I learned from my sister that Su Nan's needs during the punishment period will be very strong. She has a fatal attraction to him, and it is impossible to be safe tonight.

Looking at the mobile phone she dropped on the bed, Zhao Junmin's expression changed, and then became unpredictable.After a while, she gritted her teeth hard and stretched her arms to reach for the phone.There was not enough space, she blushed and tried to touch it.Finally, she reached for the phone, her face brightened, and she grabbed it in her hand.

Looking down at the phone, the girl hesitated for a moment, then blushed and dialed her sister's number.

Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi on the other end were shopping, going to watch a movie to pass the time, when they suddenly received a call from their sister, she answered with a smile on her face, and after a while her face froze, as if she had heard something incredible, and then It became a little flustered again.

Chu Xi looked at her in bewilderment.

Putting down the phone, Zhao Xiaomin pretended to be relaxed and joked: "Ah Nan isn't here, it's weird to watch a movie with you, just go back and forget it."

The smile seemed a little forced, a little anxious.

Chu Xi was puzzled, but didn't ask any further questions. He nodded and called a taxi.The two got into a taxi and drove to the community where Su Nan's house was located.

On the way, Chu Xi noticed that Zhao Xiaomin's expression was very anxious, urging the driver to hurry up from time to time, and the driver was a little impatient by her urging.This guy Zhao Xiaomin's acting skills are too bad, he can't hide it from Chu Xi at all, and Chu Xi feels a little worried in his heart.

After Su Nan washed the towel, he hesitated for a while, driven by the desire in his heart, and finally returned to the room.Before entering the door, he secretly warned himself not to go too far, at least not to damage the girl's body.

Close the door, the sound of closing the door did not attract the girl's attention, she could not hear the sound from this side.

Su Nan climbed onto the bed.Walking behind the girl, Su Nan looked at the girl's posture, that upturned part was facing him, as if she was tempting him.Su Nan swallowed, slowly approached, and climbed onto the bed.

After Zhao Junmin made the phone call, she was completely relieved. Although it was embarrassing, she still told her sister about her situation, but instead of getting angry, her sister comforted her and assured her that she would rush back to Su Nan's side soon.

The girl thought to herself, it would be fine when her sister came back, and she would be complete when her sister came back.

At this time, her kneeling feet sensed the movement of someone climbing onto the bed, her heart trembled, and she felt very flustered. At the same time, the white light on her body flickered, forming a picture in front of her eyes.The picture is Su Nan's room, and she can clearly see everything in Su Nan's room, as well as Su Nan's actions.

After Su Nan climbed onto the bed, he stared at her for a long time. Just when Zhao Junmin felt shy about it, he suddenly put his hand on it, and performed a style of Nan style Tai Chi.

Zhao Junmin blushed, and hurriedly raised her foot to kick him, but he grabbed her all of a sudden.

Unknowingly, Zhao Junmin became docile and no longer resisted. Although she felt very helpless about it, she had no choice but to refuse Su Nan at all.

Then, she blushed even more.

Because Su Nan evolved into a kind-hearted existence.

Su Nan could feel the girl's nervousness, even a trace of fear, but under his Nan-style Tai Chi hands, she quickly became obedient.

Practicing Tai Chi is slow and time-consuming, and as the time goes on, Su Nan becomes more and more unable to calm down.

He took a deep breath, wrote on the girl, and told her how he felt now, but he would restrain himself.

It probably meant something like "I'll just rub it", and then he ignored it and took action.Of course, he still restrained himself as much as possible, worked hard, and never overstepped. His actions were probably the same as before.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Along the way, he kept sending messages to Su Nan, and even called his cell phone, but there was no response.

Zhao Xiaomin was very anxious. Although Zhao Junmin didn't say in detail what kind of punishment he had suffered, the panic shown by his sister still made Zhao Xiaomin realize that something was wrong.

Back downstairs in the building, she couldn't bear it anymore, and ran up the stairs. Chu Xi behind her frowned. What's going on?

She followed suit.

Running to the door of Su Nan's house, Zhao Xiaomin didn't have time to catch her breath, and immediately went to ring the doorbell of Su Nan's house, smiling at Chu Xi who was walking towards her and looking at her strangely: "Qin Xiaowan is not at home, I am going to go to Anan's house tonight Sleep, do you want to be together, how about the three of us..."

She purposely spoke ambiguously, and didn't care that Chu Xi would be jealous.

Chu Xi just frowned, took a deep look at her, and then entered the room.

I always feel that Chu Xi has seen something, but Zhao Xiaomin can't care so much now, she has to protect her sister quickly.

However, after pressing the doorbell for a while, no one responded, Zhao Xiaomin became even more anxious.

"Are you looking for Xiao Nan?"

A curious voice came from the side. Zhao Xiaomin looked over quickly, but it was Zhan Weiling. She suddenly asked on a whim, "Do you have the key to Ah Nan's house? I have something to ask him."

"He's not at home." Zhan Weiling said, after all, she saw Zhao Xiaomin ring the doorbell for a while.

Zhao Xiaomin explained: "I left something at his house, please open the door for me, please."

After speaking, she looked at Zhan Weiling expectantly. Although Zhan Weiling didn't say that she had the key to Su Nan's house, judging from her performance, Zhao Xiaomin believed that she had it.

After hesitating for a while, Zhan Weiling nodded, took out the key and went to open the door of Su Nan's house, because Zhao Xiaomin looked very anxious, and it seemed that it was something very important. Although Zhan Weiling had a feud with her, it was not to the point of tit for tat. The most important thing is that Su Nan doesn't like their teasing.

Opening the door, Zhan Weiling was about to walk in, when a figure rushed in faster than her, and closed the door behind him: "Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner next time."

Zhan Weiling was startled, why are you in such a hurry?And Zhao Xiaomin seemed to deliberately not let her in.

Out of curiosity, Zhan Weiling took the key to open the door again, only to find that the door was locked.

She frowned deeply, and was a little upset. After standing outside the door for a while, Zhao Xiaomin did not come out. She felt even more upset, feeling that she had been cheated, and went back to her home angrily.Why can't Zhao Xiaomin go in and come out? Zhan Weiling thinks that Su Nan must be inside, and that little girl of Zhao Xiaomin is mad.

After shutting Zhan Weiling out, Zhao Xiaomin hurried to Su Nan's room, knocked on the door and turned it. Luckily, Su Nan probably felt that there was no one at home, so the door was not locked.

Pushing open the door, the sound of impact came out, Zhao Xiaomin's heart sank, it's over, it's late, Su Nan has already started targeting her sister.

After taking a deep breath, she continued to push the door open, comforting herself that it was all right, and it wasn't her body, but when she walked into the room, she felt struck by lightning.

Very familiar, she recognized that it was her sister, half of her body was exposed from the colorful swirl on the wall, and the swirl seemed to connect her sister and Su Nan's room.

Zhao Junmin saw her sister enter the room through the screen in front of her, she couldn't help trembling, buried her red face in her arms, and lay down on the bed with no face to face anyone.

This time my sister didn't become a strange thing, but experienced it herself!

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