She murmured to herself.

On the other side, Su Nan was stupefied and took off his pants, why the hell did you let me see this?

At the critical moment, those bare hands disappeared, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

After waiting for a while, still did not see the two arms come out again, Su Nan took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in her heart, got up and got out of bed, opened the closet to find clothes, and then went out to take a shower.

He's going to take a cold shower to cool himself down, Mad.

After the light cluster left the body, it was suspended in mid-air without moving. Zhao Junmin was a little dazed at first, then came to her senses, got out of bed in a panic and ran out of the room.

The sense of loss in her heart made her feel shy and uneasy. She was afraid that if she was still in the room, she would take the initiative to explore the white light.

In the living room, the second sister is lying on the sofa and playing games with her mobile phone. The TV is playing the TV series Marysu. The second sister is playing the game while watching the TV with pleasure. This skill makes Zhao Jun very envious.

Noticing her coming out, Zhao Ruomin threw the phone away, got up and ran in front of her, grabbed her palm, held her hands in front of her, and said with concern: "Junmin, your face is so red, is it because you are here with your aunt?" ?”

Zhao Junmin frowned, pulled out her hand calmly, shook her head, didn't speak, and walked into the bathroom. There was still his smell on the palm of her hand, so she had to wash it well.

The hot water sprayed by the shower washed the slightly immature delicate body, Zhao Junmin looked down at her hands in a daze, as if there was still a lingering warmth on them.

Her expression became a little complicated, and she felt ashamed of her sister. This time she had intimate contact with her sister's boyfriend again. Fortunately, it was over, but is it really over? My sister said that the punishment will last for 24 hours Hours, and the ball of light in the room is still there.

After staring blankly for a while, Zhao Junmin looked resolutely, made up her mind, and decided to sleep in her sister's room tonight, so that she should be able to avoid being shrouded in halo.

But for some reason, there was a feeling of longing in the bottom of my heart.

She shook her head violently, trying not to think about anything related to Su Nan.

After taking a shower, Zhao Junmin was about to turn off the shower, when she caught a glimpse of the crack of the bathroom door out of the corner of her eye, as if something was about to get in, she took a closer look, and it turned out to be that halo!

Zhao Junmin's complexion changed drastically. Before she could react, the halo flew over with a bang, landed on the base of her thigh, and then wriggled as if alive, and the direction was actually upwards!

Zhao Junmin felt chills in her heart, her face was ugly, and the halo tended to extend from her thighs upwards. If this continues, the consequences will be dire!

She kept praying in her heart, don't go up, don't go up!

As if hearing her prayer, the halo wriggled for a while and then chose to extend down until it completely wrapped her legs.

Seeing this, Zhao Junmin was completely relieved, and the words on her legs made people feel more at ease.

If the halo extends upwards, her ending tonight will be miserable. When she thinks of the possible situation, she feels extremely flustered and slightly shy.

Looking down at her legs, she wondered if it was because her legs were larger than her arms. After the halo stretched to wrap her legs, her legs didn't shine as conspicuously as her arms did before. If you don't look carefully, It is difficult to find that the two legs are emitting a faint fluorescence.

There is also a difference with the arm. When the halo wrapped the arm before, her hands could not touch anything, but now her feet can stand and walk.

Could it be...Halo has evolved?

A strange thought flashed through my mind.

At this time, Zhao Junmin felt a little strange sensation on the instep, as if being touched by something.

Zhao Junmin was stunned for a moment, what's the matter?

She frowned, feeling carefully.

Slowly, Zhao Junmin realized something, spat secretly, her cheeks flushed seductively, she clenched her fists tightly, resisting the strange feeling, and cursed softly: "Pervert!"

When the sound came out, she herself was startled, and only felt that it was slightly similar to the call of the female cat next door in heat. This discovery made her feel extremely ashamed, so she quickly dried her body and planned to go back to the room.

The towel fell on the thighs, blocked by a faint halo, because it was so faint, it could be seen that the thighs were still wet, but they couldn't be wiped clean.

Zhao Junmin gave up helplessly, only wiped off the water stains on her body, and began to put on her clothes, but her legs kept shaking.

Suddenly, she let out an exclamation, then covered her mouth suddenly, and looked at the bathroom door worriedly.

Sure enough, Zhao Ruomin's greetings sounded outside: "Junmin, your voice is so sloppy, are you alright?"

Zhao Junmin's forehead darkened, and she said coldly, "It's all right."

Then she didn't dare to make a sound, she gritted her teeth, her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of shyness, because she could feel what Su Nan did to her legs, he was so perverted!

The girl was indignant.

After a while, she endured, put on her clothes, and corrected her expression in front of the mirror, making herself look the same as usual.After feeling all right, she opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

Under the curious gaze of the second sister, Zhao Junmin walked towards her room step by step.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan returned to the room after taking a shower, but felt that taking a cold shower was of no use at all, and she was still so impulsive.

He picked up the phone, put it down after a while, forget it, I still don't want to disturb them, just bear with it.

This state can't do anything at all. After drying her hair, Su Nan lay on the bed, closed her eyes and counted sheep, trying to hypnotize herself. Suddenly, there were drops of water dripping on her cheeks. drops of water.

Opening his eyes in surprise, what came into view was a pair of long and slender legs, which reflected white under the light, and the white and round calves were like autumn lotus roots.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and soon realized something, his face was happy, he knew that it would not end so soon, and the configuration was upgraded from arm to thigh.

Look carefully at the two thin legs above, which seem to grow out of the head of the bed, and the position is only a little higher than his forehead.Both legs were covered with drops of water, and it was obvious that he was taking a bath just now.

Just looking at it for a while makes the already impulsive thoughts even more impulsive.

Su Nan got up and observed carefully, and found that the two legs were very complete, from the heel of the leg to the jade foot, if the heel of the leg was a little higher, there might be more disharmony.

His legs were not wearing pants, and he came to him suddenly while taking a shower, which gave Su Nan a general idea of ​​the abnormal event.The body parts of the ghost girl will come to his room randomly through the space channel for unknown reasons.He couldn't help but start to think about it, thinking of going to a very wretched place, would there be a more private place?

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