But it doesn't look like it.

The sound of the door opening came from behind, and the two women followed the sound, and Su Nan came out of the room with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

Lu Anya also felt a little embarrassed, after all, she was seen naked, and then looked at the other person's body.As a woman, she is more embarrassing than Su Nan, but she can remain calm. I don't know if it is because of a strange disease, she has been indirectly using Su Nan to satisfy herself, so her face has thickened unconsciously.

It was the same just now, after seeing Su Nan's naked body, he could still say that.

"Senior, this is my friend, named Lu Anya, who also came to my house to take a bath today after getting wet."

Shu Baoer pointed to Lu Anya to introduce to Su Nan, and then pretended to introduce Su Nan to Lu Anya. The two looked embarrassed and nodded to each other.

Su Nan remembered the name Lu Anya.

"Senior, give me the clothes you changed to wash."

Seeing Su Nan holding wet clothes in his hand, Shu Baoer walked over to take them, turned around and gave Lu Anya a wink, and then went into the bathroom.

Lu Anya was stunned for a moment, did Shu Baoer mean to ask her to continue?

Although she didn't get sick, Shu Bao'er hoped that she would get used to being ambiguous with Su Nan first, so that she wouldn't mess up in the future.

It's just that there was an embarrassing incident between the two of them just now, and Lu Anya felt that she couldn't let go of her face to get close to Su Nan for the time being.

Seeing that Lu Anya's face was changing, Su Nan thought for a while, and thought that she might be angry. After all, as a woman, she was seen naked, so it is impossible not to be angry. What she said to him just now was probably just too angry.

Although Lu Anya felt weird, but between men and women, he was taking advantage of each other, so he could only apologize.

Su Nan explained: "The junior girl told me that she lived alone, so I didn't know you were there at the time, I'm sorry."

Lu Anya was stunned, and made a decision in a flash of thought. Since she decided to contact Su Nan, she should have a good relationship with Su Nan instead of making the relationship deadlocked.

Thinking of this, Lu Anya's face softened, and she was about to speak when suddenly her face changed and her body felt uncomfortable.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Su Nan explained, seeing the ugly face of the other party, she knew that she might not be forgiven, but this was a matter of course, after all, he had seen her body.

She was about to apologize again, and if the other party still didn't forgive her, she could just leave to avoid embarrassment, but before he could speak, Lu Anya ran into the bathroom in a panic and closed the door.

Su Nan was puzzled, why did Lu Anya seem to be in a hurry?Is it urgent?

Suddenly, Su Nan remembered one thing. His clothes were all wet before, so he had to take them all off. Just now, he gave the clothes to the school girl to wash, but he forgot that Fat Times was also mixed in.

But the school girl should not wash it by hand, there is a washing machine at home.

Thinking of this, Su Nan felt a little relieved, and went to the sofa to sit down and play with his mobile phone when he had nothing to do.

Lu Anya broke into the bathroom and saw Shu Bao'er standing in front of the mirror, distracted. She was holding a male panty in her hand, and she was staring at the panty with her head down.

For this scene, Lu Anya is not surprised, because Shu Baoer is of the same kind as her.

Seeing that someone had come in, Shu Baoer came back to her senses and asked in surprise, "Why did you come in?"

At this moment, Lu Anya should make persistent efforts and continue to have ambiguous affairs with Su Nan.

The uncomfortable feeling hit, Lu Anya didn't have time to think too much, she strode forward and snatched the fat time from Shu Baoer's hand, but she just had a seizure at this time, so she still has reason, and it is absolutely unacceptable to do embarrassing things in front of outsiders of.

Lu Anya tried her best to keep herself calm, and said to Shu Bao'er: "You go out first, I'll go to the toilet."

What are you doing when you go to the toilet and grab Su Nan's fat times?

Shu Bao'er turned her head around, thought of the reason, took advantage of Lu Anya's inattention, and snatched Su Nan's fat back, and said to the stunned Lu Anya: "Just in time, I have been waiting for you for a long time, since I decided to contact the senior, Then take advantage of this time to practice hard."

"Practice? Wait, I'll do it next time..." Before she could react, she was pushed out by Shu Baoer. Lu Anya was in a panic and flustered, but because of the uncomfortable relationship, it was really hard for her to make any resistance. Pushed by Shu Bao'er, she was pushed out of the door.

Standing at the door of the bathroom, looking at the closed door, then turning her head to see Su Nan who was sitting on the sofa looking at her strangely, Lu Anya's scalp felt a little numb.

After pushing Lu Anya out, Shu Bao'er locked the door behind her, with a strange smile on her face, then she didn't know what to think of, the smile disappeared, and she sighed slightly.

Not caring about outside affairs, Shu Baoer came to the sink to wash Su Nan's fat once. Before washing, she picked it up and smelled it, and muttered: "Wet by the rain, it doesn't smell anymore."

Outside, Lu Anya stood stiffly in place, and was caught in a difficult decision. She had photos of Su Nan in her phone, and some selfies of herself and Su Nan. Find a quiet place and take it out. It should be fine. Relieve discomfort.

But Shu Baoer's words are very reasonable, she can't rely on this forever, people's habits are too terrible, things that could easily make her feel ashamed before, may not feel ashamed now.

At the same time, the person who attracted her was by her side, no more than ten meters away, which gave her a strong impulse to go forward and bully him fiercely!

Gritting her teeth, Lu Anya walked towards Su Nan with a firm expression on her face, which made her look quite imposing.

Su Nan was wondering why Lu Anya's face was a little ugly after being pushed out by her junior, but seeing her approaching him with a serious face, she suddenly realized that she might be here to find fault.

Su Nan didn't move, and planned to see what she did. If she just got angry and scolded herself, she could bear it. After all, she saw other people's naked bodies, and being scolded was not painful.

But if she intends to do something, such as slap or something, then she can't do it. He didn't sneak a peek on purpose, and he was also looked back by the other party.

Thinking of this, Su Nan calmed down quite a bit. She looked up at Lu Anya who was walking in front of her and staring at her seriously. Her eyes seemed a little sharp, sweeping back and forth across his face, and glanced at his crotch from time to time.

Lu Anya suddenly realized something, Su Nan took off the fat time, which meant that he was in a vacuum state at this time, she sneaked a look, and found some traces, because the sweatpants were too thin, and someone's size Not small.

This discovery made her heart thump, and her uncomfortable feeling eased a little.

Su Nan noticed Lu Anya's gaze, realized what she was looking at, put her legs together unnaturally, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lu Anya was very nervous at first, but when she saw Su Nan's small movements, the corners of her mouth curled up a little, she was just a high school student, she was so thin-skinned, she was far worse than those perverts who had been in the society for a long time, but it was much more interesting.

Although she has been repelling meeting Su Nan, she has been with Su Nan's fat times every day for the past few months, and looks at his pictures every day. Deep down, she has unconsciously distinguished him from other men.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Anya said unkindly: "You've seen me naked, and you're going to send me away with a simple apology?"

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