For some reason, she felt a little uneasy.

The phone rang, and Zhao Junmin picked it up and saw that it was a message from her sister, asking her if she had eaten. Today, my sister was in a hurry to go out, so she only cooked and washed the dishes before going out.

Thinking of her sister's meticulous care these two days, Zhao Junmin's heart warmed up, but then the incident of kissing Su Nan forcibly passed through her mind some time ago, making her eyes dark again.

Although she had no choice but to, she knew that at that moment, she was actually obeying her inner desire, because kissing him was the last way to do it.

The fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl felt extremely entangled with these things, she sighed deeply, and was about to lie down and rest.

At this time, she saw a glimmer of light out of the corner of her eye, she looked over subconsciously, and suddenly froze for a moment, only to see a fist-sized white halo floating in mid-air, the light was dim, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

The moment she looked over, the halo swelled to the size of a washbasin and flew towards her.

Zhao Junmin looked at this incomprehensible scene stupidly, and after reacting, she suddenly wanted to stand up and escape, but the halo was as fast as lightning, and flew to her in an instant, covering her head, and then slowly moved down , and finally divided into two at the neck, and slid onto the two arms respectively, the halo deformed, covering all the arms.

During this process, Zhao Junmin sat in a daze and couldn't move, with a look of horror on his face. It wasn't until a moment later that he found that there was nothing unusual about him, so he calmed down a little.

Resisting the fear in her heart, she turned her head to look at her left arm and then at her right arm, only to see that the two arms were wrapped in a mysterious halo, and she could no longer see the appearance of the arms, as if the arms had become bare arms, but In her sense, there was nothing abnormal.

She moved her arm subconsciously, the bare arm shook, and could feel the trajectory of the arm movement, but when the bare arm touched the folded quilt next to it, the quilt was intact, and the bare arm passed through directly.

Zhao Junmin froze for a moment, feeling very uneasy, what happened?

Recalling the previous seizures and the subsequent coma, she suddenly thought of something, her face changed slightly, and she was stunned for a while, unable to move for a long time.

"Knock knock." There was a knock on the door

"Junmin, I boiled brown sugar water, would you like some?"

The sound of knocking on the door woke her up, and Zhao Junmin calmed down a little when she heard the second sister's concerned inquiry, she shook her head: "I'm full, I can't eat any more."

"Oh, then I'll put it in the refrigerator." Zhao Ruomin left disappointed.

Zhao Junmin shook her head. The second sister's cooking skills are not flattering, and she ended up with a stomachache after eating it a few times.

Back to the matter of the mysterious circle of light, because Zhao Junmin understood the reason, she didn't have the fear at the beginning, but was followed by inexplicable panic.

Her arms were covered by a halo, and her arms seemed to be in a different dimension from her body, so where did her arms go?

Frowning, she couldn't figure it out for a long time, but she was very uneasy. Zhao Junmin tried to control her arms, clenched her fists, or spread them out, and it was exactly the same as usual when she picked up her hands.

Su Nan didn't even eat, left from her sister-in-law, had a quick meal outside, and then rushed home.

Zhao Xiaomin went back to live next door to him tonight, and Chu Xi should be the same. They need to spend time with their families these two days, so I haven't met them, so I miss them a little.

After arriving at home, Su Nan hesitated after passing by the senior sister's door, and then rang the doorbell, but there was no answer, probably because she was not at home.

Then Su Nan came to Chuxi's rented house and rang the doorbell, but no one opened the door, and he wasn't at home?

He had no choice but to go back to his home, but Qin Xiaowan didn't come back either. Today is Sunday, so could it be possible to go directly to school from her home tomorrow?

Pulling out the phone, there are many unread messages on WeChat, including Zhao Xiaomin's, Qin Xiaowan's, and even Lu Anya's.

"Little brother, this is a line I designed. You can read it first. It hasn't been decided yet. Let me know when you have time."

Glancing at the dialogue lines sent by her, Su Nan sweated secretly, this woman is too bad, if he and Shu Baoer are really a couple, wouldn't they be crazy after seeing these dialogue screenshots, or delay it if they can, at least wait Make it clear with your school girl first.

Quit to read Zhao Xiaomin's message. It turns out that she went shopping with Chuxi and wanted to go with him, but he was not at home.

There is also Qin Xiaowan's message, saying that her mother will send her to school directly tomorrow and will not be back tonight.

Su Nan put away her phone, her girlfriend wasn't there, and she felt a little bored.

Sitting in the living room for a while, I thought of my novel that hit the street, it seemed that it hadn't been updated for a few days, so let's go back honestly and cheat the corpse.

Thinking of this, Su Nan got up and went back to the room. After entering the door, she closed the door naturally, but when her eyes glanced over the bed inadvertently, she suddenly widened her eyes in astonishment, and saw a pair of round, slender and white arms standing on the bed, as if growing out of the bed , a bit scary.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was startled instinctively, and then quickly calmed down. He is also considered "well-informed". He has been to demons, and even ghosts have passed through the paper man. It's just a pair of hands growing out of the bed. It's no big deal... No wonder!

Suddenly it's scary, isn't it!

After staying for a while, Su Nan finally understood what happened, because the familiar feeling of being seduced reappeared, those white arms seemed to exude a mysterious seductive aura, it was just hands, but it made people feel a sense of temptation. A strong urge to go to...

Even Su Nan, who is day and night, was taken aback by his own thoughts, why do I want a daily hand?

He began to doubt life.

Seems to be fine?

After all, the five-finger girl is the girlfriend of many people.

Thinking of this, Su Nan felt a little relieved.

He closed the door, walked to the bed, and looked at the two arms carefully. The arms seemed to be a little flustered, shaking around, and the green fingers scratched around like headless chickens.

He found that the arms did not grow out of the bed as he imagined, and there was a mysterious white circle of light at the connection with the bed, as if protruding from a different dimension.

Su Nan was thoughtful, probably because of another mysterious incident that happened around him. These arms should belong to a girl he knew. For unknown reasons, they appeared on him through something similar to a space channel from other places. on the bed, it looks like it's growing out.

Whose is it?

Su Nan observed the arms carefully, and found that he had no impression. It was neither the senior sister, nor Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin. With such a close relationship with them, it was impossible for Su Nan to admit that they were wrong.

This pair of arms is relatively slender, and it should be a girl with a relatively petite figure.

However, just to be on the safe side, Su Nan still contacted his senior sister, Chu Xi, and Zhao Xiaomin one by one. He didn't say anything about the weird incident he encountered, but just chatted with them normally on WeChat to test their tone, and finally confirmed that it had nothing to do with them.

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