I hurriedly ran out of the room to go out to look for it, and remembered that my sister was carrying a mobile phone, and took out the mobile phone to make a call, but before I started calling, my sister came in, and my sister seemed to be distracted and didn't notice me.

Zhao Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as her sister is fine.She turned her head and went into the kitchen to serve the dishes. Now she took the opportunity to care about her sister. Seeing that she had no major problems, she finally felt relieved.

Looking up and seeing her sister carefully drinking the soup, looking down at her with worry from time to time, and then looking down at a table of delicious meals, Zhao Junmin's heart warmed. It must be very hard for her sister to run back to cook so many dishes at noon.

My sister must have been worried that she would be sad because of what happened last night, so she ran back because she was worried. Zhao Junmin's heart was warm, and it felt so good to be cared about.

Just as she was about to put a mouthful of soup into her mouth, Zhao Junmin suddenly opened her mouth wide, and she looked surprised.

Seeing her younger sister holding the spoon without moving for a long time, Zhao Xiaomin felt a little strange and said. "Hurry up and drink the soup, take a good rest after eating, and I will come back to cook in the evening."

Zhao Junmin: "..."

Zhao Junmin was about to respond, but she still couldn't close her mouth, as if she was having cramps, so she nodded and put the spoon directly into her mouth.

Then, she looked weird.

At this time, she rolled her eyes, put down the spoon, and covered her mouth in surprise, as if she wanted to cough, but couldn't.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Xiaomin, who was always paying attention to her sister, noticed something was wrong.

Zhao Junmin was puzzled at first, and then seemed to realize something suddenly, her pretty face flushed suddenly, she stood up and ran into the bathroom.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiaomin hurriedly followed, but was blocked outside.

"bang, bang"

Zhao Xiaomin knocked on the door, with a surprised and puzzled expression on her face: "Junmin, what's wrong with you, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

In the bathroom, the girl with her back against the door heard her sister's question, but was unable to make a sound. Her face was flushed, and she looked extremely ashamed and indignant.Worried that her sister would become suspicious if she didn't respond for too long, she had no choice but to respond vaguely and deal with her sister.

When I walked to the mirror and looked at myself in the mirror, I felt that the girl in front of me was so strange, with a flushed and delicate face, and moist eyes exuding a charming color, like a girl in Huaichun.

What made her blush even more was that her mouth in the mirror was wide open, as if it was filled with something, but there was nothing inside, her mouth seemed to be frozen and unable to move at all, and she could see everything inside, transparent Things seemed to be stirred by something.

The girl supported the sink with both hands, only feeling a scorching hotness from her whole body to the bottom of her heart, her whole body was limp without any strength.

Outside, although Zhao Xiaomin heard her sister's response, she felt that her sister's voice was too strange. She didn't understand what was going on. Why did her sister suddenly have such a big reaction? Could it be that the food she made was not delicious?

Seeing that her sister hadn't come out for a long time, the older sister, Zhao Xiaomin, was worried again. She put her ears on the door and listened carefully. Then she heard a strange sound of air being squeezed, which was a bit like the sound of washing hands with hand sanitizer. .

Is my sister washing her hands?

But it's been too long since I washed my hands.At this moment, there was an exclamation from the bathroom, as if he was in danger, Zhao Xiaomin didn't care anymore, he raised his foot in a panic and kicked the door open.

After a loud "bang", Zhao Xiaomin walked in and saw her sister who looked back at her in astonishment. land.

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned, unable to turn her head for a while.

Seeing her sister barging in, Zhao Junmin's expression changed suddenly. She didn't want her sister to see such a shameful thing, so she had an idea, pointed to her mouth, and looked at her sister with a painful face.

When she came back to her senses, Zhao Xiaomin stepped up to support her sister, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with your mouth?"

Zhao Junmin shook her head and wrote on the mirror again.


Zhao Xiaomin is a little confused, is she sick?

She helped her sister out to sit on the sofa.

She proposed to take her younger sister to see a doctor, but unexpectedly she was strongly rejected by her younger sister. Zhao Xiaomin thought about it carefully, her younger sister probably felt ashamed, but how could she not see a doctor like this?

My sister's attitude was too firm, and with what happened last night, Zhao Xiaomin didn't dare to force her too much, but I'll coax her first.

Before coaxing her sister, Zhao Xiaomin boiled a few eggs, first cooled down the temperature with cold water, and then went to put a hot compress on her sister's mouth. The mouth couldn't close, which was a bit like cramps. Some people's jaws tend to cramp. Zhao Xiaomin had seen it before, and she thought The younger sister is similar, first apply a hot compress, at least to ease the pain of the younger sister.Zhao Junmin had a strange expression when her sister held a hot egg and applied it around her cheeks. Although she couldn't see it for some reason, she could touch it. Her sister's behavior was similar to that of drinking hot soup just now, which stimulated the other party.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because it can be touched, Zhao Junmin has already hinted at the other party, don't go too far, this is to avoid being discovered by her sister.

The hint method is writing.

In short, such a shameful thing Zhao Junmin didn't seem to be discovered by her sister at all.

Zhao Junmin thought a lot about the fact that her sister used eggs to warm herself. Although her sister didn't realize it for a while, it was hard to guarantee that her embarrassment would not be discovered, so she should think of a solution as soon as possible.

But it is the other party who takes the initiative, and she will always be like this if the other party doesn't stop, so she should find a way to defeat the other party.

Looking at the soup she just drank, Zhao Junmin blushed, touched her sister, and pointed to her own bowl.

"Do you want soup?" Zhao Xiaomin was surprised. Seeing her sister nodding seriously, she hesitated for a while, and decided to meet her request. After all, it is hot, so it should be effective for treatment.

The soup was brought to her, but her younger sister refused to be fed by her, so Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to give the bowl to her younger sister. Then, she saw her younger sister turned her back to her with a flushed face, drinking the soup quietly by herself.

It's just that every time I take a sip, my sister will raise her head, as if it is convenient to drink into her stomach.

After taking a few sips, my sister got up and went to the refrigerator, took out a popsicle, and brought hot soup into the room with the popsicle in one hand and the hot soup in the other. If you don’t go in, you can’t do it. If you irritate the other party, it is easy for your sister to find out.

Zhao Xiaomin was very puzzled, is taking ice an ice pack?Ice compresses and hot compresses, there will be problems.

She hurried over, only to find that her sister had closed the door tightly.

After calling for a while, there was no answer. She listened to the door with her ear close to the door just now, only to hear the sound of drinking soup from inside, and then heard her sister's voice: "Sister, I'm fine, it's so late, You go to school first."

He took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It turned out that it was so late, but Zhao Xiaomin left without worrying, and asked worriedly, "Junmin, you are really fine. I'll take you to see a doctor."

"It's really all right. It was just a cramp in my mouth just now. I'll take a rest." My sister replied calmly.

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