Feeling uneasy for a while, Su Nan continued to type. The squad leader didn't reveal his secret right away, but chatted with him on WeChat, which made Su Nan feel that there was still room for redemption, as long as the squad leader was dealt with.

But before he pressed send, Lu Ying sent a reply.

"You go to the rooftop to find me after school!"

Su Nan was surprised at first, without thinking too much, she replied with a good word and agreed, and planned to talk to the monitor face to face after school.

Not long after, Lu Ying walked into the class from the outside, her eyes drifted past Su Nan inadvertently, her face showed a little composure, as if she had regained her confidence in front of him.

After just a quick glance, she withdrew her gaze, walked to the seat and sat down, but there was a pleasant smile on the corner of her mouth, she seemed to be in a good mood.

This made Su Nan feel a little puzzled. After thinking about it, surprise appeared in his heart, and he understood what the monitor was thinking. The monitor's attitude seemed to indicate that something would happen after school, and the monitor was a monitor who had intentions for him, so what would happen? thing.

Su Nan began to think about it, and things didn't seem to be as bad as imagined.

When Su Nan was in class, at Zhao Xiaomin's house, Zhao Junmin was lazily lying on the bed before she could catch her breath. At this time, she didn't even want to move a finger.

Zhao Junmin only felt that she was soft all over, but there was an indescribable comfort.Her consciousness is still in a state of confusion. Su Nan's previous behavior actually seriously affected her. She even followed Su Nan's rhythm and fantasized about the time she and her sister switched bodies in her mind.

The memory she didn't want to recall that time became extremely clear at that moment, and it was recalled in her mind, as if it was playing like a movie, the picture was lifelike, and the protagonist was herself, so she had a strong sense of substitution, as if the surface of the sea was like rolling up numbers. The ten-meter-high wave first rolled her up into the sky, and then rushed into the bottom of the sea in one fell swoop, giving her a feeling of suffocation.

At the same time, Su Nan also began to complete her mission and left, but Zhao Junmin had no resistance to him, instead she was full of nostalgia, subconsciously wanted to keep him, but still couldn't.

I feel very embarrassed about my actions and thoughts. The girl knows that she is affected by this, but she can't control herself. She still thinks this is very beautiful and comfortable, and wants to last forever.

Slowly waking up at this moment, realizing her own thoughts, the girl felt extremely ashamed, and her delicate pretty face turned pink.

There was a strange taste in her mouth, she subconsciously licked her tongue, and then realized something, her eyes flustered with shame.

The girl hurriedly got up, and then realized that her hands were still in her crotch, and the blush on her face became more intense. She immediately pulled out her fingers, and some crystal liquid seemed to fly in the air and hit the ground.

The girl couldn't bear to look directly at it, propped up her limp body and ran out of the room.

When I came to the bathroom, I took off my clothes and turned on the shower, took a shower and brushed my teeth, cleaning off all traces of my body.

When she was getting dressed, Zhao Junmin was startled when she looked at the charming girl in the mirror, she had never seen herself like this before.

Turning his face away quickly, he hurriedly put on his clothes and left the bathroom.

When she walked outside, the girl thought of the meals her sister had cooked for her, and an inexplicable apology flashed in her heart.

Just when she was not about to disappoint her sister, she burped suddenly. Just now she drank soup and ate popsicles...

Recalling the scene just now, those details made her unacceptable.

The girl fled back to the room, got into bed and refused to come out.

Her body exuded a hazy white light in the dark, looking extremely smooth and fair. The girl touched her shimmering skin under the blanket, her heartbeat that had just calmed down began to speed up again, and her body had not returned to normal, which means that she had not yet recovered. Finish.

There are still a few hours, and Renren will pass.

The girl comforted herself in this way.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan and the monitor chose to stay in the classroom with a tacit understanding. Su Nan was doing exercises, and took a look at the monitor, and found that she was chatting with her classmates.

Su Nan suddenly noticed something. Recently, the class monitor seems to be much deserted. She remembers that in the past, she was often surrounded by several classmates. I don't know if it is the influence of the family.

But it seems that the squad leader has not been affected, so there should be no problem.

This is not the time to care about this, Su Nan began to think about the purpose of the squad leader's appointment, and always felt that her purpose was not very pure, but Su Nan did not feel flustered, but had an inexplicable expectation, probably the same routine as before , but in order for her to keep the secret, please satisfy her.

The people walked about the same, Su Nan hadn't started to move, the squad leader took a step first, and looked at him before going out, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes, he really deserves to be a pervert!

Su Nan felt more at ease.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a while, Su Nan got up and left his seat and walked towards the rooftop. Just now Zhao Xiaomin said in the WeChat group that he would go home tonight, and Chu Xi followed suit. I don't know if it was because of what happened last night.At this point they are all gone, so Su Nan doesn't have to go to the activity room.

Climbing to the top of the building, Su Nan glanced, but saw no one, and was about to walk towards the small room, when he heard the sound of closing the door from behind, as if someone had suddenly blocked the escape route.

Su Nan was taken aback. Looking back, she turned out to be the monitor. She closed the door and stood behind her with a smile on her face. She stared at Su Nan's reaction with interest. It seemed that seeing him make a fool of herself was something that pleased the monitor. things.

Just now she was hiding on the other side of the rooftop, there was a small open space there, when Su Nan came up, she didn't look at that side at all, presumably she was standing there at noon.

The squad leader looked at him like a prey, which made Su Nan feel weird, but he wasn't very surprised. After all, he was indeed the squad leader's prey.

It's just that the identity of a hunter is not visible. Once discovered by the prey, it will lose all advantages, and even change from the identity of the hunter to the prey.

Thinking of this, Su Nan showed a smile on his face, and asked calmly: "Squad leader, why did you invite me here? Could it be that you miss me?"

The confident smile made Lu Ying grit her teeth, recalling many things he had done to her, she was instantly ashamed and angry.

Immediately Lu Ying realized that she had already grasped Su Nan's secret, she showed a bright smile, and said, "Your handle is in my hands now, I am not afraid of you, if you dare to bully me like before, I will send the video to online!"

She calmly said threatening words, or acted. Today's Lu Ying gave Su Nan a different feeling, maybe the character design has changed?

Because he caught his handle, the character set changed from the girl who could only humiliate silently at the beginning to the girl who regained her confidence in front of him and even prepared to take revenge.

Thinking of this, Su Nan couldn't help but sigh that the class monitor really knows how to play, but in that case, wouldn't it be her who will take the initiative next?

And he was the one being bullied. It turned out that the roles of the two were reversed.

Although the development of the plot is quite good, Su Nan subconsciously feels that something is wrong. If we look at S and M, wouldn't he change from S to M?

Kind of bad.

With such thoughts in mind, the smile on Su Nan's face remained unchanged: "Then monitor, what do you need to do before you delete the video."

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