Seeing that her face was cloudy and uncertain, Shu Baoer thought for a while and said, "It's really too much for you to take the initiative to show the seniors naked, we should think of other ways."

Lu Anya just breathed a sigh of relief, but she heard Shu Baoer say: "Since you don't want to be seen by him, you can only go to see him. You were seen naked by him just now, and now you just want to take revenge. The senior is still taking a bath, so it's a good idea." Opportunity, let's hurry up before the senior finishes washing."

Shu Bao'er grabbed Lu Anya's hand and led her to the room.

Lu Anya was dumbfounded, Shu Baoer was serious, wanted to see Su Nan's naked body?She's not a pervert, how about it... Hey, wait a minute, I've even done such perverted things with Su Nan's fat times, so what if I see him naked, she has nothing to lose, if she doesn't do this , How can she satisfy herself in the future?

When thinking of this, Lu Anya felt that a thread in her heart was broken. She sighed, and then her eyes became firm. She decided to see Su Nan's naked body!

The two sneaked into the room, and when they came to the bathroom, there was a figure looming on the glass door. Although only a silhouette could be seen, it was impossible to find that Su Nan was in good shape, and there was a sense of beauty between the movement and the movement.

Lu Anya stared blankly, her breath became short of breath, she took a lot of photos of Su Nan from her niece, and used them to make herself ashamed, the photos were basically candid photos, wearing clothes, but Su Nan's appearance without clothes was her YY Countless times, at this moment I suddenly saw an outline, and those brain-filled things suddenly became clear.

Lu Anya couldn't help her heart beating faster, her mouth was dry and her palms were sweaty. Staring at the outline, she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Shu Bao'er pulled her and saw that she didn't respond, but turned around and saw her with a fascinated expression, and her eyes were a little complicated for some reason.

Shu Bao'er took a breath, and pulled Lu Anya again, with a little force.

When Lu Anya woke up, seeing Shu Baoer's playful eyes, her face was slightly hot, and she felt very embarrassed.

She forced herself to be calm, lowered her voice and asked, "How?"

"It's up to you now. In order to avoid embarrassing you, I'll go out first. By the way, the bathroom door lock is broken. You don't need to thank me." Shu Baoer let go of Lu Anya's hand in a low voice, slipped out of the room, and closed the door by the way. close.

At the same time, the bathroom door opened, and Su Nan came out naked.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After taking a shower, Su Nan's body was wet, there was no towel to wipe it off, and it was not easy to use the towel of the school girl, so she had to wait for it to dry naturally.

When he walked in front of the mirror, he saw the clothes that the junior had just changed were quietly lying there, including the hood and fat times, he couldn't help being stunned, the junior was too careless.

I came in to take a bath by myself. After taking a bath for so long, there were junior girls' underwear in the bathroom. Could the junior girls misunderstand something?

Subconsciously, she took a few more glances at the junior girl's fat times, and felt a little strange. When she came back to her senses, Su Nan grabbed the sportswear given by the junior girl and planned to leave the bathroom, go outside and wait for her body to dry.

Because he locked the door on purpose before entering the room, so without thinking too much, he opened the door and walked out.

But just outside, Su Nan's body froze suddenly, Lu Ying's aunt was standing at the door, she was staring at him dumbfounded, Su Nan was also dumbfounded, how did Aunt Lu Ying come in, he obviously locked the door behind her.

Lu Anya stared blankly at Su Nan who was in a daze, her gaze passed over his body, and she moved down to a place, she held her breath and forgot to breathe, she didn't expect to see Su Nan's naked body so smoothly, she looked silly up.

Even though she has masturbated countless times, when she actually sees Su Nan naked, she will inevitably be shaken by the shock. When she is masturbating, she has beautified Su Nan's body in her mind, but when she really sees it, she will be shocked. Knowing what I think is far from the real Su Nan.

Just like a man will be shaken when he sees a woman with a good figure, Lu Anya is in the same situation at the moment. Su Nan's body has been continuously strengthened imperceptibly, and has become perfect, especially a certain part, which is enough to make a woman dumbfounded. weak legs.

Staring at Su Nan's body without blinking, Lu Anya unconsciously became short of breath, her heart was beating wildly, and she felt her blood was boiling, she actually produced a kind of blood like a pervert man seeing a beautiful woman's naked body Feeling angry.

She actually fell in love with the body of a high school boy!

At this moment, Lu Anya felt ashamed and indignant.

The moment Su Nan's body stiffened, he noticed that the woman was staring at him somewhere, her eyes were still burning hot, the corners of his eyes twitched, he quickly covered them, and asked with a frown, "How did you get in?"

Obviously he locked the door.

Su Nan's act of covering up surprised Lu Anya, who was in shame and anger, and then she felt less shame and anger in her heart, staring at Su Nan strangely, why did she feel that her and Su Nan's roles seemed to be reversed, she became the one who took advantage, And Su Nan became the one who suffered.

But... the unexpected feeling is good.

Lu Anya was inexplicably happy.

Su Nan was like this, but she calmed down and glanced at Su Nan with disdain: "You look at me once, and I will look at you once, Su Nan is even."

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked out of the room calmly.

Su Nan was confused by her speech, and didn't realize it until the door was closed again. Can this be evened out?And how on earth did she get in?

I went over to check the door lock, and it wasn't broken. Could it be possible to open the door of Xuemei's house with a key even if it was locked?But why did the school girl give her the key, or she put it in a conspicuous place and took it herself.

Su Nan thought of a possibility, probably Aunt Lu Ying didn't expect him to be in the room, so she took the key and opened the door without authorization, but after seeing him naked, she acted too calmly, as expected of being a family with the class monitor.

For a moment his mind was complicated, and he didn't care that his body was not completely dry, so he put on the school girl's sportswear.

Because it is sportswear, the boundaries between men's and women's clothing are not very clear. Su Nan's body does not feel inconsistent in wearing it, but it is a bit tight.

Outside, Shu Baoer didn't wait long.I saw Lu Anya with a flushed face coming out of the room in a panic.

Shu Baoer felt a little puzzled, and asked strangely: "So fast?"

"As soon as you went out, he came out by himself, and I saw him all." Lu Anya calmed down and said, she found that she was a little excited inside, worried that she would be misunderstood as a pervert, and tried to look normal.

Recalling the scene just now, Lu Anya felt a little pity. If she had recorded that scene, at least she would not have to worry for a short time.

Shu Baoer didn't respond to this, she must have done this kind of thing before, Lu Anya was suddenly curious about the relationship between Shu Baoer and Su Nan.

Shu Baoer said that she has rich experience, at least she has done many ambiguous things with Su Nan, and she brought Su Nan home again today. In fact, the relationship between the two is very close?

Does this count as NT.R Shu Baoer?

Suddenly feeling a little strange in her heart, Lu Anya couldn't help being curious, and asked Shu Bao'er: "Have you ever done this kind of thing?"

"Guess." Shu Baoer blinked at her and rolled her eyes with a smile.

Lu Anya didn't bother to guess, and she became more and more sure that Shu Bao'er must have done this kind of thing, and even went too far. What is the relationship between them?


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