What a horrible woman!

Zhao Ruomin felt a little fear in her heart, but it was more self-satisfaction, how could she be fooled by her cleverness, she never blamed her brother-in-law at all, if she wanted to blame, she would only blame that vixen.

Zhao Ruomin didn't believe Su Nan's words, because that woman must have coveted her brother-in-law for saying that.

Seeing through Zhan Weiling's conspiracy, Zhao Ruomin felt a sense of superiority in her heart. My sister often said that she was stupid, but my sister was the one who was stupid. If my sister was present in the situation just now, she would definitely not be able to resist fighting with that woman, and fell for her. count.

But she didn't, she just felt a little uncomfortable and sore in her heart, and then she ran away with her brother-in-law very wisely.

Thinking that after she took her brother-in-law away, the woman must be standing alone in the Internet cafe, and might be harassed by gangsters, she wanted to laugh in her heart, but that Internet cafe was an Internet cafe, quite high-end, and she was also the first Once you come, there may not be many punks.

The sister-in-law was distracted, Su Nan tried to pull her arm out, but failed, instead she hugged her even tighter, a little helpless.

Instead of taking care of his sister-in-law, Su Nan took out his mobile phone and asked the senior on WeChat if he had gone back. The senior told him that he was already in the car, so he didn't have to worry.She didn't mean to blame him at all, but was very gentle, but Su Nan felt even more guilty.

Arriving at the destination, it was inconvenient to still hold Su Nan when getting out of the car, Zhao Ruomin finally let go.

"Brother-in-law, let's hurry up, my sister is going out soon."

Su Nan came out from the other side. My sister-in-law got out of the car and hurried over to grab his arm and put it in her arms, ignoring her sensitive parts being touched, and urged her.

This is the gate of the community. There must be many people who know the three sisters Zhao Xiaomin. If someone with a heart finds out that he is so close to Xiao Min and Ruo Min, rumors will probably spread.

As soon as Su Nan explained the reason, Zhao Ruomin chose to let him go, as if he was a bit disappointed, he must have read it wrong.

Enter the building, climb a few more floors, and arrive at the place.

Zhao Ruomin took out the key to open the door, and took Su Nan's arm to enter her home without any scruples. She felt that she had entered her own territory when she got home, she looked a little unscrupulous, but she was not worried that her sister would beat her?

Taking advantage of her closing the door, Su Nan pulled out her hand and asked, "Where's your sister?"

"I'll go take a look." After saying that, Zhao Ruomin ran into her sister's room, and came out after a while and said to him innocently: "My sister seems to have left."

So this trip was in vain, and the senior sister who was on the date was left behind. Fortunately, the date is almost over.

Sighing, Su Nan glanced at the room, and heard the sound of cooking from the kitchen, probably Zhao Junmin was busy, didn't Xiao Min cook when she left?

Some time ago, Zhao Junmin kissed him forcefully. It might be awkward to meet him now. Su Nan was about to leave, but he was a little hesitant. What happened that time?

Before he could open his mouth, Zhao Ruomin opened his eyes full of expectation and said pitifully to him: "Brother-in-law, why don't you leave without eating? Recently, Junmin's cooking is very difficult to eat. Go and help me."

With her wavering heart firmed up, Su Nan nodded: "Then I'll help Junmin cook."

Under Zhao Ruomin's happy gaze, Su Nan walked towards the kitchen. He decided to take this opportunity to have a good talk with Zhao Junmin. The matter has already happened, and ignoring it is not an option. Let's make it clear as soon as possible. After all, it is impossible for him and Zhao Xiaomin to be together. Never see Zhao Junmin.

In the kitchen, the girl stared at the dishes in the pot in a daze, and kept adding salt to it with one hand, and the amount was very large.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, no wonder Zhao Ruomin said that her cooking was unpalatable, and adding so much salt was a lethal dose.

He hurriedly said, "It's too much."

As if startled, her hand trembled, and the spoon fell into the pot. Zhao Junmin turned her head and looked at him blankly.

Seeing this, Su Nan hurried over to turn off the fire, and frowned at the burnt vegetables in the pot. This pot of vegetables was no longer edible and had to be thrown away.

Just about to take over the job of cooking, Su Nan found that Zhao Junmin, who was staring at her in a daze, suddenly became frightened for some reason.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What's wrong with you?" Su Nan raised her hand and waved it in front of Zhao Junmin.

Immediately, Zhao Junmin quickly backed away like a frightened deer, until she could not retreat, her body leaned against the wall, looking at him with extremely complicated eyes, at this time wave after wave of uncomfortable feelings attacked her fragile nerves.

The girl's heart was full of sorrow, why did she want to kiss him forcefully at this time, like last time?

Thinking of that scene, the girl was dizzy, very ashamed and sad.

Su Nan looked at the girl in doubt, and asked worriedly, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Junmin's expression was not very good, she looked... more sad than heartbroken, which made Su Nan a little worried, so she couldn't help but walk forward.

"Don't... come here..." Zhao Junmin's face changed suddenly when he woke up and saw him walking towards him, and said loudly.

This is my sister's boyfriend, it is impossible to have any more involvement with him.

She secretly warned herself in her heart, but the instinctive needs from her body longed for his approach.

Zhao Junmin felt that there were two selves arguing in her mind, one wanted Su Nan to get away, and the other was so eager that she even wanted to rush over to press him down and bully him severely.This made her extremely tangled.

Su Nan stopped and looked at the girl in doubt. Why did she look at him with pleading eyes while yelling at him to stay away? What happened?

At this time, Zhao Junmin's pretty face turned pale. After experiencing a punishment, the seizure happened very quickly, and she couldn't bear it at this moment.

No, you have to find a way to satisfy yourself, the phone...

She thought of her mobile phone, but when she saw Su Nan standing in front of her eyes, her face was even paler. It was impossible to take out the mobile phone in front of him and listen to the shy conversation between him and his sister!

Then you can only escape.

Zhao Junmin took a deep breath and was about to rush out from Su Nan's side, but her footsteps kept choking and she couldn't move.

It stands to reason that she just had an outbreak, and she still has a little mobility, but Su Nan standing in front of her is like a mountain, making it impossible for her to overcome.

Panic, panic, shyness, longing, all kinds of complicated emotions made her freeze there.

The girl seemed to be repelling herself, Su Nan was silent for a while, and didn't get closer, but she didn't leave either, because Zhao Junmin's situation was very wrong, her face was frighteningly pale, it must be something uncomfortable.

Su Nan was worried.

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