Lu Ying gave her a confused look, and said, "Auntie, what are you talking about, you are not at home when I come back."

Lu Anya asked, "When did you come back?"

Lu Ying yawned and replied, "It's four o'clock. The last period is physical education. I didn't sleep well last night and I felt sleepy, so I asked for leave and came back."

If it's a parent, you can't tell about asking for leave at will, but my aunt's words won't control her too strictly, and Lu Ying has to say the same, otherwise how can I hide it from my aunt.

Hearing this, the stone hanging in Lu Anya's heart finally fell. Lu Ying came back earlier than her, and went to bed as soon as she got home, and with the door closed, the sound insulation in the room was good, so she just said when she couldn't help herself. The sound should not have been heard.

After letting go of her worries, Lu Anya saw that Lu Ying seemed to be quite sleepy, so she said, "Go to sleep for a while, I'll cook."

"Thank you, auntie." Lu Ying closed the door after a sweet smile, and her expression suddenly became very complicated. She seemed to have underestimated how much auntie liked Su Nan, but she had already decided not to help auntie pursue Su Nan, what should I do? ?

Outside, after confirming that Lu Ying didn't see her doing bad things, Lu Anya's nervous mood was completely relaxed, and she was even a little happy.

But this incident also reminded her that Lu Ying moved in, so she had to pay attention.

Although she has already been in contact with Su Nan, she can do without Lu Ying's help in the future, but as a aunt, she will not drive Lu Ying out.

"It's better to find a safe way. Let's hide those fat times. If you can't use them, don't use them. And what if it happens when you're not at home? Isn't it okay to take his fat times with you at all times?"

Whispering to herself, Lu Anya remembered that she contacted Su Nan at noon today, and was going to finish the matter with him last time, and Su Nan agreed to start at night.

Let's start with this and see if it works.

Lu Anya thought.

"Who are you? Know my aunt? Why did you add me?"

In the room, Lu Ying applied for a friend through a stranger who introduced himself as knowing her aunt, and then directly sent a message to ask.

"Anya and I are good friends. Recently, I found that she is a little abnormal. She is obsessed with a boy named Su Nan, and even carries his fat times with her. Su Nan is your classmate. I am very worried that Anya will do it. Wrong thing, can you help me correct her?"

The other party said so.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Lu Ying saw the reply sent by the other party, she was stunned for a moment, and then immediately recalled what happened just now. My aunt could even do that kind of thing, so it's not wrong to say that she is a pervert.

Lu Ying even thought of more, why my aunt has been reluctant to meet Su Nan, and always asks her to help secretly take photos of Su Nan, is there some ulterior motive.

As a pervert, he avoids seeing each other because he is afraid to face his target. Through deception, he asks his niece to take photos. Those fat times are even obtained by my aunt with shady means.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, but Lu Ying didn't immediately believe the other party's words, she sent a message and asked, "How do I know if you lied to me, Auntie looks normal to me, who are you?"

"I didn't lie to you. When Anya is away, you can enter her room. There are many photos of Su Nan and even personal items hidden in her room. If you can, I hope you will take these things away and never Let Anya get close to Su Nan, as for my identity, I will meet with you to discuss it when I have a chance."

The other party's words were pleading, and it seemed that she cared about her aunt very much, but Lu Ying had a sad face. In fact, she already believed the other party's words a little, because the behavior shown by her aunt was completely perverted.

But she has something to ask for from my aunt, and she has been perfunctory for not helping her recently, and my aunt has become a little angry, let alone stealing and throwing away her things.

The other party seemed to know her difficulties and gave her an idea: "There is a cardboard box under the bed in Anya's room. Anya didn't dare to hide those Su Nan's things in the closet. They are all put in this box. After you find them, throw them in the trash. gone."

"How do you know so clearly?" Lu Ying was very suspicious.

"I've been to Anya's house, and I found it by accident. Okay, I've said everything I need to say. Let's do this first. You live with Anya. I hope you can help her out of the predicament and don't let her go down the road. road."

Seeing this passage, when Lu Ying contacted the other party again, the other party stopped replying.

Walking out of the room, my aunt is making dinner in the kitchen, and the room is open.

Lu Ying hesitated for a moment, finally gritted her teeth, and entered her room while her aunt was not paying attention.

Sure enough, I found a cardboard box under the bed, which was sealed with tape. Even if acquaintances found the box, they probably thought it was filled with sundries and would not touch it.

Lu Ying pondered for a moment, did not move the cardboard box, and chose to leave the room. At this time, the aunt was at home, so she could only wait until tomorrow.

She didn't fully believe the person who told her just now, but the abnormality of my aunt did exist, and she couldn't ignore it, otherwise she would go on the road of no return.

On the other side, after finishing the call with Lu Ying, Shu Bao'er lay comfortably on the sofa, thinking idly, not knowing what kind of sparks this whistleblowing would create between Lu Anya and Lu Ying, I was looking forward to it.

Although Su Nan returned home early, Aunt Qin still made a meal and was waiting for him to come back.

After being entertained by her, Su Nan sat down and began to eat. Aunt Qin and beautiful Qin Xiaowan were still sitting opposite her.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Su Nan found that Qin Xiaowan looked at her strangely today. After seeing him looking at her, she immediately lowered her head to eat, her face was flushed, and it looked more delicious than the food.

Qin Xiaowan's abnormality is so big that even Aunt Qin can see it, let alone Su Nan, but what makes Su Nan feel strange is that Aunt Qin doesn't seem to take it seriously at all, and eats food calmly, as if she was worried that he would bully her before. It's like my own daughter is fake.

Su Nan was at a loss for their mother and daughter's attitude, Qin Xiaowan was so strange, couldn't it be a dream last night?Think too much, it's not a dream, why can't I wake up.

Suppressing the weird thoughts quietly appearing in his heart, Su Nan continued to eat.

After dinner, Aunt Qin rushed to wash the dishes, and even dragged her daughter over to help.

Su Nan was idle and bored, and remembered about Lu Anya, so she went into the room and chatted with Lu Anya on WeChat.

"When does it start?" he asked.

"Let's start now when you are free." Lu Anya said.

"What about the lines?" Su Nan asked.

After thinking about it, Lu Anya replied: "I didn't write it down, let's play it freely."

Originally, she wanted to start flirting tomorrow, but she was not sure when it would happen. The uncomfortable feeling was accumulated little by little until it reached its peak, and it was too late when she couldn't take it anymore. It's better to have sex with Su Nanwen now , and then watch these self-ashamed conversations tomorrow when the episode strikes.

"Uh, let's make a start." Without thinking too long, Su Nan agreed. Anyway, he has experience, and he has done similar things with Zhao Xiaomin before, but for some reason Zhao Xiaomin has not been interested recently.

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