One wanted to escape, but couldn't move, just resisting the urge to throw himself into his arms was difficult enough.The other wanted to go up to check what was wrong with the girl, but he didn't dare to act rashly because of her reaction. Just like that, the atmosphere in the kitchen fell into silence.

As time went by, Zhao Junmin was sweating profusely, she was a little unconscious, and she would be punished if she went on like this. Realizing this, she decided not to go on like this, biting the tip of her tongue fiercely, and was about to rush out kitchen.

Su Nan couldn't bear it any longer, walked up to her in three steps at a time, put a hand on her forehead, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

The palm is warm, with a hint of intoxicating tenderness.

Zhao Junmin stared at him blankly, then rolled her eyes, and fainted. She didn't faint because of discomfort, but because of shyness, because Su Nan's sudden action made her understand that she could no longer resist the urge to get close to him. All kinds of embarrassing things, thinking that he is my sister's boyfriend, I was so angry that I just passed out.

At the last moment before the coma, she regretted it. After the coma passed, the uncomfortable feeling would not disappear, and she could no longer take measures to satisfy herself...

Su Nan hugged the girl who had collapsed in her arms, with a puzzled expression on her face, she fainted as soon as she said it.

Suddenly his face changed slightly. Is the discomfort the cause of his illness?

Reminiscent of Zhao Junmin's bad complexion before he fell into a coma, he didn't dare to delay, picked her up by the waist and walked out of the kitchen.

Outside, Zhao Ruomin lay leisurely on the sofa playing games, saw Su Nan coming out of the kitchen with her sister in her arms, she didn't make a fuss, just sat up and stared curiously, thinking in her heart, her sister is different from the woman before, isn't her sister vixen.

"She fainted suddenly." Su Nan explained, a little embarrassed.

Holding Zhao Junmin to the sofa, Zhao Ruomin, who heard that her sister was unconscious, quickly let the sofa out, and asked Su Nan to put her sister down and lie down.

Afterwards, the two squatted in front of Zhao Junmin for inspection. Of course, Su Nan ordered Zhao Ruomin to check some sensitive parts.

Breathing is normal, heartbeat is normal, body temperature is normal, just like sleeping.

Su Nan was very confused and didn't look like something happened.

But he didn't dare to worry about it, and was going to send it to the hospital. After all, he was not a doctor, so it would be bad if it was delayed.

At this time, Zhao Junmin faintly woke up, opened his eyes and saw Su Nan who was squatting in front of him, putting his hand on his forehead and touching him, startled, then blushed, and opened his hand.

"Jinmin, you finally woke up!" Zhao Ruomin was overjoyed, hugging her sister who was sitting up.

Zhao Junmin was a little puzzled, did she faint? By the way, what about the uncomfortable feeling?

Her complexion changed slightly, she pushed away the second sister and lowered her head to check her body, she was relieved when she saw that nothing strange had changed.

She was too flustered, if she turned into something strange, her sister and Su Nan wouldn't be so calm after waking up, but she didn't realize it at all.

Zhao Junmin once heard from her sister that the punishment might turn into weird things, but at this time she was still in a normal state, a bit puzzled, but more joyful, it seems that she passed out, and fainted just now The reason for this is probably because I was too ashamed, so the treatment was actually healed at that moment, um, it must be like this.

Raising her head to meet Su Nan's concerned eyes, her heart skipped a beat, she subconsciously avoided, and then her pretty face turned a little blush.

After a while, she took a deep breath and stood up, and said coldly, "I'm a little sleepy, go back to my room and sleep."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the doubting sister and Su Nan, walked into the room quickly, and closed the door.

Lying on the bed, hiding herself in the bed, Zhao Junmin blushed, and felt a little lucky. Fortunately, she got past just now, otherwise she would be punished now.

That punishment shocked her greatly. The most important thing was that she became an older sister and was raped by her older sister's boyfriend. She was at a loss, and she never wanted to experience that kind of thing again.

At seven o'clock, she got out of bed and put her ear against the door, but she couldn't hear the man's voice.

She felt a little lost for no reason, and when she came to her senses, she slapped her face with both palms, making a "pop" sound, thinking that it must have been an illusion just now.

Opening the door and going out, the second sister sat at the dining table and ate.

Seeing her come out, Zhao Ruomin looked happy: "Junmin, you finally woke up, brother-in-law is cooking before leaving, eat quickly, or it will be cold."

Looking at the daily dishes on the table, the tempting smell kept coming over, Zhao Junmin's stomach made a "gurgling" sound, she blushed a little, but she was very hungry, she swallowed her saliva, walked over and sat down.

Although it is that person's craftsmanship, it doesn't matter, it's just for eating.

I took a piece and put it in my mouth. I don't know if I was too hungry, but Zhao Junmin felt that the taste was very good.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Junmin had a good appetite tonight, she ate a full bowl and a half of rice, and half of the dishes on the table entered her appetite, which made Zhao Ruomin, who was sitting opposite, feel a little dissatisfied, her sister usually has a small appetite.

But this dissatisfaction soon turned to joy, she looked at her sister happily and asked: "Junmin, you have grown up, are you here as a big aunt?"

As if struck by lightning, Zhao Junmin was stunned for a long time before she realized it. She blushed and stared at her second sister, and said coldly, "Are you full? I'm going to wash the dishes."

Zhao Ruomin turned a deaf ear to it, with a concerned look on her face: "When did you come to see my aunt? Is there a lot of traffic? I saw you washed your fat this morning. By the way, did you buy my aunt's towel? Why don't you use mine? Don't take it." My sister, my sister will scold people."

She said to her sister with a warning face, with a look of fear.

It made Zhao Junmin's face a little dark, what the hell did this idiot do.

Not bothering to talk to the idiot, Zhao Junmin got up to pack her things, and then took them into the kitchen to wash them with a blank expression.

But Zhao Ruomin followed in and volunteered: "Let me do the washing."

She couldn't help but snatch away the work. The reason why her younger sister was in a coma before was because her aunt was still working, so she couldn't be tired anymore.

As an older sister, she loves her younger sister very much.

Zhao Junmin was a little helpless, but there was a gleam of warmth in her eyes. Seeing that the second sister was really serious about washing the dishes, she turned and left the kitchen.

Thinking of the nervous second sister, she would come over to care about her after washing the dishes. She said she cared, but it was almost like harassment, so Zhao Junmin wisely went back to the room and locked the door behind her.

Sitting on the bed, she felt something was wrong.

After waking up from the coma, she was in a very good state.

Before, because of the matter with Su Nan, she was too entangled, and she couldn't even sleep well, and her mental state was average. However, after waking up from the coma, all negative states seemed to leave her, and she was extremely full of energy, which was too strange.

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