It's okay for the squad leader to know about his anomaly, at most it's fine if he doesn't admit it when the squad leader leaks it out, maybe the squad leader will be regarded as a fool for such a mysterious thing, but she took the video.

So Su Nan could only satisfy her evil desires, and only hoped that the squad leader wouldn't be that perverted S, Su Nan wasn't an M shaker, she couldn't bear it.

As for why she didn't take the opportunity to grab Walking Ying's phone, Su Nan thought she might have backed up the video.

Lu Ying was a little surprised by Su Nan's cooperation, but thinking about it, it was a very embarrassing thing, even his face was photographed, once it was posted on the Internet, even a boy would have no face to see anyone.

Su Nan's soft clothes made her feel happy, and she casually ordered: "Take off your shirt first."

"Ah?" Su Nan was a little surprised, but not very surprised, but looked around worriedly, and said, "Why don't we go into the room, I'm worried that people will see me here."

There are still tall buildings near the school. Su Nan was worried that he would be seen by others. Last time, he only attacked the monitor's long legs, and he had a parapet in front of him. This time, he wanted to show his upper body.

The squad leader smiled and said, "No!"

Resolute attitude.

"Okay." Su Nan softened her clothes, and took off her shirt in one breath, revealing her neat upper body. Under the slanting light of the setting sun, there was a strange beauty.

Lu Ying stared intently, feeling dazzled. Her heart fluttered, and she forced herself to look away from that almost perfect body. After taking a deep breath, she said coldly: "Go on. Come down and take off your pants."

Su Nan smiled wryly in her heart, it really was this rhythm, he could have the cheek to undress in front of Lu Ying, but on the rooftop, he always felt insecure in broad daylight.

"Hurry up!" Lu Ying imitated Su Nan's previous appearance, and urged her impatiently, the pleasure of revenge in her heart gradually increased, making her breathe faster.

Su Nan gritted her teeth, took off her pants, put them aside, and then looked at the monitor without showing any timidity.

Looking at him like this, Lu Ying's eyes drifted past him inadvertently. For some reason, there was a strong impulse in her heart. She took another breath and continued to order: "Turn around!"

Hearing this, Su Nan turned around, and there were footsteps behind him, and the squad leader walked behind him.

Just when Su Nan was wondering what she wanted to do, the class monitor slapped him on the buttocks, knocking him into a daze.

Then the squad leader squatted down behind him, and then Su Nan felt two trembling little hands grabbing her feet, moving up and down, looking very unfamiliar.

Su Nan was surprised for a while, the squad leader touched herself like a slut at the moment, but she is a slut herself, so it's normal to do this?

It seems that the squad leader is going to take revenge for all the things he has done to her. The new script is actually like this, but after thinking about it carefully, Su Nan thinks it is natural.

Lu Ying's hand moved back and forth between Su Nan's feet, and after a while, it went up, brushed over her knees, and reached her thighs. That's what Su Nan did to her last time. It's really happy to get revenge now.

Lu Yingming knew that this method of revenge was wrong, but she felt like she couldn't stop.

She bit her lip and cursed herself as a pervert, but she couldn't stop.

Lu Ying comforted herself and said that she was just repaying Su Nan, if he could treat her like this, why couldn't she treat him like this?

Equality between men and women!

She wanted Su Nan to understand the pain she had experienced.

Looking up at the only part of Su Nan's body that still had fabric, Lu Ying stared at it for a while without blinking, then stood up, and with a light push, Su Nan put her hands on the parapet wall, and then Lu Ying held up Slap, clap down.

Su Nan's face was a little dark, it seemed that he had treated Lu Ying in the same way at the beginning, but now it feels really uncomfortable to be retaliated back.

He is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so it's okay to be knocked down like this, he just feels a little ashamed.

However, after Lu Ying slapped him a few times, her hand didn't move, she pressed it there, grasped it tightly from time to time, and the other hand moved behind his back.

If Su Nan looked back, he would see Lu Ying's flushed face and a pair of watery and charming eyes.

Following this treatment of Su Nan, it seemed that a string called reason in Lu Ying's heart was broken.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A phone call came and woke Lu Ying up. After being stunned for a while, she hurriedly pulled her hands back, turned her back and hurriedly took out her mobile phone to answer.

"Hello? Auntie, well, okay, I'll go back now."

Lu Ying hung up the phone, her eyes drifted to Su Nan who was still getting dressed, her face blushed, but she maintained a calm expression and said, "I'm here first, I'm going back."

After saying this, she turned around and left lightly, but her pace seemed a little hurried, as if she was running away.

Su Nan, who was dressed up, was thoughtful. After all, the squad leader has no experience and is shy as a pervert. Maybe he can take advantage of this and do something to her in turn. He must find a way to delete the video she took. Row.

Looking at the time, it was close to six o'clock in the evening, and Su Nan also went downstairs to go home. Qin Xiaowan should be back today, so he went home early to make dinner.

It took more than ten minutes to rush home. When Su Nan entered the door, he smelled the strong fragrance wafting from the kitchen. A smile appeared on his face. Qin Xiaowan is quite sensible, and she actually took the initiative to cook today, and the smell It smells good.

In the past, when Qin Xiaowan was at home, she mostly used the rice cooker to cook and wash the vegetables, and rarely cooked them by hand. It must have taken a lot of effort to achieve this level.

As for the reason, Su Nan also understood, and her mood became a little subtle.

He shook his head, didn't think about it, and went into the bathroom to solve his physical problems.

When pulling the zipper, Su Nan noticed that the vortex on her left hand was still there.

To be honest, this vortex has brought him a lot of trouble today, he must always pay attention not to be discovered, and it is on his right hand, which is very awkward during class, and he can't even hold a pen.

But compared to this little trouble, the enjoyment brought by this vortex to Su Nan is first-class, that is, the squad leader took a video and exposed it.

What's more, facing the whirlpool, Su Nan couldn't control himself all the time, and didn't know if he would cause trouble to the girl opposite.

Su Nan stared at the whirlpool, thinking that since he could even reach out his hand, the voice must be fine too, how about trying it?

Thinking this way, he stretched out an index finger and touched something. It seems that apart from the different parts of each test, even the direction is not necessarily the same.

Su Nan suddenly forgot about it.

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