At the same time, Zhao Junmin, who was helping her sister wash the vegetables, was dyed an attractive bright red color on her face.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiaomin said with concern: "Go back to your room to rest when you're tired, and I'll call you when the meal is ready."

Zhao Junmin shook her head: "I'm not tired, I'll help my sister cook."

Because Su Nan's fingers are playing tricks, the position is a bit bad. If she walks away at this time and turns her back to her sister, she will find out.

And compared to noon, this level is really nothing, it is tolerable, but a trace of panic flashed in the girl's eyes, she did not dare to look directly into her sister's eyes, and felt a faint sense of guilt in her heart.

On the other side, Su Nan came back to his senses after a while, endured the impulse to stop, it is better not to be so messy at home, otherwise it would be bad if he got impulsive and did some irrational behavior, at least he had to wait until he returned to the room and closed the door close.

After coming out of the bathroom, Su Nan passed by the kitchen and saw Qin Xiaowan's busy back. He didn't bother him and chose to go back to the room, preparing to test whether he could transmit the voice and communicate with the girl connected to his palm.

As soon as she entered the room, Su Nan was stunned, and saw a female butt facing her.

A woman was lying on his bed, her head was covered by his quilt, and she was constantly getting into the quilt, which made people feel inexplicable and thirsty.

After a while, the woman got into it completely, the quilt was high, and there was a happy cheer from inside, and then the woman rolled up, wrapped in the quilt, and rolled from one side of the bed to the other, it was really worrying that she would fall off the bed .

Seeing that the quilt rolled to the edge of the bed and was about to fall off the bed, Su Nan subconsciously stepped forward to hold her up. Even through a layer of quilt, she could clearly feel the woman's soft body.

The woman seemed to be stunned, and the movement in the bed stopped.

Su Nan swallowed, grabbed the edge of the quilt, and slowly lifted it up. For some reason, he became a little nervous.

When the quilt was lifted to a certain height, a pretty face with bright eyes and white teeth was revealed. It seemed that he was only about twenty years old, his face was flushed, and a pair of clear eyes stared at him, revealing a curious color.

Su Nan lowered her head and looked at her, and was startled suddenly. She vaguely remembered where she had seen this woman before. After thinking about it carefully, she couldn't remember it for a while, and felt a sharp pain in her head.

Subconsciously, Su Nan let go of the quilt to cover that elegant and vulgar face, then he pressed his swollen head, frowning, some images appeared in his mind, and they were broken in an instant, making him unable to see what it was.

The woman lifted the quilt and got up. Seeing his painful expression, she quickly jumped out of bed to help him sit down, and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

The voice is ethereal, very comfortable to listen to, as if it goes straight to the bottom of my heart, making people feel relaxed unconsciously.

Su Nan was about to nod, and then a faint fragrance wafted into his nostrils. The other party's hands were soft and bony, and he pressed Su Nan's temples, gently rubbing them for him.

Su Nan raised his head and stared blankly at the seriousness of the other party, and suddenly remembered where he had seen her before. That time he accompanied Qin Xiaowan home and saw a photo at Qin Xiaowan's house. The woman in the photo was exactly the same as the woman in front of him.

But another question came to mind, the photo was at least many years ago, but the girl in front of her was as young as ever, so it couldn't be the same person.

"What are you thinking, empty your head, or it will be even more uncomfortable." The woman said in a caring voice, her voice was so crisp that she kept rubbing her hands on Su Nan's temples, giving him an inexplicable feeling of comfort.

He couldn't help relaxing, but his eyes fell on the woman's chest, and he couldn't move away. The woman was standing in front of him, and the huge scale on the chest was facing him. Su Nan's face was very close and straight, so that he had a strong visual impact, as if he would be hit by a ball at any time.

After holding her hands up for a while, the woman felt tired, put her hands down and rubbed her sore fingers, and said to Su Nan who was stunned: "Lie down, it's more convenient."

After talking, the woman fell down and sat down first. Seeing that Su Nan was confused and did not respond, she grabbed his arm and unceremoniously pulled him down to lie down, so that Su Nan's head just rested on her lap. Wearing pants, Su Nan also felt very wonderful.

Su Nan was a little confused, what did she want to do?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why isn't your old headache getting better?"

The woman said something casually, with a trace of resentment in her tone, she put her hands on his head and rubbed it gently for him.

Su Nan, who was about to get up, was suddenly puzzled. The other party knew him and thought that he had a headache in the past, and now he was helping him relieve the pain, so who is this woman?

I only know that she has a good relationship with Qin Xiaowan, but the photos I saw at Qin Xiaowan's house were at least many years ago, and the woman in the photo should not be the same as the woman in front of me.

The other party was too close to him, and even gave him a knee pillow and rubbed his head. At this time, the faint fragrance of the woman came to his nostrils, and the gentle and comfortable strength of her small hands made Su Nan feel a little strange instantly. , a little urge to continue.

Seeing the woman's familiar face, Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are you Xiao Wan's sister?"

Being so young, his appearance is somewhat similar to Qin Xiaowan's, like an enlarged version of Qin Xiaowan, who appeared in his room at this time, probably Qin Xiaowan's sister.

But I've never heard that Qin Xiaowan has a sister, and what on earth was she doing in his room just now, she just casually climbed into the boy's bed.

The woman was startled for a moment, wanted to laugh, but held back, nodded: "Yes, you are Xiao Nan, I hugged you when I was young, I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for so many years, and you have grown up so much."

While talking, Qin Xiaowan's sister also massaged Wen Wen's head, which was very comfortable.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed, and wanted to get up, but was held down by Qin Xiaowan's sister, and she said with a serious face: "Don't move, you started to have this headache when you were young, I will help you press it to make you feel better." , it was like this before.”

Although the voice was delicate and extremely gentle, it was full of unquestionable meaning.

Surprise appeared in Su Nan's heart, did he have headaches when he was a child, he didn't remember very clearly, and he didn't remember this so-called Qin Xiaowan's sister at all.

Then Su Nan thought of the reason. His memory was not very good before, and many of his memories were blurred when he was a child. Even if his memory has been strengthened recently, he still can't remember things when he was a child.

But no matter what, he still has some vague impressions of his past memories. For example, he remembers that Qin Xiaowan lived in his own house when he was a child, and he also remembers the existence of Aunt Qin, but he doesn't remember Qin Xiaowan's sister at all.

Just when Su Nan was very confused, the woman said to him: "Xiao Nan, you can call me sister. You used to call me like this, but now, I miss you."

She urged gently with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Nan wanted to sit up. After all, she was already so big. Even if she was a former big sister, it would be wrong to lean on someone's thigh like this.

However, Sister Qin pressed his chest to prevent him from moving, and said with a smile on her face, "I won't let you go until you call me. Call sister quickly."

She coaxed him gently, as if she couldn't wait.

Su Nan felt strange, but it was okay to call her sister, so he called: "Sister Qin."

If Qin Xiaowan saw herself and her sister in such an ambiguous posture, she might be misunderstood.

Su Nan's strength is stronger than Qin Xiaowan's sister, so she can break free by force, but the other party has no malicious intentions, probably just out of liking, let him call her sister, since it is Qin Xiaowan's sister, he should also call her so.

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