Looking down at the beautiful legs just out of the bath, the white and tender delicate and slender legs look delicious, which makes Su Nan's emotions that have not retreated even higher.

Looking at it, he somehow fell down, and somehow his lips fell on the back of his foot, and he could obviously feel the other party trembling.

Su Nan held them like babies, and felt very satisfied seeing them tense because of tension.

He went up all the way, not stingy with his kisses, extremely gentle, just playing with his legs for a year.

Finally, he finished what he hadn't done before, took off his pants and let these beautiful legs fuck him.

Hiding in the room at home, Zhao Junmin's eyes were blurred, her expression was sometimes angry, sometimes shy, and her face was full of red.

She looked down at her feet, and when she returned to the room, she wanted to check, who knew that guy over there was getting more and more extreme!

He actually continued what he did before, it's too perverted!

How could he be so perverted!

The girl's head was dizzy, and her expression was angrily.

Suddenly, she saw a flash of light on her legs, and two stars flew out from the two legs respectively, directly hitting her eyes, before she could react, they entered her eyes, making it too late for her to close her eyes.

Shocked, she closed her eyes abruptly, and opened them again in confusion after a while, because she didn't feel anything unusual, but something flew into her eyes just now, what's going on?

Blinking her eyes in doubt, Zhao Junmin's expression gradually changed, becoming a little surprised and weird, and then it was all replaced by shyness.

She could see two pictures in her eyes, besides her room, she also saw everything in Su Nan's room.

The girl was completely stunned and felt a great shock. Although she knew how she was treated from the beginning, seeing and knowing were two completely different experiences.

Looking at what happened in the room like this, I strongly wanted to stop him, but I couldn't resist my instinct. She still wanted to watch such a shameful thing, it made people want to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Zhao Junmin shook her head violently, trying to shake this picture out of her mind, but her eyes kept seeing it, and finally she couldn't stand it anymore, and hid in the bed quickly, but the picture she saw with her eyes was still the same as before, and the halo surrounded her. It covered her legs while taking a shower, so even hiding under the covers would not help.

The girl shyly closed her eyes, accepting all this resignedly, but even if she closed her eyes, she could still see the picture in Su Nan's room. The most important thing was that she was attracted by him and was powerless to resist.

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Junmin's delicate body trembled, and she opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes were full of astonishment and shyness, how could he be like this!

Looking down at her feet, she carefully rolled up her trousers, frowned, her face was complicated, her feet were still stretched out to Su Nan through a different space, even if she wanted to wash her feet.

Su Nan apologized inwardly, but found a flash of light on the wall opposite the bed, and a faint image emerged, the clearest one was a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at him, full of astonishment.

Su Nan was startled at first, and then immediately came to her senses, the girl was able to see the situation here, doesn't it mean that everything he did just now was seen by the other party?

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Su Nan's face, but it was fleeting, because he was very familiar with the ghost girl - referring to the body, this matter is nothing at all.

Su Nan walked to the wall, the halo was not high, it reached to his neck, his face was big and small, only a pair of eyes were clear, he bent slightly and looked at the girl, the girl closed her eyes shyly, her eyelashes trembling trembling.

Looking at her cute appearance, although she only has one pair of eyes, it is not difficult to guess that the girl's expression must be shy at this time.

"This is our first formal meeting." Su Nan chuckled, and couldn't help but leaned over after speaking, and kissed each other's eyes, but it felt like the kiss was on the wall.

The girl opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise.

"By the way, forget that you can't hear me." Su Nan showed a helpless expression, but continued to say to her: "I remember your physical characteristics, there is a mole on the inner side of your thigh near the root, and your arm As well as the shape of your feet, I will remember them one by one, and I will find you!"

Su Nan's expression was serious, but there was a little tenderness in his eyes.

Although Zhao Junmin couldn't hear what he was saying, she felt blushing and heart beating for no reason, so she quickly closed her eyes.

After a while, she opened her eyes and returned to the room, the halo was floating in the air.

She was stunned for a moment, then her eyes fell on her legs, her face blushed, and she quickly got out of bed.Suddenly, the halo flew again, this time at the buttocks.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the halo flew to her body, Zhao Junmin found that she flew up uncontrollably, and flew to the bed to lie on her stomach.

Then she felt something strange behind her, and looked back, stunned, only to see the colorful light flowing on the wall behind her, forming a vortex, engulfing herself in it until her waist.

As if struck by lightning, Zhao Junmin suddenly realized something, and she was stunned, followed by a burst of intense panic.

Su Nan felt a little pity when he saw the picture projected on the wall disappear. He didn't see the girl's face, otherwise he could easily find her. But it doesn't matter, the girl's features have been imprinted in his mind. He must be able to recognize the girl.

Just about to leave the room, Su Nan was startled, and found a colorful vortex appeared on the wall next to the bed, spinning continuously, and then a girl spit out from it.

The whirlpool stopped after showing her small waist. The room next door was Qin Xiaowan's room. From Su Nan's point of view, it seemed that there was a hole between his room and Qin Xiaowan's room. A girl put her lower body into the hole and came His room is like being appreciated by him.

Of course, the real situation is not like this. If he went to Qin Xiaowan's room, he would definitely not be able to see the girl, but the essence is almost the same.

After a few times, he probably understood what the abnormal event was, and it was related to space. The two walls of his room and the girl's room should be connected together, so this situation happened.

Gritting her teeth and calming down, Su Nan walked out of the room, found a towel in the bathroom and came back.

He closed and locked the door, kicked off his shoes and climbed onto the bed. He felt the slight vibration of the bed, and the girl's body trembled, like a timid little animal.

"Don't be nervous, I won't act recklessly." After saying such words, Su Nan blushed, feeling that she was so hypocritical and not convincing at all.

After all, the girl is still young, and she has never experienced such a thing. There is actually a big difference between the state of becoming a ghost and the body. It is normal to be nervous if the body is going to be tortured by him.

The moment just now had some effect, at least Su Nan didn't feel unable to control herself.He kept silent, and wrote the words "I won't mess around" on the girl's thigh with his fingers, and then wiped her feet with a towel.

Seeing that Su Nan had never crossed the line, the girl finally calmed down, her body stopped shaking, but she was still very shy.

And as time goes by, Su Nan will definitely not be able to bear it, in case he...

Thinking of this, the girl was so upset that she didn't know what to do.

Su Nan wiped off the stains for her, then left the room with a towel to wash.The girl couldn't move, she was in a daze while maintaining this posture, and the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became.

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