Sister Qin didn't change her smile and said, "Call me sister."

Su Nan was very helpless, hesitated for a while, and called: "Sister."

Hearing this, Sister Qin finally showed satisfaction.

"What are you doing?!"

At this time, a voice full of gnashing of teeth sounded, waking them up.

The two looked up at the same time, and found that Qin Xiaowan was standing at the door with both hands, staring at the two of them suspiciously, especially when his eyes passed by Su Nan, there was a murderous look, which made Su Nan subconsciously feel cold.

He sat up, facing Qin Xiaowan's questioning eyes, he didn't know how to answer for a moment, after all, the knee pillow was too ambiguous.

"Your brother Nan has a headache, I'll rub it for him." Sister Qin told the truth in a normal way, and then asked, "Xiaowan, is the meal ready?"

Qin Xiaowan put away her suspicious eyes, looked at Su Nan worriedly, nodded, and replied obediently: "It's done."

Su Nan was a little surprised that Xiao Wan was so obedient in front of her sister.

"It's amazing. I can cook by myself, and I've improved a lot." Sister Qin gave Qin Xiaowan a thumbs up, with a smile on her face.

"I've worked hard." Qin Xiaowan muttered softly as she glanced at Su Nan, her face flushed a little.

"Then we have to cooperate well with Brother Nan in the future, so it won't be so hard for the two of us to cook together." Sister Qin said with a smile, and also glanced at Su Nan beside her. Su Nan felt a little embarrassed for no reason.

Qin Xiaowan nodded reluctantly, as if upset, but the blush on her face became even worse.

Looking at Qin Xiaowan's appearance, naturally she couldn't hide her shyness. An unnatural look flashed across Qin Xiaowan's face, and after a while, a gentle smile bloomed again.

It was as if she was smiling blissfully, and the upward curve of the corner of her mouth was like a blooming white orchid.

Su Nan's eyes moved over, but she couldn't look away, staring intently.

Seeing him like this, Qin Xiaowan, who was originally a bit shy, suddenly became angry and said, "Mom, Su Nan, let's go out to eat, or the food will get cold later."

Qin's mother gave her daughter a blank look, and said admonishingly, "You should call me Brother Nan."

"Oh, Brother Nan." Qin Xiaowan shouted forcefully.

"Ah?" Su Nan was completely confused, looking at the woman with a smirk on her face, is she Qin Xiaowan's mother?so young?

But seeing Qin Xiaowan yelling so seriously, and the woman didn't raise any objection, it seemed that was the case.

In an instant, Su Nan's expression became extremely weird. Qin Xiaowan must be fifteen years old, and the woman in front of her looks to be in her twenties, and she is Qin Xiaowan's mother. This maintenance skill is too good.

"Aunt Qin." Su Nan called out in embarrassment.

"What auntie, sister, am I so old?" Qin's mother puffed her mouth and said, with a resentful expression, the little girl's posture, coupled with her young face, did not feel at all disobedient, saying that Qin's mother was Eighteen-year-old girls are believed.

"How can you call me sister, you are obviously his aunt!" Qin Xiaowan objected immediately, and looked at Su Nan with threatening eyes, probably not wanting him to call her mother her sister.

Su Nan understands Xiaowan's mentality. If it were him, it would be weird for people of the same age to call him mother and sister.

"Aunt Qin, let's go out for dinner. Xiao Wan specially cooks today, don't you want to try it?" Su Nan had no choice but to change the topic and said with a smile.

Although a little dissatisfied, Su Nan's words also made Qin's mother a little tempted, and she didn't bother about asking him to call her sister.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sitting at the dining table and eating, today is Qin Xiaowan's first day cooking, the taste is pretty good, but Su Nan doesn't have much thought about it.

From time to time, he raised his head and glanced at the pair of sisters who looked like sisters, but they were actually mother-daughter relationships. He felt a little weird.

No matter how well maintained it is, it's unbelievable that a woman in her thirties still looks like her teens or twenties. Could it be Qin Xiaowan's stepmother?

By the way, who is Qin Xiaowan's father? Why has she never mentioned it.

Even when Su Nan thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember whether his mother and father had talked about Aunt Qin's husband, or if they actually talked about it, but he didn't remember it.

Thinking about it this way, my mind was a little distracted, and I didn't realize that I had been staring at Aunt Qin.

Seeing him like this, Qin Xiaowan got a little angry and said, "Why do you keep staring at my mother?"

Su Nan came back to her senses, and answered calmly: "Aunt Qin is so young and beautiful, and you and Xiao Wan are almost like a pair of sisters, I am fascinated by it."

Praising the other party's youth and beauty generously like this will not only satisfy the person concerned, but Qin Xiaowan, as a daughter, will also feel happy for her mother, and Su Nan's attitude is open, Qin Xiaowan will not think about that.

Su Nan also spoke the truth, no matter how beautiful the other party was, when she thought that she was Qin Xiaowan's mother, how could she have bad thoughts in her heart.

Sure enough, hearing Su Nan praise her mother so much, Qin Xiaowan smiled all of a sudden, and hummed softly: "What's so interesting, let's eat."

After finishing speaking, he buried himself in his meal and stopped paying attention to Su Nan.

Seeing her like this, Su Nan smiled, and turned to look at Aunt Qin, but met Aunt Qin's smiling eyes. When Aunt Qin smiled, her eyes were like crescent moons, shining brightly, with dark pupils The shadow of Su Nan seemed to be reflected in it.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, then she lowered her head and ate in silence. Such a young and beautiful woman makes it easy to subconsciously ignore that she is Qin Xiaowan's mother.

While Su Nan was eating silently, Qin Xiaowan suddenly raised her head and gave him a quick look, then showed a relieved expression, because she was in the ghost state several years later, very similar to her mother, she was really worried that she would be killed Su Nan saw it, and even misunderstood the ghost girl as her mother.

But now, it seems that Su Nan didn't notice this at all. It has to be said that the unknown thing parasitic on her body was too mysterious, and Su Nan ignored it subconsciously. Obviously, the two look very similar , but didn't feel anything unusual when facing her mother.

After dinner, Su Nan took the initiative to take the bowls and other tableware to wash, while Qin Xiaowan was full and was cooking again tonight. She was a little too lazy to move at the moment, so she sat on the sofa and lazily watched TV.

Aunt Qin glanced at her daughter and walked into the kitchen.

Su Nan moved her ears, looked back, and found that Aunt Qin was standing behind her silently looking at herself, and asked doubtfully, "Aunt Qin, what's the matter?"

Calling the other party's aunt, Su Nan is a bit unnatural, too young, it's better to call her sister.

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