"Cinema theaters are not allowed. There are surveillance cameras. Everything we do will be seen."

"Huh?" The senior was a little surprised and a little disappointed.

Su Nan asked with a half-smile, "You don't expect this, do you?"

"Not at all!" She glared at him in embarrassment, her cheeks were as white as jade, and her cheeks were as red as fire, she looked extremely charming, such a girly senior was extremely attractive.

Su Nan played with the senior sister's soft little hand, touched her fingers one by one, admired her shy expression, and made a practical suggestion: "If the movie is not good, we will come out early. At that time, the toilets outside the theater are all Empty."

Zhan Weiling's face was weird, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart. Such a bad junior made her heart beat faster.

The movie started, but the two people who watched the movie were distracted. Although the quality of the movie itself was good, their hearts had already drifted to nowhere.

In the dark, Zhan Weiling tilted her head to look at her junior. Under the light of the screen, even his eyelashes were clearly visible. The sharp-edged side face fascinated her. She felt like her heart was beating a drum. She was looking forward to the next thing.

Su Nan found that she was looking at him, and turned to look at him too. The two made eye contact, and Zhan Weiling couldn't bear to turn her face away first.

Not interested in watching a movie, Zhan Weiling felt a little bored, but it was still early, and the movie had just started, so they had no choice but to leave now.

Zhan Weiling has always been a very proactive person. In her mind, she remembered the first time she tricked her junior out on a date, and it was also at a movie theater. She touched her hand on purpose, and secretly let him drink the Coke she had drunk, so satisfying herself.

It's been so long, and thinking about it until now, the shame in my heart has faded, and I feel nostalgic instead.

She saw Su Nan's hand resting on the armrest of the seat. Even though she was not sick, she stretched out her hand with a blushing face and pressed it on top of his hand. She just wanted to touch his hand. If there is monitoring, there will be monitoring.

Su Nan glanced at her and didn't move.

Zhan Weiling seemed to be inspired, and excitedly continued to grab the palm of the junior student and play with it, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

At this time, a late girl walked into the theater quietly, and the seat was near Su Nan. When she accidentally saw Su Nan being touched, she was stunned.

Su Nan noticed that someone was staring at him, and he couldn't see clearly in the dark, so he subconsciously retracted his hand, which made the girl squint.

Zhan Weiling didn't see the girl, she was a little strange, she leaned over and kissed Su Nan's side face, but Su Nan avoided it, because although the girl sat down, she still seemed to be paying attention.

Su Nan stood up, gave her senior a wink, and left the theater.

Zhan Weiling understood what he meant, her cheeks were hot, she quietly stood up and followed him out.

The girl who just sat down frowned, staring at Zhan Weiling's sneaky back, her eyes were cold.

She also stood up and followed out.

As soon as she walked outside, she saw the girl catch up to the boy, hugged him from behind, and then pushed the boy into the women's toilet with lightning speed.

"Poor boy."

The girl sighed, and then a trace of anger appeared in her eyes, and followed into the women's toilet.

She walked lightly from one of the compartments, stopped in one of them, and heard a girl's coquettish voice coming from inside.

"Don't make a sound, this is the women's toilet. If you are found, you will be very dangerous. Then leave it to me."

Then there was a muffled snort from the boy.

The girl frowned even deeper, and a trace of shame and anger flashed across her face. What a perverted woman, she actually threatened a boy like this.

She raised her leg and kicked it, the door opened with a "bang", and the standing boy and squatting girl stared at her dumbfounded.

The girl moved her lips and was about to say something, when her eyes fell on Zhan Weiling's astonished face, she was suddenly dumbfounded, with a look of surprise on her face: "Weiling, why is it you?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In a milk tea shop with soft music playing, Su Nan and her senior were sitting together, they both looked embarrassed, and Li Gongting was sitting opposite him who was equally embarrassed.

Although Li Gongting tried his best to maintain a dull expression, he couldn't hide the embarrassment on his face, but his eyes swept back and forth on his and senior sister's faces, with strong curiosity and surprise, There is a touch of shyness.

Su Nan was not thin-skinned, she still blushed when she recalled what happened just now, and Zhan Weiling lowered her head in embarrassment, ashamed to see others.

Just now Li Gongting regarded her as a pervert who bullied Su Nan, and rushed to rescue Su Nan bravely, but saw that the pervert was someone he knew, with his mouth open enough to stuff a duck egg.

Li Gongting knew Zhan Weiling, so he didn't think Zhan Weiling would do such a thing, but what he saw with his own eyes was true, the reason could only be that he had misunderstood something.

After some silence, Li Gongting sincerely apologized again: "I'm really sorry, I didn't recognize you Wei Ling, I thought someone was bullying him, you should be in a relationship, I misunderstood."

Zhan Weiling blushed, but she didn't deny her relationship with Su Nan, she just looked at Li Gongting strangely and asked, "Why do you think I'm bullying him?"

She knew that this friend of hers had a weird personality and was a helpful type. She would often lend a helping hand when her classmates were in trouble, but how could she treat her as a pervert? Su Nan is a boy, and she bullies boys?

"This..." Li Gongting hesitated for a while, looking at Su Nan, Su Nan took the words lightly: "Senior Gong Ting saved me once before, maybe I misunderstood something."

Li Gongting seemed to regard him as that kind of weak boy, Su Nan's words were also to defend herself, Su Nan didn't say anything specific, after all, it was a bit embarrassing, and she didn't want her senior to know.

But seeing Li Gongting understanding, nodded, and said solemnly: "Wei Ling, that's it."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, he was sure that Li Gongting must think that he said that to protect his poor self-esteem in front of the senior.

Zhan Weiling nodded, and didn't ask what was the matter. It could be seen that Li Gongting and Su Nan had known each other before, but Zhan Weiling knew this friend of hers, so she didn't think she would have anything to do with Su Nan. I passed Su Nan, but it might be embarrassing for Su Nan, so I don't want to say it.

It's just that Zhan Weiling is still very curious about what happened to make Su Nan be regarded as a weak boy. She knows Su Nan's body very well, she is not weak in every sense, but she is so perverted that she is not human.

Deciding to talk to Su Nan after going back, Zhan Weiling changed the subject and asked curiously: "Gong Ting, are you also here to watch the movie?"

Li Gongting shook his head, his face darkened: "Wang Leiping and Xu Mengyu came here to watch movies one after another, and they encountered morons touching their buttocks, because it was not serious, and did not attract the attention of the theater. I watched the surveillance, and the man was wearing a mask, so I planned to Come try your luck."

"There are too many idiots now, girls are really not safe." Zhan Weiling sighed.

"Not only girls, but also boys." Li Gongting corrected and glanced at Su Nan.

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