After hesitating for a moment, seeing that he would be late if he didn't go to school, Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to tell him: "Then remember to eat, I'll be leaving first, and if you need anything, be sure to call me."

"I see, sister." The younger sister replied obediently.

Going out of the house, Zhao Xiaomin thought, her sister's cramp might be due to calcium deficiency, so remember to buy some calcium tablets for her after school today, and pay attention when buying vegetables recently.

In the room, she cheated her sister away, and the girl couldn't make a sound again, the other party went too far!

But she was also very excited by the influence, drinking hot soup and eating popsicles non-stop. Of course, she couldn’t close her mouth, and she needed to use her hands to eat popsicles. At the same time, she used all possible behaviors that might defeat the opponent.

After that, the girl took a sip of hot water and a popsicle, then lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling with blurred eyes.

On the school rooftop, Su Nan tried several times and finally achieved his goal, and then began his journey of ghosts and animals.

What surprised him was that he experienced the journey of the two heavens just like that. Su Nan was so happy that he didn't notice the girl who was peeping outside at all.

Lu Ying stared blankly at this scene, very surprised, the blush on her face extended to her jade neck, making her look extremely charming.

I didn't expect Su Nan to hide here secretly to do bad things, it's too perverted, isn't it good to be at home, it has to be here.

The girl blushed and thought, but because of Su Nan's posture, what she saw was Su Nan secretly doing bad things by herself.

Lu Ying began to think wildly in her heart, could there be something wrong with the relationship between Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin?

She was actually a little happy.

She had eavesdropped on their wall before, and knew that Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin had a very deep relationship. It stands to reason that Su Nan should find Zhao Xiaomin if he needs it.

But not necessarily, you can do this kind of thing if you have a girlfriend, and girls often have inconvenient times.

Thinking wildly in her heart, Lu Ying continued to peek at the scene in the room, only feeling hot on her face.

She should have left immediately, the problem might be very serious if it happened to Su Nan, but her legs felt weak, and at the same time, there was a strange excitement in her heart, as if discovering Su Nan's scandal would make her very happy of.

Lu Ying never thought it was her fault, it must be because she was bullied too hard by Su Nan, that's why she felt this kind of excitement at this moment, because it would make her feel revengeful.

Thinking of revenge, Lu Ying's heart moved, she secretly took out her phone, turned on the camera function, and aimed at Su Nan to shoot.

She held her breath and dared not make the slightest sound, but the feeling of stimulation in her heart became stronger, ah, no, it was the feeling of revenge.

Remembering that Su Nan often threatened her with her photos, Lu Ying's eyes lit up with excitement. As long as she took this video, she would have a handle on Su Nan in her hand. Let's see how he will behave in front of her then.

Thinking of Su Nan's disheveled face, Lu Ying became even more excited.

At this moment, Su Nan's expression in the room changed strangely. Lu Ying was not a novice who didn't understand anything.It was the first time seeing a boy behave like this, Lu Ying was ashamed and happy at the same time, thinking that Su Nan's expression at this time is so bad, she is really a hairy and brainless pig!

The room was completely quiet, Lu Ying took a peek and saw Su Nan sitting on a chair with her eyes closed, with her back on her back, with a joyful expression on her face, as if she was not comforting herself, but just finished doing bad things with a certain girl, I don't know who he was thinking about.

Lu Ying snorted inwardly, feeling a little upset for some reason.

Now that Su Nan was over, she was going to escape with his excuses, but at this moment, Su Nan actually started to act again.

Lu Ying was taken aback, now that the internet is so developed, it's hard to understand some things about boys.She knew that boys usually enter the exhaustion period after finishing their work, or the sage mode, and need to rest for a period of time to recover. However, Su Nan stopped and started again, and it took no more than a minute.

He is so strong?

I didn't have the nerve to look too clearly before, but this time driven by strong curiosity, Lu Ying focused on Su Nan's point, and was shocked. This... How can Zhao Xiaomin stand it?

Because she was so fascinated by the stare, Lu Ying didn't even notice that she swallowed her saliva subconsciously. After recovering, her face flushed, but she chose to continue shooting.

Finally, not long after, Lu Ying put away her phone and left with weak steps.

In the room, Su Nan looked down at her hand, thinking how convenient it was.

Suddenly I heard the sound of opening the door from outside. It is impossible for the door to open without making a sound, but when he came up, he obviously locked the door. Could it be that someone came up to the roof before him?

Quickly pulled up his pants, Su Nan chased after him, saw the iron door open, he ran over and ran down the stairs, and faintly saw a familiar figure from behind.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Back in class, Su Nan didn't see Lu Ying, so she pretended to be chatting with a few classmates, and then casually asked about the monitor, but everyone said they didn't see him.

Su Nan made an excuse to go to the bathroom and went outside for a walk, but he still didn't see the monitor, and he didn't continue to look for it. Class was about to start, so it was impossible for Lu Ying not to return to the classroom.

The squad leader saw those things just now. Although it was embarrassing, what made Su Nan even more worried was whether the squad leader had noticed the abnormality in his hands. He remembered that he was sitting facing the door just now, so it was hard not to be seen.

This kind of thing is too fantasy, if leaked out, the problem will be very serious.

After returning to the class and sitting down, Su Nan frowned, took out her mobile phone a little worriedly, and chatted privately with the monitor on WeChat.

"It was you just now!" He asked straight to the point.

"So what if it's me."

Unexpectedly, Lu Ying replied very quickly, her tone seemed a bit unscrupulous.

Su Nan felt refreshed for a while, feeling that something was going on, and continued to type and ask, "What did you see?"

He deliberately asked vaguely, because he was not sure if Lu Ying had noticed his abnormality, and if he didn't, wouldn't it be self-inflicted to ask directly.

"I took a picture of it, hehe!" Lu Ying replied to him like this, and even sent a very smug emoji, one can imagine her proud face at the moment.

Su Nan secretly thought that it was unlucky, they were all filmed on video, and the whirlpool in the palm must have been seen, if the squad leader leaked it, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of the scene where he was being studied as a guinea pig, Su Nan shuddered. Even if he hadn't been treated like this, the peaceful life would probably be gone forever. Although what happened around him was extremely horrifying, at least It didn't make him feel much threatened.

The squad leader is a pervert who has evil intentions towards him, but a vortex appears in the palm of his hand, and it can be connected to a girl. Su Nan can't guarantee that the squad leader will help him hide this magical spatial ability.

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