In the morning class, Su Nan was a little listless. She kept thinking about what happened last night, with that girl, with Zhao Xiaomin, and with Chu Xi.

At the same time, he has a question, yesterday's abnormal incident started at night, is it really over?

If it didn't end, wouldn't he have a strange contact with that girl next?

In what way will it be?

Su Nan was inexplicably looking forward to it.

What Su Nan was thinking was also what Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi were worried about. Because of this, Zhao Xiaomin asked for leave for her sister. At the same time, she told Chu Xi to help keep an eye on Su Nan.

So this morning, Chu Xi's eyes flicked past Su Nan from time to time, but he didn't find anything unusual about him. Gradually, Chu Xi relaxed a little bit. She felt that since the girl appeared in Su Nan's room last night, Then even if the punishment is not over, the girl will still appear in Su Nan's room during the day, just keep an eye on Su Nan and don't let him go home.

In the last class, Su Nan rested her chin in her hand, staring casually at the teacher's lecture on the blackboard, unable to listen.

Lowering his eyes, a ray of colorful light came into view.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and she stared dumbfounded at the hand she put on the desk. The colored light actually came from the palm of his hand. It was only a little bit at first, and then slowly expanded. The colored light began to rotate, forming a colorful vortex, as if The palm is connected to a mysterious space.

After being dazed for a moment, Su Nan realized that she pressed her palms down on the table and looked around with guilt. Fortunately, the teacher at the podium was talking about an important point, and everyone was staring at the blackboard.

Su Nan calmly took her hand off the table and put it on her lap, her heart beat a little faster, because the vortex was exactly the same as the vortex that appeared on the wall last night, but much smaller.

The vortex on the wall last night connected the walls of his and the girl's room, so the vortex in the palm of his hand must have the same function!

But what can such a small whirlpool do?

Su Nan thought wildly, and suddenly thought of the dirty side, for example, something that a girl can just grasp with one hand, the girl's body is probably not fully developed, so his slap can completely accommodate it.

Thinking of that dirty scene, Su Nan was in a slightly weird mood, a little horrified, a girl's sensitive parts grew out of her palms or something.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The layout of the room looks a little simple, but it is decorated in a small and fresh style.

On the comfortable bed, the sleeping girl turned over and hugged the quilt tightly, a smile appeared on her fair face, as if she was dreaming a sweet dream, and she slept more soundly.

Suddenly, the girl's eyelashes trembled, she opened her eyes, looked sleepily at the familiar environment around her, and was in a daze.

After a while, the girl sat up abruptly, looked around nervously, and saw a white halo floating in the mid-air of the room, she felt as if struck by lightning, it turned out that all those things last night were not a dream!

The girl screamed in her heart, her white and tender face flushed red, she stared at her shy eyes, and her breath became more rapid due to excitement. A moment later, she let out a mournful sob and fell down on the bed, pulling the quilt over her head , appearing ashamed and indignant.

Those things that make people blush and heartbeat are all true. Su Nan treated her like that last night, and bullied her sister in front of her, and even made her distraught sister shoot her.

A variety of shy ways of playing, as well as the shameful things between the older sister and the younger sister, simply have a strong impact on the three views of the girl, like a blank piece of paper, which has been smeared with various marks indiscriminately, and will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

But, it's finally over... no!The light group is still there!

The girl reacted suddenly, pulled down the quilt, exposed her eyes, stared in horror at the halo suspended in mid-air, felt a big blow, and felt ashamed at the same time.

She sat up quietly, got out of bed quietly, stared at the halo, and walked towards the door step by step, but found that the halo hadn't moved, she quickly ran out, closed the door, and panted heavily with her back against the door ,a little nervous.

The embarrassing experience last night is still fresh in his memory, if Zhao Junmin is entangled by the halo again, Zhao Junmin will cry to death.

Of course, closing the door was just an act of Zhao Junmin's self-comfort. She was taking a shower in the bathroom last night, and she came in through the crack of the door like a halo, entangled her.

Recalling this, Zhao Junmin gritted her teeth, reopened the door and mustered up the courage to enter the room.

Paying attention to the halo at all times to prevent it from attacking suddenly, Zhao Junmin changed her clothes, then picked up her things and walked out of the room, and hurried out of the house.

Although I don't know if it will work, but Zhao Junmin still plans to try it and stay far away from home until the halo can't catch up.

It happened that she checked her phone and saw the message from her elder sister. Her elder sister asked for leave for her. She doesn't have to go to class today, and she has a lot of time. She must run far away, and she can't be taken advantage of by her older sister's boyfriend!

The classroom was quiet, only the voice of the teacher explaining the exercises echoed, and everyone was attracted.

Su Nan looked down quietly, and turned the palm on the thigh up a little, but found that there was nothing in the palm of the hand except the whirlpool.

Su Nan was a little puzzled, but she didn't have time to think too much at this time, so she continued to press her palm to avoid being seen by the people around her.

At this time, he noticed something abnormal. He pressed his palm on his thigh, and his thigh touched the palm of his hand through his trousers, but he found that the palm was empty, and his thigh could not touch anything.

Su Nan was startled immediately, where did my palm go?

Su Nan pressed down slightly with the palm of her hand, and a part of her thigh seemed to sink in.

He lowered his head so that no one could see his shocked face. The whirlpool in his palm could actually put things in. What's there?

Strong curiosity mixed with a little impulsive mood, Su Nan held the right palm where the vortex appeared, picked up a pen with his left hand and stretched it to his thigh, and then slowly stretched the pen in through the slit of his right finger, into the vortex.

He didn't dare to test with his fingers, for fear of any accidents, so he used a pen, at most he would lose a pen.

When the pen probed into the vortex, I couldn't feel anything.

He then poked it with a pen, but still felt nothing.

Su Nan frowned, it shouldn't be, but after entering the pen, no danger was found, so there should be no problem.

Su Nan put the pen on the desk, stared at the blackboard and pretended to be listening to the class like everyone else, but she stretched out her left hand near her right hand and extended an index finger.

Open the right hand, hold the index finger, the index finger is facing the palm of the right hand, and slowly poke into the whirlpool in the palm of the hand.

After the index finger went in, Su Nan was stunned for a moment. The finger did not touch anything, but he felt squeezed. He didn't know what happened around him, and there was a little pressure from all around.

Subconsciously moved his fingers a few times, and the fingers conveyed a slight trembling feeling. Su Nan's face was weird. He vaguely knew what he had touched with his fingers, and he thought, there is another way to play.

After Zhao Junmin went out, she rushed to the nearest subway station, took the subway, and went to the other side of the city. She couldn't believe that the speed of the halo was faster than the subway, and it could fly more than ten kilometers.

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