Biting her lip, Zhao Junmin whispered, "No, he hasn't entered the room yet."

Not only did she not, but she also took good care of her and helped her, but she would rather Su Nan not help in this kind of thing, it's too embarrassing, but fortunately Su Nan didn't know her identity.

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "I'll be there right away, you hold on for a while!"

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly got out of bed, even though she wondered why Su Nan didn't enter the room, but the most important thing now is to ensure the safety of her sister, and she has to rush there as soon as possible.

After walking two steps, Zhao Xiaomin staggered, almost fell, and kept gasping for air, as if returning to the day when Su Nan broke her body, she regretted it a bit, she knew she would not have done this, and now walking is a problem, why? Go save my sister.

Enduring the pain and walking out of the room, Zhao Xiaomin realized another problem. If he rushes to see the impulsive Su Nan, he might die!

Zhao Xiaomin's eyes fell on the tightly closed door of Chu Xi's room, her eyes lit up, as if she saw a life-saving straw, she immediately gritted her teeth and rushed to knock on the door.

"Open the door! It's urgent!"

"Why?" After a while, the door opened a little, and Chu Xi asked with a vigilant face, his face flushed slightly.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't care so much, grabbed Chu Xi's arm and pulled her out, while quickly saying, "My sister is in Ah Nan's room, help me stop him, I have no strength left."

Although very embarrassed, Zhao Xiaomin didn't care about hiding from Chu Xi, and saved her sister first. At the same time, Chu Xi already knew about her sister, so she wasn't too ashamed.

Chu Xi blushed, and struggled to get away. Zhao Xiaomin was much stronger than her. Realizing that she couldn't break free, Chu Xi sighed helplessly and let Zhao Xiaomin take her away, blushing even more.

Bringing Chuxi to the door of Su Nan's house, Zhao Xiaomin rang the doorbell suddenly.

At this time, Su Nan had just finished handling the bag of things, and was walking back to the room in a daze, when she passed the living room, she heard the rapid doorbell, hesitated, and went to open the door.

The door opened, and there were two delicate and pretty faces, with a shy blush on them.

"Ah Nan!" Zhao Xiaomin was overjoyed at first, but her arm touched Chu Xi who was beside her with a troubled face, full of hints.

Chu Xi took a deep breath, and with great courage in his heart, he walked up to Su Nan and held his arm. When his eyes came into contact with him, he glanced away and stammered a little: "Follow me...go home!"

If it was normal, Zhao Xiaomin would have laughed out loud seeing Chu Xi's embarrassment, but at this time, she was concerned about her younger sister An, and had no time to laugh. Seeing Chu Xi holding Su Nan back, she immediately endured the pain and ran to the room.

Su Nan knew what they were worried about, so she didn't resist, and let Chuxi take her to the next door.

After closing the door, even though the girl was still holding her arm, she could feel her body trembling a bit.

Probably because he was alone with Su Nan, so Chu Xi was more relaxed, and quickly calmed down, lowering his head and dragging towards Su Nan's room.

Su Nan, who realized something, couldn't help but feel anticipation.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the morning, Su Nan opened his eyes from a piece of pink arms and jade buttocks. On the left and right sides lay Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin respectively, and they were sleeping soundly while holding his arm.

Su Nan rubbed her aching head, slowly recalling what happened last night.

Because one wall of the room is connected to a girl's room, the girl's body is still attached to the wall, the upper body is in her room, and the lower body is in his room.

Faced with such a temptation, Su Nan couldn't hold back at all. Fortunately, Zhao Xiaomin came to rescue the girl from his demon, but Zhao Xiaomin's fighting power was not good enough. After conquering her, Su Nan ran back to the room, and the girl faced difficulties again.

Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to ask Chu Xi for help. Chu Xi couldn't refuse this kind of favor. First, Su Nan's target was Zhao Xiaomin's sister, and second, she didn't want Su Nan to harm another girl. Therefore, Chu Xi threw it out. Now, take Su Nan back to the room, resist the feeling of shame and help him solve the impulsive problem.

She didn't want to hand over her body to Su Nan under such circumstances, but Su Nan couldn't help it, so Chu Xi used a compromise method.

Later, I was exhausted. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Zhao Xiaomin, who had arranged for her younger sister, rushed back to help her.

After that, with the concerted efforts of the two of them, Su Nan was barely dealt with, and they fell into a deep sleep.

When Zhao Xiaomin came back, he had already locked the door of the house with an iron chain, so he was not worried that Su Nan would suddenly run home.

At the end of the memory, Su Nan felt depressed and secretly refreshed at the same time. What was depressed was that every time he encountered such a situation, he used his lower body to think, feeling like a wild beast with tantrums, but he had to say that it was really cool. In that case, he will definitely restrain himself because he will consider the feelings of the girls. There is a high probability that what happened last night will not happen.

Feeling complicated for a while, Su Nan got dressed and got out of bed, found the key hidden by Zhao Xiaomin last night, and returned to her home.

Because Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin were too tired last night, they probably didn't get up very late. Su Nan planned to go home and make breakfast first, so that they could have something to eat when they got up together. It was a little apology for their behavior last night.

But before making breakfast, Su Nan went back to her room and found that the wall had been restored to its original state, and the girl had disappeared.

Su Nan was not surprised. If he hadn't calmed down a little last night, how could a door trap him.

Although there was no accident, I still felt a sense of loss in my heart. In the end, not only did I not ask the girl's true identity, but she also treated her like that. She was just a junior high school student.

Cursing herself inwardly, Su Nan ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash away the traces of last night's absurdity, then washed her face and brushed her teeth, and went out to cook breakfast.

Seeing that it was about the same time, Su Nan went to the next door to wake up Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin. Although the two were a little listless, they still got up and ran to Su Nan's house immediately when they thought of Zhao Junmin, and went into Su Nan's room to check.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed. It's fine if Zhao Xiaomin knew about what happened last night. Zhao Xiaomin was too obedient to him and wouldn't say anything, but being known by Chu Xi made her face a little bit uncomfortable. Fortunately, Chu Xi just looked at him and sighed slightly. He took a deep breath, then remembered the embarrassing incident last night, and hurried back to wash up.

She didn't know how much she wasted last night, and she fell asleep in a daze, as if her stomach was full of peace, and it was too embarrassing to think about it at this time.

On the contrary, Zhao Xiaomin was in a good mood, because she finally protected her sister from Su Nan's hands, she hugged Su Nan happily and kissed him on the cheek before running back to wash her face and brush her teeth.

During the period, she took out her mobile phone to contact her younger sister, but she couldn't get through. She was a little worried and called her second sister, Zhao Ruomin. Zhao Ruomin said that her third sister was still awake, and she wanted to run over to wake her up, but was stopped by Zhao Xiaomin.

My sister was too tired last night, in every sense, let her sleep a little longer.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaomin called Zhao Ruomin's head teacher again and asked for a leave of absence for her sister.

Putting down the phone, Zhao Xiaomin sighed, protecting her sister is certainly something to be happy about, but what Su Nan did to her sister doesn't mean she doesn't mind, at this moment she doesn't know what to do.

It's just that she couldn't blame Su Nan, Su Nan couldn't control herself in that situation, and he didn't know that it was her sister.

What's more, a thought flashed in Zhao Xiaomin's mind that made her hesitate, her sister seemed to be interested in Su Nan...

She shook her head violently, not daring to think about it anymore.

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