"What are the serious consequences you are talking about? Have you experienced it?"

Lu Anya frowned slightly, and asked with a trace of curiosity. The girl in front of her seemed to know a lot. She must have had a lot of experience to contact her and guide her from the beginning.

Shu Bao'er nodded and admitted, "I won't tell you the specifics, so as not to scare you to death. Anyway, I have already given the suggestion. It's up to you."

Lu Anya took a deep look at her and didn't ask any more questions.

She fell into a situation where she was struggling endlessly. The words of Shu Baoer, a person who had experienced it, made her feel uneasy. What would be the consequence of not being ashamed?If you keep suffering, what will happen?

But it was already unbearable when it happened, and she couldn't be ashamed all the time, and it must only get worse, so she has no way out.

Lu Anya's heart quietly became firm. She looked at the girl in front of her, with embarrassment flashing across her face, and asked, "What do you think I should do?"

She hadn't met Su Nan before, so she thought of many ways at once, but she didn't know how to do it. After all, the general feeling of shame might not be enough for her.

And the girl in front of her has much more experience than her, so Lu Anya wanted to learn from her.

The corners of Shu Bao'er's mouth curled up, and then disappeared again. She said, "I asked you to cooperate for this purpose. With your level, I'm afraid you have to have some ambiguous things with him before you can feel a strong sense of shame."

Lu Anya clenched her lips tightly, with a slightly shy expression on her face. She actually wanted to have an affair with a high school student who was many years younger than her. Isn't this an old cow eating young grass? She felt a sense of guilt in her heart.

"To what extent?" She pretended to be calm.

"Just now he saw you naked, I think you are quite calm, almost to this level." Shu Bao'er said.

Lu Anya was dumbfounded, how could such a thing be done so easily, it was too shameless.

Was his performance just now so unbearable?

She clenched her fists and explained solemnly: "Who said I was calm, I was flustered, well, I was just shocked."

She didn't want to be misunderstood by the girl in front of her as a slutty woman.

"If it were me, I would have screamed first, and then slapped him, slapped him dumbfounded, and then closed the door," Shu Baoer said.

Lu Anya looked at her strangely, "Are you so fierce?"

"I'm not fierce." Shu Bao'er shook her head: "But I'm a girl, a rabbit will bite when it's anxious, let alone a girl."

Lu Anya blushed, and was annoyed in her heart. Why was she so unbearable just now? She didn't bite anyone, and she was stared at by the other party for a while. I'm afraid she's seen it all. Could it be that she's so bad?

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