Seeing her affirmative expression, Zhan Weiling was stunned for a moment, always feeling that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no problem with her words, so she echoed: "Indeed, boys should pay more attention, because boys are bullied Finally, for the sake of face, I usually don’t tell others.”

Li Gongting nodded in approval, but couldn't help but glance at Su Nan again.

Su Nan's smiling face was a little stiff, although she knew that Li Gongting was worried about him, but she still wanted to hold her down and beat her up to prove that she was not weak.

Li Gongting took out his mobile phone and looked at it, a little surprised: "The pervert seems to have been caught, I'll go over and have a look, next time I invite you to dinner to make amends."

It was obviously embarrassing, but she didn't act embarrassing.

"Well, we'll go back later." Zhan Weiling stood up to see her off.

Walking to the door, Li Gongting looked back at Su Nan, thinking that he should not be able to hear him at this distance, so he said to Zhan Weiling: "Weiling, since you have become his girlfriend, then take good care of him and ask me for help if you need help." , go first, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, she turned around lightly, and left without delay.

Zhan Weiling didn't realize it for a while, she looked confused, what and what, isn't Su Nan protecting her?

Zhan Weiling with a weird face came back and sat down in front of Su Nan. Su Nan was a little strange: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhan Weiling hesitated to speak, and finally shook her head, "It's nothing."

She felt that Li Gongting said that to her because of a misunderstanding with Su Nan, who mistook Su Nan for a chicken?

Su Nan didn't care either, and asked curiously, "Is senior sister and senior sister Gong Ting related?"

"Well, her father and my father are friends. We used to be in the same class in elementary and junior high school, and now we are in the same class. Her family runs a restaurant, and I worked part-time at her family before."

Zhan Weiling changed the subject: "What about you, how did you meet her?"

Really curious, Zhan Weiling couldn't help asking.

Su Nan looked embarrassed, and didn't know how to speak. She was a little bit speechless about being bullied by the perverted girl. Now that her identity was known, the masked girl had no clue.

"Can't you tell me?" Zhan Weiling asked tentatively, with a layer of water in her eyes, looking pitiful.

"Once I met a pervert who was trapped in a sack, and she saved me," Su Nan said.

"Ah?" Zhan Weiling was startled, she didn't expect such a thing to happen to Su Nan, and she was a little grateful to her good friend.

"Stop talking about this, senior sister, let's continue dating. What we just did is not finished."

In order not to let the senior sister ask, Su Nan showed her an ambiguous smile.

Zhan Weiling looked shy, but said softly: "If Xiao Nan likes it, let's find a safer place."

The juniors are really daring, they just got ruined by someone, and now they want to play again, but such a junior makes the senior sister a little excited.

Originally, it was just to distract the senior sister's attention, but she didn't expect her to be so obedient, so she agreed. Su Nan was a little itchy in his heart. He was hit by someone before, and in the fitting room, he was not satisfied at all. .

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon, and because of what had happened before, they didn't dare to mess around outside. After some discussion, the two found an Internet cafe and got a private room.

Coming to a place like an Internet cafe on a date would spoil the atmosphere, but neither of them cared about it. They came here to experience the shame play, which is very common in Internet cafe boxes.

Su Nan skillfully entered the URL, played a video, and then pressed the senior sister in front of the screen, her face was facing the big screen.

Breaking through that relationship, coupled with the various punishments before, and in order to please the junior, Zhan Weiling let it go very quickly, shy and excited at the same time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why do Europe and the United States like this!"

Nestled in Su Nan's arms, Zhan Weiling stared at the video playing on the computer screen, widened her frightened eyes, and glanced at Su Nan at the same time, with a strange and shy expression on her expression.

"Xiao Nan, don't you like it too?"

She seemed worried.

"You said you wanted to see it." Su Nan was speechless.

Zhan Weiling said, "But as soon as I say it, you can show it to me. If you don't watch it often, where are the resources?"

Su Nan has nothing to say. As a theoretical old driver, he dabbled in Japan, Europe and the United States, except for Germany.

Seeing that he was silent, Zhan Weiling became anxious. If Su Nan asked, would she refuse? Su Nan must be very disappointed if she refused, but how could she enter such a place...

"Don't worry, I don't have that kind of interest. You were so clean when you were Ling before, and I didn't treat you that way." Su Nan turned off the video, hugged her senior's delicate body tightly and coaxed her tenderly.

Zhan Weiling was stunned suddenly, and then she felt a little complicated, as if she was very embarrassed, but she didn't dare to meet people as she imagined, she asked shyly, "You already know."

She was referring to the fact that she was Ling.

Su Nan nodded: "Well, I can recognize what my senior sister has become."

"When did you know?" Zhan Weiling asked curiously, her face was blushing shyly, she was extremely cute.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth curled up, "Not long after you became Ling."

"Ah!" The senior sister was dumbfounded, she stared blankly at Su Nan for a while, and suddenly covered her flushed cheeks tightly with both hands, she was ashamed to see others, in vain she thought she was covering up well, it turned out that Su Nan had already discovered Her body, but he pretended not to know, and tried every means to play with her.

Thinking of this, Zhan Weiling wished she could find a crack in the ground and hide.

"I miss that time very much." Su Nan said while biting her senior's ear.

"Xiao Nan, you are so bad." Zhan Weiling murmured, her body softened, and she looked more and more charming.

Su Nan's eyes were hot, and she lowered her head to kiss her lips. The senior sister whimpered, but soon became docile again.

Like thunder from the sky, the two were entangled, but they didn't dare to mess around. Just now they discovered that the sound insulation effect of this place is too poor, and the upper part is connected. If someone hears the sound and climbs up, it must be Could see what they were doing, so they stopped hastily.

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