Su Nan went out after breakfast, while Qin Xiaowan was later.

Coming out of the bathroom, Qin Xiaowan didn't see her mother, so she thought she was probably in the room.

Qin Xiaowan also planned to go back to her room and stay there until class was approaching, so as not to suddenly have a fit in front of her mother and be so embarrassing to death.

Last time she took a lot of embarrassing videos and photos, all of which were stored in the computer. It would be much more convenient for her if she could have an attack before going to school.

It’s okay if you can’t catch it before school, I have some stored in my phone, which is barely enough, and if you have a seizure in class, just use the toilet as an excuse.

Pushing open the door and walking in, Qin Xiaowan looked up, her expression changed drastically, she saw her mother sitting in front of the computer and operating the computer, a video was playing on the screen, it was the scene where she lifted her skirt to the camera with her back to Su Nan.

Qin's mother blushed without blinking her eyes, and scolded angrily: "Damn girl, you can do such a thing, it's too shameless!"

Qin Xiaowan was stunned, her mother secretly opened her computer, and all the secrets were discovered!

"Ah!" Qin Xiaowan screamed piercingly, and rushed up to press the restart button of the host accurately, the computer screen flickered, went black, and restarted.

"Mom! Why are you looking at my computer! You don't respect my privacy!" Qin Xiaowan looked at her mother frantically, looking annoyed, ashamed and indignant.

Qin's mother said innocently: "But the computer is mine. I'm bored to play with the computer. Otherwise, how can I pass the time these days?"

Qin Xiaowan was speechless for a while, still very angry in her heart, and said coldly: "Anyway, it's your fault. If I use the computer, it's mine. If you want to use it, you must tell me. If you use it privately, you don't respect me. Apologize to me!"

After being found out by her mother for such a shameful thing, she couldn't afford to lose face and was afraid of being scolded, so she could only occupy the moral high ground and beat her mother's aura with all her strength, so that her mother would not scold her much when she was wronged.

Qin's mother smiled at first, and then she put away her smiling face, her whole body was as cold as ice, she looked at her daughter disappointedly, and said: "Xiao Wan, it seems that I really lack discipline for you, you are so young, and you are so shameless You've let me down by doing this."

Aunt Qin's face was sad, as if she was more sad than heartbroken. No matter which mother saw her daughter filming this kind of video, she would be as disappointed as she was.

A family with a daughter, who is still in junior high school, is so shameless and doesn't cherish her body, it's okay when she grows up.

Qin Xiaowan panicked. She knew that her mother had always had a good temper, and she seldom scolded herself, but once her mother got angry, it was really to the point of heartbreak, and she was completely disappointed in her.

Although Qin Xiaowan was a bit squeamish under her mother's doting since she was a child, she didn't dare to make mistakes in front of her mother, bowed her head guiltily, her mind was messed up, and said at a loss: "I, I have a reason for doing this."

"What makes you so shameless?" Mother Qin asked coldly, with a mocking tone.

Qin Xiaowan lowered her head even lower, moved her lips, but couldn't say anything, the shame disease was too embarrassing, even if she was her biological mother, she didn't want her to know anything.

"I don't have a daughter like you!" Qin's mother was disappointed, "From today on, you don't have to go to class, come home with me, and I will send you to study abroad in a while."

"Mom, I don't want to go abroad!" Qin Xiaowan hurried forward and hugged her mother's arm and begged pitifully: "I really have a compelling reason. I will die if I go abroad. Mom, you can trust me."

"How can I trust you in this kind of thing?" Qin's mother was unmoved, as if she was determined to send her abroad so that she would never see Su Nan.

"Okay, I'll just say it. Don't send me abroad. I don't want to be alone in a foreign country. The reason why I did this is because my body was parasitized by strange things. That thing forced me to do this!"

At this point, Qin Xiaowan was completely panicked, she didn't care about anything anymore, and finished speaking very simply, like a machine gun firing in bursts.

She didn't notice a subtle arc formed at the corner of her mother's mouth.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After finishing speaking in one breath, Qin Xiaowan was stunned, no, why did she tell her mother?

When her soul was separated from her body before, when she parted with Su Nan, her heart softened for a moment, and she tried to tell Su Nan her identity but failed. Why is it okay to tell her mother now?

The girl was puzzled.

"My daughter was actually parasitized by such a mysterious thing, how pitiful!"

Qin's mother hugged her daughter sympathetically in an instant, with tears in her eyes, and said softly: "Mom believes in you. You have rarely lied to mother since you were young, because every time you lie, you will be exposed by me, so I believe what you say is true. Yes. It’s just that my mother can’t figure it out, according to what you said, the parasitic things on you are so powerful, why can you tell me?”

"Mom." Qin Xiaowan was very moved, buried her head in her mother's chest, felt the warmth and softness of her mother's embrace, took a deep breath, and guessed: "Maybe it is not forbidden to tell people other than Su Nan."

Qin's mother sighed: "With such a mysterious existence, every thing we do has a purpose, but we will never guess it anyway. It's better to concentrate on solving your problem, Xiaowan."

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief: "Mom, what do you mean, you want to help me?"

"Fool, how can a mother sit idly by when my daughter faces this kind of thing." Mother Qin nodded affirmatively.

"But..." Qin Xiaowan hesitated to speak, the bright red on her face quickly spread to her neck, she looked extremely shy.

Qin's mother smiled slightly, pinched her daughter's delicate face, and looked at her tenderly: "You are a piece of meat that fell from your mother, so you don't have to feel shy in front of your mother, she will definitely help you."

"Mom, you're so kind. I've kept this matter in my heart all the time, and it feels much better now that I've said it." Qin Xiaowan's eyes turned red, and she burst into tears in Qin's mother's arms.

She's not a pervert, she didn't have any psychological pressure to do that kind of thing to Su Nan, it's just because she has been using the excuse of revenge to comfort herself, paralyze herself, and at the same time gradually get used to it, at this moment she feels the endless tenderness and tolerance of her mother , all the grievances came to mind at this moment.

Qin's mother sighed and patted her daughter's weak back lightly, but her eyes were as deep as the sea.

This morning Su Nan was a bit listless. Apart from the fact that the girl's true identity was bothering him yesterday, his mind also recalled every move of the woman in the dream last night from time to time.

At noon, Su Nan was awakened by the bell after class. He looked around, and the students left the classroom in a hurry.

There were too many people, so Su Nan sat there and waited. A familiar classmate saw him like this and didn't come to call him. He was used to his behavior, so he would never rush to eat or go home like everyone else. .

Su Nan looked at Chu Xi's seat, and Chu Xi was no longer there.The phone vibrated, it was a message from Chu Xi, telling him to meet at the old place.

Just as he was about to leave the classroom and go to the cafeteria, someone sent him a message. It was Lu Anya who I met at the school girl's house last time, asking when he would be free.

After thinking about it, Su Nan replied in the evening, and then edited a message and sent it to Shu Bao'er.

Shu Bao'er was probably busy, so she sent a pouting and kissing emoji, probably to express her gratitude to him.

When he came to the cafeteria, Su Nan ordered a meal and was about to go upstairs to find Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, when a figure in front of him stopped him.

Su Nan froze for a moment and asked, "Squad leader, what's the matter?"

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