Su Nan nodded embarrassingly. She didn't expect that Aunt Qin would take the initiative to bring it up. Usually, such things are tacitly kept in her heart, and speaking out will only increase the embarrassment.

However, Auntie Qin's frankness showed that she didn't take this matter very seriously. It was entirely the eyes of the elders looking at the younger generation that made Su Nan inexplicably calm. Of course, Auntie Qin's calmness may also be because he really didn't see anything.

Although Qin Xiaowan was a little reluctant, she still apologized to Su Nan.

Back in the room and ready to go to bed, Su Nan suddenly remembered something, raised her palm, and found that the whirlpool in her palm was gone.

Su Nan was a little annoyed that she forgot the most important thing, and she didn't get in touch with the girl opposite, and didn't know her real identity.

He felt a little strange. Earlier, he planned to do something to the girl opposite through the whirlpool in his palm. Since he met Aunt Qin, his attention seemed to have been diverted all of a sudden.

But it was so easy to be transferred, why couldn't he control himself before?Or when I saw Aunt Qin, the whirlpool in the palm of my hand had actually disappeared, but I didn't notice it, so I didn't feel it all the time.

Su Nan thinks this is the reason, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

On the other hand, when Zhao Junmin was taking a shower, she found that the problems on her body had completely disappeared. She froze for a moment, feeling a little melancholy for no reason.

She shook her head violently. If she is like this, it must be because the influence of punishment has not completely disappeared. It will be fine tomorrow.

In the middle of the night, Su Nan, who was in a drowsy sleep, felt as if someone had climbed onto the bed. He subconsciously wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were heavy, and his consciousness was a little hazy.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, he saw a figure with long hair fluttering on his body in the dark, as if he was looking at him. Due to the lack of light, he was confused with his consciousness, so he couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly.

Su Nan was taken aback, and wanted to do something, but her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally closed slowly.

Su Nan felt very strange, his consciousness was in a daze, like a dream or waking up, as if he was dreaming, and he couldn't wake up no matter what.

He felt someone kiss his face, soft, warm, and fragrant breath rushed to his face, he wanted to open his eyes, but couldn't.

It should be a dream, but I don't know why I am so contented in the past two days, why I still have erotic dreams.

Thinking that it was a dream, Su Nan felt much calmer.

In the dream, he felt that his loose pajama pants were pulled down, his features seemed to be being observed, and he was accidentally touched, and a suppressed exclamation came to his ears, as if he was shocked by his size.

Even in a dream, Su Nan felt proud for a while.

The next moment, the other party actually took hold of him, but Su Nan felt that the other party was more curious and surprised than lust.

The other party was observing him, checking with his hand, and Su Nan frowned deeply in his sleep, as if he was a little uncomfortable.

The woman in the dream seemed to be aware of his needs. After being stunned for a while, she hesitated, and then blushed. smiled.

There was a commotion in the living room, the woman paused, touched the palm of her hand to comfort him, pulled up the pants for the guy in the dream, covered him with a quilt, kissed him on the forehead, and left the room.

Qin's mother just came out of the room when she met her daughter who came back from the toilet. The daughter looked surprised: "Mom, you haven't slept yet."

"Can't I come out to go to the bathroom?" Mother Qin said angrily, and went straight into the bathroom.

Qin Xiaowan looked at her mother's back until it disappeared. Although she felt something was wrong, she was really sleepy, so she yawned and went back to her room to sleep.

In the bathroom, Qin's mother touched her hot face, saw herself in the mirror with a ruddy complexion, she looked a little embarrassed, and murmured to herself: "Xiao Nan has really grown up."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Waking up in the morning, Su Nan opened her eyes in a daze, staring blankly at the ceiling.

He remembered...Last night, he seemed to have a strange dream. In the dream, he seemed to meet a woman, but he couldn't open his eyes to see her appearance.

Even so, the content of the eclectic dream left an indelible mark on his heart, making him feel that the dream was so real.

Stretching down his hand, the trousers are well dressed, but because of the dream last night, they are full of youthful vitality.

Thinking carefully about the content of the dream, his consciousness in the dream was in a daze state, but the feeling was very clear, so clear that he felt... Was it really a dream?

Su Nan touched her face, there seemed to be residual warmth from her lips on it, the touch of those fragrant lips was so soft, so real.

His complexion changed slightly, he suddenly lifted the quilt and sat up, pulled down his pants to check, when the door was pushed open, and Aunt Qin, who was plump and bright and charming, walked in and said to him: "Xiao Nan, wake up... ..."

Before she finished speaking, Aunt Qin stopped suddenly, her eyes stayed somewhere, and she stared blankly at a certain place of Su Nan.

Su Nan reacted immediately, pulled the quilt to cover her lower body, her face was embarrassed.

He didn't expect that Aunt Qin would come in suddenly without knocking on the door. Although she didn't take off her panties, the panties looked very conspicuous in that excited state.

It felt too embarrassing for the elders to see their embarrassment.

Instead, it was Aunt Qin who reacted first, and said with a smile:

"Why are you shy? You slept with me naked when you were young. You are always dishonest when you are asleep."

As if remembering something interesting, Aunt Qin smiled brightly, and her eyes flashed with waves of memories.

This kind of ridicule from the elders made Su Nan feel a little uncomfortable, but the feeling of embarrassment was much less.

"Get up quickly, I've made breakfast for you and Xiaowan, and when it gets cold later, I'll wake Xiaowan up first."

Then Aunt Qin lightly changed the subject, then backed out and closed the door.

Standing at the door for a while, Aunt Qin walked to her daughter's room and whispered: "Is this the perfect state? Compared to before..."

Come out of the room, take a shower, and have breakfast.

Sitting opposite him were the sleepy Qin Xiaowan and Aunt Qin who was drinking porridge slowly. They sat together like a pair of sisters competing for beauty.

Su Nan's mind was not on it, she was silent for a while, her eyes fell on Qin Xiaowan's face, Qin Xiaowan was lowering her head, eating breakfast silently, scrolling through Moments on her mobile phone from time to time, smiling knowingly when she saw something interesting, looking sunny and cute.

Su Nan withdrew her gaze, thinking that it was indeed a dream, and she couldn't think that Qin Xiaowan attacked her last night just because she did something similar.

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